Friday, January 8, 2010

What is the best bit of advice you have ever been given or you can give about anything.?

When I was a bit younger I always wanted guide lines about how to live, how to get the most out of my life. I am still a bit like that now, except I have learned a lot of the rules myself... Just thought it would be interesting to hear what you have learned and any good advice you would like to pass on to others.

I'd say 'don't procrastinate, successful people do more, if your passionate about something just do it, make it happen, it is possible, if you don't do it someone else will so go for it.x.x.xWhat is the best bit of advice you have ever been given or you can give about anything.?
The best advise that I have received cam to me in an goes as follows:

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that

wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will.

You will have your heart broken probably more than

once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts

too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.

You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new

love for things an old one did. You'll cry because

time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose

someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too

much, and love like you've never been hurt because

every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of

happiness you'll never get back.What is the best bit of advice you have ever been given or you can give about anything.?
Excellent answer. The hardest part of growing up is realizing that no one and no thing can live up to the idealized expectation of the thing. If every disappointment is total disappointment, you're doomed.

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Death is not the greatest loss in life..the greatest what dies inside us ..while we live.
I will have to give you a few answers.

First. Don't allow anyone to turn you into someone you don't want to be.

Second. The quilty scream, ';I'm Innocent'; the loudest.

Third. The one who cares the most, is the most vulnerable.
Learn something, and share it with other.
Do what makes you happy. If what you are doing is making you unhappy it's wrong for you. Be happy!
One was a suggestion to use visualization techniques to put myself where I wanted to be, which was in a new apt. at the beach and I was there within a matter of months! Of course the apt. wasn't the important part. The importatant part was to see reality differently. To realize that I was in charge and to realize the power that I had. There was also a recommendation to read a certain author which I did and I think that this was possibly the most important advice I ever received because it opened a door for me that I didn't even know was there. (I thank you, Jean!)
live like you're going to die tomorrow

dance like nobodys watching

love like youve never been hurt
';Love has no expectations or obligations';

-Don Miguel Luiz-

It means that true love is eccepting someone for who they are,not what they do for you or what you do for them.
';Never take things to heart that don't belong there; it can fill up far too quickly.';
the future is a place where anything is possible.

Kept me going through some of the worst times.
If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.
The first step in getting respect from people is by respecting yourself. Many people demand respect when they continuesly disrespect themselves. If you loose respect for yourself and you do not value yourself, other people will take you for granted. Respect comes withing ourselves, the way we carry ourselves, the way we speak.
don't do drugs.
do one to others as you want to be done to yourself, Pull down your pants and slide on the ice, Don't sweat the small stuff, Don't eat yellow snow,Don't worry be happy!
Think for yourself. With regard to all the really important things in life, no one is any closer to the Truth than you.
Treat others as you want to be treated. Do for others as you would like done for you. Do unto others as you would have them do to you.

You've heard it before in similar words. It's fundamental to the world's major religions. Its known as the Golden Rule and it is known as the Principle of Reciprocity.

I believe I have had a wide ranging education in a very cosmopolitan and free-thinking society - Australia. With my 47 years of maturity, I think this is the best advice I have ever heard.

To be fair and balanced, there are arguements against it - see the second reference below, from Vexen Crabtree.
Be. Do. Experience. Live.

after spending the morning in the dirt, planting flowers with my daughter, I said, ';Now we can sit back and watch the flowers grow.'; My little girl was quick on her reply, ';Well Mom, I think you need to wash your hands first.'; The answer is- WASH YOUR HANDS!

I need help! Need advice about this pregnancy?

I found out today that I was pregnant, I was very excited. when I told my bf he said he wasn't ready and wants an abortion. we have dated since december and I know its too soon for me to get pregnant but it happen. should I just follow through with the abortion?..please I don't need rude comments!I need help! Need advice about this pregnancy?
I am sorry-it sounds like his response wasn't what you anticipated. This may just be a shock to him and he will also begin to feel differently soon. BUT- no matter how he feels remember-this is a decision you will have to live with forever. Abortion may seems like an easy out-but the long term affects for many women have an impact on this for the rest of their lives. You have several options you know and there are so many couples who would be so very happy and grateful for have the chance to have a child. Look at where you are in your life and how prepared you are to raise a child- not so much financially but emotionally...Explore the options carefully because some decisions are forever and this is one.

Keep being true to yourself-ask for and accept support from your family and/or friends and I know you will do the right thing.I need help! Need advice about this pregnancy?
Hon, this is a decision you are going to have to make on your own. Please think about all the available options and don't let your boyfriend make this decision for you. The fact that you were excited about being pregnant speaks volumes. You don't say how old you are so obviously that may be a factor here too. The best thing you can do is go to planned parenthood without your boyfriend, they will council you and support you in whatever you decide to do. I wish you luck.

Edit: I've gone back and read your other questions. You purposely planned this pregnancy without his knowledge? That's bad news. You have two other children to care for. Wow. Maturity is a huge thing that's missing here. You need to think this thing through because you knew the risks going into it.
well, i guess its too later for the ';why didn't you practise safe sex'; lecture. this is why it is better to wait until you are married to have sex- then you never have to worry about a guy saying these things to you- how hurtful it must have been for you. i don't think this man is the man you thought he was- seems he just was interested in having sex, and isn't ready to take responsibility for his actions. well, whether he wants it or not- he has made a baby, and he will have to be financially responsible for it till it reaches the age of 18. if you keep the baby- register him with maintenance as soon as it is born- no matter what the guy says- register him- that way you are ensuring his child support payments. i would also talk to your mom, since this guy seems to be a bit of a jerk, you will need her help when the baby comes. and i think its probably a good idea to find a different boyfriend. now, if you listen to him, and have an abortion, then you can ignore my previous advice. good luck
you have plenty of options and abortion isnt the only one if you feel you dont want to/cant keep the baby. you can give it up for adoption and many couples are willing to pay your pregnancy costs or you can look up pregnancy help centers near you, some can provide you with a place to stay during your pregnancy and education on your options for when you do have the baby

but if you do decide to get an abortion remember that its only an option during your first trimester and the sooner you get it the lower the risks are

just know that abortion is a big decision to make as is keeping and raising a child they both come with a lot of emotional baggage and you will need someone there to help you with whatever decision you do make
Don't let him pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do. If you want to have an abortion, that's fine, but if you don't, remember that it is YOUR body, not his, and only you have the final say about what happens to it.

Talk it over with him, but keep in mind that you have control, and don't do something that you will regret.
I can guarantee you one thing: pregnancy is a hard, HARD ordeal. You will have good days and bad days, and the same follows for raising the kid. Every action you take will affect your child. But if you have this baby, you will NOT regret it. If you take the choice of abortion, I can't promise that you won't regret it. Twenty years from now when you've got two more children of your own, you may constantly wonder what the little one growing inside of you now would have been like. Good luck with the little one. %26lt;3
If you're excited and want to have the child, and know that you can realistically provide for him/her... then I say go ahead. Your boyfriend does not dictate what you do with your body and the being within it.

If he's really against it, when the time comes he can legally sign away his parental rights.

Don't give up your child if you don't want to. That's what pro-choice is all about... it's YOUR choice, not anyone else's.
wow what ? you need to think of all of the responsibility that comes with having a baby. are you ready for life changing ordeal. i think that you should not but that is my opinion. i am not in your situation. you are taking a life. but if you feel you should because of your bf then that is not reason. but it may mean you will be alone in raising your child. maybe you could give up the baby for adoption. please think about all the things that will happen to you. think careful. it hurts to lose a child it is a lot to bear with for the rest of your life. but it is still up to you what your are going to do

I have about 40-50 platy frys in a fish bowl right now, i removed the mother . Any advice on what I should do?

So right now i have a 10 gallon tank housing

5 goldfish

6 platies

5 ghost shrimp

I also have a fish bowl which is housing about 40 - 50 platy frys

any advice on how to take care of them and raise them etc.?I have about 40-50 platy frys in a fish bowl right now, i removed the mother . Any advice on what I should do?
well i can only answer for the fries... but i'll do it for them!^^

platy fries aren't picky about what they eat (and extremely cute)

you need to keep the water clean and fresh if they're to grow rapidly. provide some plants and rocks in case they got scared, it will reduce their stress and keep them from dying.

newly hatched brine shrimp and algae that grows on pebble makes excellent food for them! don't worry, they'll eat.

you may also feed them pellets, but since fries are shy, crush the pellets first and make sure it sinks down to a spot that they felt safe (like near the plants or rocks).

and also, the tank (yes, tank are better than bowl) but in your case, bowl, doesn't need to be deep, water level 10 - 20 cm tall are enough (deeper water makes it harder for them to swim).

no filters are needed since they'll grow fast, but you might want to keep giving them aeration, its the least you could do to keep oxygen and temperature at best. don't give 'em direct sunlight.

btw i live in tropical region, so i don't need heater. but in your case, take care not to overheat them...

that's all you need, i'm happy to help!^^

good luck!I have about 40-50 platy frys in a fish bowl right now, i removed the mother . Any advice on what I should do?
For the fry:

Go right now and get another 10 gallon tank. They need heat and filtration to survive. They also need ';livebearer'; food. Get it at the pet store.

For the goldfish, go get a 200 gallon tank.

Goldfish get huge. They're messy. They need cold water to breathe properly. You're killing them in a 10 gallon tank.

At least take them back to the pet store before they die.
The problem is that the fry need to be in a properly heated, filtered and cycled tank to survive.

I suspect you are going to loose most of them this time.

That gives you a month to set up another tank for breeding and rearing the next batch of fry.

When you have the next batch living in a proper tank you can just feed them small amounts of really finely ground flake food. Take care not to overfeed them and pollute the water. They dont eat very much when they are new born.

Ohh..... and give the goldfish away, they will quickly outgrow your tank, overcrowd it and probably kill all your fish in the process.

  • top makeup
  • Ive been thinking about going into magazines when i leave school. i mean study first but what? any advice?

    I've got two years of school left (i live in south africa) and i'm really interested in working in a magazne.

    Expecially seventeen.

    I love writing and could write for the magazines but what are the other options for me?

    BTW, what do i study if i want to be a magazine writer?

    And what are other interesting things that i could do at a magazine? What other jobs are tehre? And what would i have to study to do them?

    Please help me!Ive been thinking about going into magazines when i leave school. i mean study first but what? any advice?
    UJ, Wits and Rhodes all have good journalism courses that you can look into. But the beauty of being in a creative field is that you can in fact study whatever you want as long as you are talented and are willing to work.

    The magazine industry is not very big in SA so you need to be very good at what you do and be willing to promote yourself. While you are studying get as much experience as you can, offer to work at your local paper if you have to.

    There are many positions available it all depends on what you are interested in and what you are good at. Writing, layout and design, photography, graphics, editing, copy editing etc Are all options you could consider. For a better idea of positions read the list near the front of the magazine of all the people who worked on it.

    Best of luckIve been thinking about going into magazines when i leave school. i mean study first but what? any advice?
    Whatch ';13 Going On 30.'; LOL jk. You would have to study composition, and English.

    Who would you take advice about a guy more seriously from? a 25 year old who knows the guy u like but says she

    doesnt know for sure and i should ask someone older, by ';know'; i mean they're friendly but only at work....or a 43 year old whos been around the block a time or two, knows alot about men, and gives honest adviceWho would you take advice about a guy more seriously from? a 25 year old who knows the guy u like but says she
    It depends 'where they're coming from' and their motives etc

    The one who's 'been around the block' could have had so many bad experiences with men that she 'tars them all with the same brush'

    The one who 'knows him' from work has at least seen him in action up to a point.....most people at work kinda 'know' about each other - what sort of character they are etc

    I dunno - who's the most TRUSTWORTHY...sometimes women give each other bad advice out of jealousy!...sad but true

    Those who REALLY care about us usually give a less biased opinion - but even then a close friend may not want to lose us if we get a boyfriend - its not jealousy as such - they just want to see more of us - not less!


    Would you advice a man earning about minimum wage to enter into a marriage life?

    It is very easy to tell someone to wait on marriage until they have more schooling, or a better job. Logically that makes the most sense, and if at all possible it's something that would make your life more smooth. But鈥?

    If you choose to get married before you can do that please consider the pros as well as the cons. Living on minimum wage is hard. Not only is it stressful, but that does seep into the marriage. Love is a wonderful thing, and two people who sincerely love each other can move mountains. At the same time you have to be ready for the hardships that come with trying to work out a new marriage and balance money, bills, stress, ect鈥?

    In short, be careful and weigh your options. If they are good enough to marry then you want what is best for them and for you.Would you advice a man earning about minimum wage to enter into a marriage life?
    You seem to have a limited understanding of how to express yourself in writing. I assume the reason you are working for minimum wage is your lack of education. I would advise you to further your education first. Once you're married, you won't have the time because you'll have a family to support. On minimum wage, that could mean several jobs.

    ps I never meant to insult you and it seems I have. I worked full time and went to college; it was extremely hard. As for your written expression, read your question outloud to yourself. People don't advice...they advise. I've never heard the term ';marriage life ';.Would you advice a man earning about minimum wage to enter into a marriage life?
    I would tell him to go to college and get a degree. It wouldn't guarantee better pay, but it sure would help! If nothing else, it would give you a choice. It's hard on a marriage to have money problems.
    Only if she works her butt off and doesn't want kids.

    Otherwise you better plan on clawing your way to the top fast or getting two more minimum wage jobs and working 120 hour a week.
    Not unless his wife-to-be comes from a wealthy family. Then welcome to the family son.
    Get yourself in better financial health. Go to college or learn a trade.

    Help I need homework advice about the ...long e sound etc.?

    It's for my son in grade 6 .I can't remember the stuff like that .Can't say I have ever used it since grade school either.Any sites out there to explain it?Help I need homework advice about the ...long e sound etc.?
    i before e except after c or when sounded like a as in neighbor and weigh. Double vowels together makes the first one same its name: beet meat seat pier cream. An e at the end of a word makes the vowel in the center of the word say its name and that ending e is silent: ate plate rate bore core.

    Remember that in all the rules in phonics, there are words that do not apply and just have to be memorized that way. That is because we have so many cultures that made up this english we speak. The phonics rules guide is on the site below.Help I need homework advice about the ...long e sound etc.?
    This is (E)asy鈥?/a>

    maybe something here will help u.
    Long vowel sounds are when the vowels say their own name. Like the (a) in cake.

    Advice about Domestic Discipline relationship.?

    So my wife(who is much younger than me) and I started practicing Domestic Discipline.

    For now I've only been spanking her for her misbehaving,but she got little out of control.Spanking just doesn't do it.At least not with hand.Any suggestions on better ways to punish her? The more,the better.Advice about Domestic Discipline relationship.?
    How about she takes a ball bat to your head when you act like your charming self?Advice about Domestic Discipline relationship.?
    Tom, if you strike her in any way that is not 100% consensual you are committing assault. Spanking is a wonderful thing if done consensually and in a manner that is not abusive but the phrasing of your question does not imply consent and i will not entertain non consensual assault.

    I want to be a vet, but now im thinking about something else. can i have your advice?

    well, ive started watching this show called ';growing up (and then the animal)'; Like growing up bear or something. well, serigant moms raise these baby animals, and its something i really want to do. I wanted to be a vet, but can i get a job being a serigant mom to baby wild animals? I really want to know, b ecause if not, i want to go to Michigan State University and become a vet.I want to be a vet, but now im thinking about something else. can i have your advice?
    Hey there,

    Go for you dreams. I personally want to be involved with rehabilitating animals at some point in my life, but I am going to vet school next year, so I have the qualification. It is definitely not easy to become a rehabilitator or a surrogate in your case, but I believe that with the veterinary degree - there will be many more opportunities for you.

    Good luck.
  • top makeup
  • Advice about my eyes?

    I have green-blue eyes what would be the best way to bring them out? Like what kind of makup should I use and what colors? Stuff like that.

    Thanks for your help I appriciate it alot!

    :)Advice about my eyes?
    Silver and gold eyeliners are the best for green eyes and will really bring them out(:Advice about my eyes?
    I heard that Aubergine and deep purple is beautiful on green eyes, the smokey eye is also in my opinion beautiful on green eyes. If you wanna make sure or try it out why not go to a store where you can get someone to professionally do your make up for free ? Its a nice break and who knows you might just find what you are looking for AAAANNNNDDD get a few tips on how to apply make up for if you DO decide to start using make up! All the best!
    i have blue eyes and i wear black eyeliner on top and bottom and black mascara and normally either brown or black eye shadow. It also has to do with what you wear but i would stick with brown or black make up
    browns and khol colours really bring out light colored eyes. or just by using a good mascara on top lashes ONLY can give the appearance of wider eyes.
    Maybe like blue-green eye shadow.

    Try this except with blue and green:;feature=channel_page

    But, it might be too challenging for you. ^_^;;
    the only thing that brings out your eye colour is Black liquid eyeliner %26amp; Black mascara, it makes it look really pretty n attractive!!
    it depends on the colour of ur skin if its pale an eye liner and mascara would do but if its darker use whitish

    Nursing help about training and advice?

    HI i want to be a nurse but i don't know where to start really?

    is there a way of not going to college or uni?

    or do i have to go to college then uni then do training in a hospital?

    please give advice and links

    thank youNursing help about training and advice?
    You would have no choice but to go to university. The UK are phasing out diplomas now, so the emphasis is on degree entry. During the three year course, it is pretty much 50% in Uni lectures and 50% placement in hospital/health-care settings working shifts with qualified nurses.

    This link will provide info on different types of nursing, entry requirements, training, pay etc.鈥?/a>Nursing help about training and advice?
    Depending on where you are college is usually the best bet for becoming a nurse. The Canadian Nurses Association recommends a BNSc. or a BN. (bachelors degrees) but realistically only a few provinces require a degree.

    Diplomas (college) usually take about 3 years whereas degrees (university) can take 4 years. If you're worried about getting in to specific programs (either degree or diploma), don't. There are lots of tutoring places out there that can help you. Take TutorJam for instance, their program helped out my sister's boyfriend finish his GED.
    Nursing is a Degree-level, medical-science profession.

    Is the portal for all University training in the UK.It is you're best starting place for any HE questions.

    Good luck.
    college is the only way to become an RN. you can go to the website of any college that offers an RN program and see what the schedule and curriculum is or call them and talk to an adviser.
    college nd uni love uni for 3years am in my final year at the moment studying psychiatric nursing.. not u gotta to be fully ready and prepared for a lot of crap along the way

    Name something a husband might ask his wife's advice about.';?

    Clothing is the Answer for radio triviaName something a husband might ask his wife's advice about.';?
    no ideaName something a husband might ask his wife's advice about.';?
    what to wear
    What it's like to be a woman. The relationship of woman to woman in different sociologic aspects: from daughter to mother, sister relationships, best friend relationships. Whatever she gives him is advice that will lead him to treat women in that manner. (Men to woman relationships are usually instilled by other men, but once in a while a man would be curious as what other ways there are to treat a woman, and whatever she gives and does is an example as to another method.)
    What to get his mother for her b-day
    if the tie fits the shirt he's wearing
    If what he is wearing looks good on him
    Whether the ceiling needs painting
    How to set the washing machine for a certain load.
    Does this look like syphilis to you?
    Parenting...especially when it comes to the daughter...
    what to wear to dinner with their friends
    How does he look - my boyfriend is always asking me that over and over.....
    he might ask something about cooking.
    A SMART husband asks advice of his wife about how he can further please her in bed. They both win! ;)
    no clue
    Does my shirt go with this tie?
    clothes is the answer for radio trivia
    While my husband ask my advice about what everything.

    Does anyone have any serious advice about learning to play the banjo?

    have wanted to learn for ages and now im going to bite the bullet and go for it. can any banjo players out there give me any advice ie

    which one to buy ie open back or closed back or five srting or more. i need to get a lot of advice because i dont want buy the wrong one. also is it hard to learn?

    please be serious - no time wasters with quips thanks.Does anyone have any serious advice about learning to play the banjo?
    If you haven't played any stringed instrument before, the banjo is a good choice because it is relatively easy to learn. Many guitar players have one as a second instrument, for this reason.

    I take it you do actually listen to music which features banjo, I know this might seem obvious but if you don't know what type of banjo music you want to play, it will be a struggle.

    Open back or closed back, it doesn't matter when you are learning. 5 string is popular, but surprisingly limited. -Although it is the easiest to learn.

    4- string is more for ';folk'; or ';dixieland'; music. if you don't listen to folk or dixieland, then there's no point in learning a 4 string.

    The basis of 5 string banjo is a repetitive movement of your right hand which can be learned fairly easily, it just takes time. The left hand technique is basic in the extreme.

    If you are serious, I suggest you get a cheap 5 string, and go for a few lessons. There are also many, many CD's and DVDs which will show you the basic right hand technique.

    Sooner or later, if you are learning the banjo you will come across the name ';Scruggs';. Don't be intimidated by this persons' stature, although to many people he is like the holy grail. If you don't like Scruggs' music, there's absolutely no need to learn his techniques.

    Hope this helps- go for it!!Does anyone have any serious advice about learning to play the banjo?
    My hubby learned in the last couple of years. He bought a closed back, Gibson banjo, five string. He has a banjo teacher that gave him a lot of advice. Once you learn the strings and keys on it, you can go on line and get some tabulated music, it is really simple, to help you learn more songs.

    good luck,

    personally I am learning the piano.
    If you haven't already purchased one yet look for one that has a resonater attatched to the back/body of the banjo. You're banjo will definitley project more sound. I bought one already but havn't learned anything on it yet. I have played guitar for years and just now learning the mandolin. All three insturments are played and tuned totally different from one another. But I am really looking foreward to learning some tunes on the banjo. One thing that I've learned through the years is don't try to take on too much at once especially when you first start learning. I made myself practice about an hour every day or other day and focused on one song or technique each time. When you master one thing then move onto something else. Good luck too you...

    Does anyone know where i can get free legal advice about wills?

    The first place to start would be your local town hall. Office of the registrar is a good place to start. The other place would be the your State Attorney Generals office. They would be able to direct you to a lawyer who may be willing to help you in order to full-fill their requirement for pro-bono work.Does anyone know where i can get free legal advice about wills?
    Go to your local library and look up the subject you have just described.Does anyone know where i can get free legal advice about wills?
    You can get free legal advice on websites like LawGuru, FindLaw. Check this out for more info

    Okay This is a long question about advice love and freedom.....please take time to read and give me an answer?

    Okay so I know I have found my true love billy joe

    We met online he lives in london me in NC, USA

    thurs he came from london to NC he is staying here two weeks

    I want to go back to london with him but dont know how to tell my mom

    I am a senoir in high school...18 more weeks and I am done

    But the stress of school is killing me

    I always felt I was trapped here in NC

    watching my dreams slowly fade

    now is a chance to move on go after my dreams

    My mom is scared that I will do something stupid (I take meds for depression and if I skip them I act....really depressed)

    I need my freedom

    I need to be with my love

    I plan to finish school in london

    can someone please help me

    so I can talk her into it?

    I AM 18 btwOkay This is a long question about advice love and freedom.....please take time to read and give me an answer?
    I think you should go and be with him If you know he will take care of you and your still going to be in school what is the big deal I would go I am also in NC and i need freedom!!!Okay This is a long question about advice love and freedom.....please take time to read and give me an answer?
    please awnser mine:;_ylt=AlzwNvDkvhe9tcU2Jlg7g37sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090610125032AAWwwsI
    Finish school here and hop the first plane to london after you graduate. She can't stop you after that. As long as you finish school she can't make you stay.
    Have you applied to any schools in London, and if so have you been accepted? If you've been accepted, did you get the right Visa's so that you won't get deported. Do you have a lot of money in your savings to pay for your life there and for your tuition? Do you have a back up plan in case things don't work out with this guy?

    Your mom will be more accepting of you going once you have all these things straightened out. Once she sees that you're being mature and serious about this, she may not be accepting, but she won't be as uncomfortable with it either. Make sure she meets the guy and accepts him too.
    The question is, does he want you to go back with him to London? Being in love is the best feeling of all, but losing your family and a bright future because of impulsiveness is the worst thing to happen in the life of a young lady like you. You're too young, girl, you've got a promising future ahead of you. If you and Joe are really meant for each other, you will really end up together no matter what. What I'm trying to say is pull things together up, work on yourself and your future first before doing something that will aggravate everything in the end.
  • top makeup
  • Some ADD issues just found out about??? advice?

    So.... apparently I have some ADD issues. I never would have suspected this kind of thing, but after going to therapy my therapist realized it and now after reading a bit about it... I see that the symptoms have largely been true for me for most of my life.

    I'm kinda in shock that this could have gone unnoticed for so long... and it's kind of a relief to know what has been up with me for so long. Also I am really self-conscious about it know since I had never really noticed it operating in my life before, it was just a part of me. Now I can recognize it and I see how much it really effects me... it's really weird to have a whole facet of yourself suddenly being brought to light...

    Anyone have any advice for me? I am considering starting medication... both for ADD and depression. It was going to the therapist about depression that led to discovering that I have ADD as well...

    I'm still in kind of a joyful shock over this. It explains so many things that were previously unanswered... I can kind of see where my depression stems out of the years of misunderstandings and me thinking down on myself 'cause I could never get it right... I never thought the never getting it right could of been something like ADD... I always just thought I was a bit of a screw-up....Some ADD issues just found out about??? advice?
    Just be glad and try the meds. You may really enjoy life now. I wish you luck.

    If you are a female,1.6m in height, and with a BMI of 35, serious about losing weight, what advice do u have?

    Here is one question, you have a pedometer, how many steps would you wish to walk everyday, to maintain a healthy weight loss?

    You are eating sensibly, drinking plenty of water. You are only concerned with the amount of exercise. Hence this question.

    how many steps should i be walking per day?

    thanks.If you are a female,1.6m in height, and with a BMI of 35, serious about losing weight, what advice do u have?
    Cut off sweets, junk food and fatty food. Drink plenty of water, about 2 litres each day and also drink 3 cups of green tea everyday, it will boost up your metabolism and your body will burn more calories and fat. And also don`t forget to exercise, 30-60 minutes a day, particulary cardio.

    I wish you good luck!If you are a female,1.6m in height, and with a BMI of 35, serious about losing weight, what advice do u have?
    A goal of 10,000 is common.鈥?/a>

    It seems that 2,000- 3,000 steps equals about half an hour.
    who cares about steps just excerise for 30 minutes a day your body will thank you.

    Any advice about trip to Corfu , Greece?

    I`m planing to go to Corfu island in September on vacation. Do you have any advice about hotels , villas , places to see , beaches etc . . .Any advice about trip to Corfu , Greece? ask for voula

    September is the perfect time of the year for Corfu. Not hot, yet cool enough to enjoy.

    The beaches are countless all around the island and you can get to a new one every day. Hotels too are many and you can choose from the first and second site or see my suggestion.

    Places to see. The old city and the fortresses, Pontikonisi island (our trade mark), Ipsos, Kouloura Kassiopi, Sidari, Arillas, Palaiokastritsa ans Lakones,Glyfada, Pelekas, AiGordios, Chalikouna, Arkoudillas. And those are only a few of the places to visit.

    If you decide to come, check the places on google maps and if you need further help e-mail me.Any advice about trip to Corfu , Greece?
    id stay away from sidari its quite dirty and i saw a lot of rats about even dead ones lyin about in the street

    Need advice about two married friends having an affair?

    See me and this girl were really good friends we hungout all of the time we had an affiar (we got caught by her husband so both of our spouses know about it but they think it was only once and it wasn't) we are now in love with each other and dont know how to tell our parteners how we feel about each other what would be the easiest way to let them know how we feel.Need advice about two married friends having an affair?
    There is no easy way to tell them something like this.

    Either way you are going to get something thrown at your head - and rightfully so.Need advice about two married friends having an affair?
    Alas, there is no easy way. There is no way to say these things without causing great pain. Do your spouse a favor, however, divorce them. They deserve the opportunity to find true love with someone who will be faithful and who will love them. By-the-way, just because the two of you 'love' each other now, doesn't mean it will be the same after you get divorced. That act changes oh so very many things, it changes who you are and it changes the entire dynamic of your relationship. But, endure the pain, it will be a favor to everyone. Get divorced.
    Have her and you sit down with both partners and just come out with it and tell them.

    That is the only way, but be prepared of the yelling, screaming, fists flying, accusations, feelings being hurt, people getting hurt, throwing of furniture, and flower vases, but then, again, you already know all of this was going to happen, so just go in their will full body Armour and tell them!
    Send them a letter to explain that you both are lying, cheating scum and you intended to hurt them all along. They could then use the letter as hard evidence in the divorce case. Get a divorce already and then I am sure both of you will do the same thing to each other as you did to your spouses.
    As painfull as it is for your spouses in the end it is better to know the truth. You have to live your life. It sucks that in doing that it makes you a bad guy but what choice do you have. It will be unfair no matter what happens. At least if you do it now it's that much sooner that your wife will move on and find someone that does love her in the way that she needs. You are in control of this sack of crap so just go ahead and fling it into the fan.
    holy crap, you need to reply to me...

    kids or no kids? how long have you been married? how long has this been going on? have you gone to marriage counseling? do you think you still love your wife, honestly? why did you stray?

    i'm in a very similar spot searching the web for advice and i also don't know what to do either (although our spouses know each other they have no clue).

    ...have a PARTY amongst the two couples, at a restaurant and announce both of you are in love and want to get married, could you guys help out...good luck.

    Firstly, are there any children involved? If there are then i think you should make them your main focus at this stage, especially since there are so many children suffering because of the high divorce rate,
    tell them to their faces and let them move on. The only thing you can do is tell them. They need to know its not just a one night stand.
    be honest or move on with your own spouses and be thankful they were understanding the first time around =)
    sorry i dont have any advice
    neither or them deserve you! sorry but that is totally unfair to them
    divorce them.... and move on...

    Some ADD issues just found out about??? advice?

    So.... apparently I have some ADD issues. I never would have suspected this kind of thing, but after going to therapy my therapist realized it and now after reading a bit about it... I see that the symptoms have largely been true for me for most of my life.

    I'm kinda in shock that this could have gone unnoticed for so long... and it's kind of a relief to know what has been up with me for so long. Also I am really self-conscious about it know since I had never really noticed it operating in my life before, it was just a part of me. Now I can recognize it and I see how much it really effects me... it's really weird to have a whole facet of yourself suddenly being brought to light...

    Anyone have any advice for me? I am considering starting medication... both for ADD and depression. It was going to the therapist about depression that led to discovering that I have ADD as well...

    I'm still in kind of a joyful shock over this. It explains so many things that were previously unanswered... I can kind of see where my depression stems out of the years of misunderstandings and me thinking down on myself 'cause I could never get it right... I never thought the never getting it right could of been something like ADD... I always just thought I was a bit of a screw-up....Some ADD issues just found out about??? advice?
    Just be glad and try the meds. You may really enjoy life now. I wish you luck.

    If you are a female,1.6m in height, and with a BMI of 35, serious about losing weight, what advice do u have?

    Here is one question, you have a pedometer, how many steps would you wish to walk everyday, to maintain a healthy weight loss?

    You are eating sensibly, drinking plenty of water. You are only concerned with the amount of exercise. Hence this question.

    how many steps should i be walking per day?

    thanks.If you are a female,1.6m in height, and with a BMI of 35, serious about losing weight, what advice do u have?
    Cut off sweets, junk food and fatty food. Drink plenty of water, about 2 litres each day and also drink 3 cups of green tea everyday, it will boost up your metabolism and your body will burn more calories and fat. And also don`t forget to exercise, 30-60 minutes a day, particulary cardio.

    I wish you good luck!If you are a female,1.6m in height, and with a BMI of 35, serious about losing weight, what advice do u have?
    A goal of 10,000 is common.鈥?/a>

    It seems that 2,000- 3,000 steps equals about half an hour.
    who cares about steps just excerise for 30 minutes a day your body will thank you.
  • top makeup
  • Okay This is a long question about advice love and freedom.....please take time to read and give me an answer?

    Okay so I know I have found my true love billy joe

    We met online he lives in london me in NC, USA

    thurs he came from london to NC he is staying here two weeks

    I want to go back to london with him but dont know how to tell my mom

    I am a senoir in high school...18 more weeks and I am done

    But the stress of school is killing me

    I always felt I was trapped here in NC

    watching my dreams slowly fade

    now is a chance to move on go after my dreams

    My mom is scared that I will do something stupid (I take meds for depression and if I skip them I act....really depressed)

    I need my freedom

    I need to be with my love

    I plan to finish school in london

    can someone please help me

    so I can talk her into it?

    I AM 18 btwOkay This is a long question about advice love and freedom.....please take time to read and give me an answer?
    I think you should go and be with him If you know he will take care of you and your still going to be in school what is the big deal I would go I am also in NC and i need freedom!!!Okay This is a long question about advice love and freedom.....please take time to read and give me an answer?
    please awnser mine:;_ylt=AlzwNvDkvhe9tcU2Jlg7g37sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090610125032AAWwwsI
    Finish school here and hop the first plane to london after you graduate. She can't stop you after that. As long as you finish school she can't make you stay.
    Have you applied to any schools in London, and if so have you been accepted? If you've been accepted, did you get the right Visa's so that you won't get deported. Do you have a lot of money in your savings to pay for your life there and for your tuition? Do you have a back up plan in case things don't work out with this guy?

    Your mom will be more accepting of you going once you have all these things straightened out. Once she sees that you're being mature and serious about this, she may not be accepting, but she won't be as uncomfortable with it either. Make sure she meets the guy and accepts him too.
    The question is, does he want you to go back with him to London? Being in love is the best feeling of all, but losing your family and a bright future because of impulsiveness is the worst thing to happen in the life of a young lady like you. You're too young, girl, you've got a promising future ahead of you. If you and Joe are really meant for each other, you will really end up together no matter what. What I'm trying to say is pull things together up, work on yourself and your future first before doing something that will aggravate everything in the end.

    Can someone give me some advice about how to forget someone ?

    I keep thinking about someone. I think it's a crush.Can someone give me some advice about how to forget someone ?
    Just move on... o.O

    Any advice about trip to Corfu , Greece?

    I`m planing to go to Corfu island in September on vacation. Do you have any advice about hotels , villas , places to see , beaches etc . . .Any advice about trip to Corfu , Greece? ask for voula

    September is the perfect time of the year for Corfu. Not hot, yet cool enough to enjoy.

    The beaches are countless all around the island and you can get to a new one every day. Hotels too are many and you can choose from the first and second site or see my suggestion.

    Places to see. The old city and the fortresses, Pontikonisi island (our trade mark), Ipsos, Kouloura Kassiopi, Sidari, Arillas, Palaiokastritsa ans Lakones,Glyfada, Pelekas, AiGordios, Chalikouna, Arkoudillas. And those are only a few of the places to visit.

    If you decide to come, check the places on google maps and if you need further help e-mail me.Any advice about trip to Corfu , Greece?
    id stay away from sidari its quite dirty and i saw a lot of rats about even dead ones lyin about in the street

    Need advice about two married friends having an affair?

    See me and this girl were really good friends we hungout all of the time we had an affiar (we got caught by her husband so both of our spouses know about it but they think it was only once and it wasn't) we are now in love with each other and dont know how to tell our parteners how we feel about each other what would be the easiest way to let them know how we feel.Need advice about two married friends having an affair?
    There is no easy way to tell them something like this.

    Either way you are going to get something thrown at your head - and rightfully so.Need advice about two married friends having an affair?
    Alas, there is no easy way. There is no way to say these things without causing great pain. Do your spouse a favor, however, divorce them. They deserve the opportunity to find true love with someone who will be faithful and who will love them. By-the-way, just because the two of you 'love' each other now, doesn't mean it will be the same after you get divorced. That act changes oh so very many things, it changes who you are and it changes the entire dynamic of your relationship. But, endure the pain, it will be a favor to everyone. Get divorced.
    Have her and you sit down with both partners and just come out with it and tell them.

    That is the only way, but be prepared of the yelling, screaming, fists flying, accusations, feelings being hurt, people getting hurt, throwing of furniture, and flower vases, but then, again, you already know all of this was going to happen, so just go in their will full body Armour and tell them!
    Send them a letter to explain that you both are lying, cheating scum and you intended to hurt them all along. They could then use the letter as hard evidence in the divorce case. Get a divorce already and then I am sure both of you will do the same thing to each other as you did to your spouses.
    As painfull as it is for your spouses in the end it is better to know the truth. You have to live your life. It sucks that in doing that it makes you a bad guy but what choice do you have. It will be unfair no matter what happens. At least if you do it now it's that much sooner that your wife will move on and find someone that does love her in the way that she needs. You are in control of this sack of crap so just go ahead and fling it into the fan.
    holy crap, you need to reply to me...

    kids or no kids? how long have you been married? how long has this been going on? have you gone to marriage counseling? do you think you still love your wife, honestly? why did you stray?

    i'm in a very similar spot searching the web for advice and i also don't know what to do either (although our spouses know each other they have no clue).

    ...have a PARTY amongst the two couples, at a restaurant and announce both of you are in love and want to get married, could you guys help out...good luck.

    Firstly, are there any children involved? If there are then i think you should make them your main focus at this stage, especially since there are so many children suffering because of the high divorce rate,
    tell them to their faces and let them move on. The only thing you can do is tell them. They need to know its not just a one night stand.
    be honest or move on with your own spouses and be thankful they were understanding the first time around =)
    sorry i dont have any advice
    neither or them deserve you! sorry but that is totally unfair to them
    divorce them.... and move on...

    I’m looking to become a Certified Nurse’s Aid. I could use advice about going for a CNA? What to expect ect.

    I have just retired from 32 years as a long hall trucker, and I'm looking to start school in a few weeks, to become an RN.

    In the meantime I’m looking to become a Certified Nurse’s Aid and snag some work in a nursing home.

    I could use any advise you may have about going for a CNA?

    BobbieI’m looking to become a Certified Nurse’s Aid. I could use advice about going for a CNA? What to expect ect.
    You would need to take the required courses and the national certification exam before you'd be considered for a position and if you want to be a CNA. There are programs taught at regional occupational centers. Some community colleges may offer this program. If you're starting an RN program in a few weeks, you will not be able to complete a Nurse Aid program within that time frame. I don't suggest entering the two programs concurrently. Focus on the RN. And if there's anything I can help you with, let me know.

    I reread what you said and you stated you're ';looking to start school';. Does this mean you've been accepted into an RN program and will start in a few weeks, you're starting classes to fulfill your prerequisites or you're just hoping everything will somehow fall into place?I’m looking to become a Certified Nurse’s Aid. I could use advice about going for a CNA? What to expect ect.
    Hello TweetyBird,

    I’m Bobbie’s roommate. I’m signed in at the moment. But Bobbie’s here over my shoulder.

    She HAS been accepted in to a two year RN program



    And thank you both for the help :)
    You are very smart to get your CNA before starting nursing school. You'll find that the CNA class is much easier than the nursing classes. Being a CNA and comfortable with peri care, feeding and transferring...general patient contact will make your world a much better place when clinicals come around. Your first few days of CNA work will most likely be scary (it was for me) but then butts and everything else under the sun will be no big deal :)

    The hardest thing I think, was time management. It's hard to know who to get up or put to bed first, especially when you don't know the client. One of the most important things is SAFETY. Always check before you leave their room: Beds locked, rails up (or down if they are supposed to be), alarms and floor clean.

    You will make your nurse very happy if you let her know who has a skin tear, sore feet, red bottoms...if they are complaining of pain or dizziness...and you go tell the nurse and you took their vital signs first...the nurse will love you!
    You will be required to take some courses and take a test to get your certification. Over all its worth it, they don't get paid as much as an RN but still, not bad.

    Any advice about Pregnancy and Marriage?

    I'm 8months pregnant...The guy who got me pregnant is 20 yrs old and still studying..The idea of marriage came out when my dad got angry on me because I didn't want to marry the guy. I love him but I'm not ready for marriage. My marriage will be on friday.

    Actually I'm really depress because the idea came from my parents..its like a shotgun marriage..

    I love the guy but I'm still afraid of marriage..

    My parents is pressurring me even though im pregnant..Any advice about Pregnancy and Marriage?
    DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!

    My girlfriend had the same thing happen. Three kids and ten years of abuse later he abandoned her and the kids.Any advice about Pregnancy and Marriage?
    How old are you?

    You don't have to marry anyone and I think it's pretty mature of you to realize your not ready for marriage despite the fact your pregnant.

    I think you need to move out if your living with them and refuse to marry this man. Talk to your boyfriend and explain how you feel and that you don't want to resent him later on because you feel forced into the marriage by your parents. You want the day you marry to be special and 100% willing.

    I've been where you are, in a way, and it took a great deal of strength for me to tell my parents I was going to make my own decision and then as an adult -- actually DO that. The decisions I made were for the best for me. If I had done what they had wanted it would have been a huge mistake.

    I'm glad I made my own choices, but for a time it caused a gap with my parents. Everything has been resolved and forgiven now and they agree I made the right choices for me, but at the time it wasn't a happy situation.

    Sometimes the best choices you make are the hardest. Do you! And remember -- NO ONE can legally force you to marry anyone!
    Take it from someone who married young (20 for me and 19 for my husband), marriage is hard. There are so many things to discuss and figure out before tying the knot. Little details that are not brought up before marriage can be so hard to change after already getting married. My husband and I just had our 2 yr anniversary on 8-4-09 and still have little issues such as how often his friends should come over and what time is ';our time';, whose job it is to mow or vacuum...those types of things can be huge issues if all the housework is put on you. I would suggest waiting or at least getting premarital counseling before getting married. My husband and I are going great, but I just wish we had taken the time before marriage to get all the details worked out.
    Were you afraid to have unprotected sex with this man? A baby is a life long commitment too. Or did you miss that part. You child deserves to have two parents not just one over here and one over there. It is time to grow up honey. When you made the adult decision to lay there and have a good time you should have considered all of this. Your parents are right in a way. You want to glory but not the responsibility. He needs to be a man and is going to marry you it seems. You need to stop living in la la land and should have protected yourself that is a responsibility too. Get over it and do the right thing.
    What your parents are doing is wrong. What does your husband to be think about this?? Don't rush into anything! iT'LL ALL END IN TEARS EVENTUALLY. Talk to your husband, see what he says, you never know, he may agree with you. If you're that unsure, don't do it. If you're family really love you they'll come round, and if they don't come round then i'm sorry to say, they're not thinking about your welbeing and just their reputation and how they look to everyone else. What other reason would they have to force you into a marriage you're clearly not ready for?
    For one, don't do something just because of parental pressure.

    On the other hand, having a baby is a much bigger step in adulthood than marriage. A bit backwards, isn't it? Personally, if I were pregnant, getting married to a man I loved would be a piece of cake, comparatively.

    Ask yourself WHY you want to hold off on marriage. Are you scared you made a mistake in the first place? Is he a good man, or do you have a history with him that leaves you unsure (such as verbal abuse, etc). Make a decision that is best for you, baby and him. Only you can really decide, but do not let fear keep you from progressing in life.
    if you're old enough to get knocked up, you're old enough to decide whether you want to marry this guy or not. if you live at home, get a job and move out. simple as that.
    Abort the little baztard.
    I know one thing--this marriage ain't gonna last too long.
    I think getting married would be a mistake!

    have you thought about giving the child up for adoption?
    how old are you?

    do you still live with your parents?
  • top makeup
  • Any advice about on-line freelance writing?

    What sites are legit, profitable,hassle-free, and offer good support? example:

    Do these sites usually require you to pay them money to join?

    Any advice about free-lance writing?Any advice about on-line freelance writing?
    There are many legitimate sites out there, and they all offer a basic free membership. The drawback is that basic members are often not eligible for the features, support and opportunities that make these resources worth your time.

    My advice would be to try a free membership at the sites I'm listing below and compare them over the next three months. Then choose one or two you are having the most success with and upgrade to a paid membership.

    Also, think about investing in a couple of Writer's Market books. These books taught me everything I needed to know (publishing contacts, submission guidelines, etc.) to get work from major publications and publishing houses.Any advice about on-line freelance writing?
    Hi !

    I recently came across this site called - Hubpages.

    It is a site that offers you to write anything on your favourite topic and publish for the world top see. Joining is completely Free. Not only that, It also allows you to earn Money through - Google Adsense, e-bay and Amazon. I am making $50-60 Per Day. This is truly Great and Addictive. I Love this Site. You too can join and start writing and start making Money Instantly.

    You can Join Here:

    Good Luck !
    I've found to be the best.

    Any advice about going into 7th grade?

    Hey! I'm going into 7th grade this year and i'm excited! Any tips you'll think i'll need?Any advice about going into 7th grade?
    DONT be shy! Make friends with anyone and everyone. The more people you can turn to when your super close friends arent there with you the less awkward you'll feel.

    Dont become someone your really isnt as scary as teachers say it is. (if this is gonna be yr first year in a middle school) Once you have your schedule down, its a breeze. Its always a super good idea to suck up to teachers, do as much extra credit as you can, my teachers were pretty violent with the ';all of a sudden'; tests and quizzes.

    Miss as little school as you can... it's really difficult if you have to leave school for like a week for vacation or something. Elementary school was a breeze, you asked your one, maybe two teachers for homework, and you were pretty much done. In middle school you could have up to 15 teachers to get homework from, not counting the office ladies.

    Don't worry about dating so much.... save your energy for high school, and it's OK to have guys that are JUST YOUR FRIENDS. Don't let ppl talk you into dating yr best guy friend, just bc he's convenient.

    Join a lot of clubs too, like don't hold back! If you want to do math club or science club or the spelling bee, dont refuse to do it bc yr friends think its nerdy. If anything, join it to spice it up a little! lol. Its ok to be in anything, ppl dont really judge on that stuff.

    A lot of old, nasty, creepy, mean-looking teachers turn out to be really awesome. See beyond the gross, and look into the great. Like i said, the more you love teachers, the more theyll love you back . (Teachers' Pet? Maybe. But consider that YOU are the one holding the leash.)

    It sucks being sick at middle school. Dont get dehydrated. Take drinks from bubblers whenever you have the chance, and if you can, even bring a water bottle to your classes, you wont look nerdy. lol. Actually you'll look like kinda athletic. Like, ';yeahhh, i just need some refreshment after the ten mile run i took this morning.....*stretch*..........after all those pulls ups i just finished.........yep, im ready for the day...........when's gym?'; lol.

    If you happen to be kind of tom-boyee, but you've always wanted to be a cheerleader, dont hold back, ppl will be astonished with the new side of you you introduced to them.

    THERE IT IS! everything during my seventh grade year that gave me a problem, you now have precaution about. Have fun, dont forget that yr only in middle school once, and then its off to high school where everything is dating and friggin' difficult math problems.

    I know i might have added some nervousness to your thoughts of seventh grade with this answer, but PLZ, heed my advice. Seventh grade will be ten times more fun (and easier) if you do. :)Any advice about going into 7th grade?
    1.get organized and stay organized-

    2.people who bully you are insecure about themselves and not so much worried about you...this is advice i could of used in 7th grade

    3. whatever you do, DON'T write down things about people and let one of your friends carry it around with them- OTHER people will see it and most likely retaliate and make things really bad for you

    4, be yourself

    5.if you ever feel left out, act as you don;t and the uncomfortableness will go away

    6. talk to your teachers if you are having problems in class or in general

    this should help!! good luck and enjoy 7th Grade!!
    Don't worry too much if kids are mean to you. They're just dealing with their own crap and are looking for someone to take it out on. Find a few friends, and hang out with them. Don't worry about being popular. Just have a few friends you can count on.

    Once you get to high school, people are a lot cooler (though some are still jerks), because people have gone through whatever it was they were going through that made them jerks.

    Get involved in school activities -- clubs, plays, etc. Just do the stuff that makes you happy. Don't worry about people saying you should do this, or you should be that. (The only reason they're doing that is because they're insecure about who they are; and if they could get other people to be like them, then they'll feel more secure.)

    Just get involved, be yourself, have fun, and don't worry about mean people. And have a blast. It's your first step to adulthood, and it's a great time if just follow what you want to pursue and stay away from the wrong crowd.

    Oh, and don't do drugs!!! They're for losers and people who don't know that they can be happy without them.

    Oh, and very important: when kids say that ';everyone's doing it'; regarding sex, don't believe them. Most people aren't; but those who do talk about it a lot, and so it seems like everybody is. But they're not. Most people don't even start dating until high school. So don't let anyone pressure you into anything.

    Oh, and very important: don't forget to bring your lunch or lunch money on the first day of school! I forgot on my first day in 7th grade, and had a miserable day. :-(

    Good luck and best wishes!
    perhaps, you'll remember most of the events during this yr as well and 8th because it's the time during your life that you learn + absorb a whole lot.

    I've been thru it and I found that I learned more thru 7th and 8th than in early yrs of high school.

    It'll be fun, just make sure you're grades are good to get to 8th grade.

    Good Luck
    hey imm ahh freshman this yearr. I thoughtt that my 7th gradee year was okayy. I truthfully liked 8th gradee better. All i can tell u is to juss be yourself u dont have to be anyone ur not. If ur shy then u shouldd talk to ppl cuzz if ur pretty and u r juss shyy ppl will think ur stuckupp. It wentt by pretty fastt i met alot of new ppl and it was pretty funn too. and dont worry about what ppl thinkk because theyy r juss jealouss. girls will talk about u try to steal ur boyfriendss and thats juss how girls r but it juss means their jealouss.

    and if ur boyfriends can get stolen away by them they are not worth havingg. Thats all the advice i can prolly give u haha. Juss work hard in ur school workk and dont worry too hard about guys thiss yearr.

    Good Luckkk! (:

    Just be yourself, and make new friends. Don't lose your old ones, though. Work hard, and try your best to keep straight A's and B's. Enjoy yourself, but don't be so relaxed that you can't keep up with your homework, etc. TRUST ME, you DON'T want that to happen.
    Have fun, be yourself, and make sure you are focused on school :) Have a great time but make sure you know where all your classes are!! LOL i had a problem with that when i started 7th grade :) good luck
    Going into 7th grade you should just be cool you will probably still have your friends from last year don't sweat it it will be cool!!!
    When I went into the seventh grade......

    It is a big change compared 2 the sixth grade

    U Will have fun, and make lots of new friends

    So have fun!!!!
    7th grade is really chill... mostly just get ur homework done, I didn't study at all but some ppl might... Just make sure ur having fun, don't let school work take over ur life, always leave time for your friends
    Be yourself. Don't leave your true friends behind to hang out with other people. And just have fun.
    Just have fun and study hard. Time will pass really fast.
    ME too so what!!!
    hmm...have fun?!

    it goes quick


    ok well im a girl and at high school im very popular. the problem is that a lot of boys like me and i dont have a boyfriend. Some boys have girl friends and they find out that their bf likes me and they trip out and want to fight and stuff. I dont know what to do about them?


    the part about all the boys..see i kinda flirt with all of them well at least the ones that come to the level of 7 out of 10. lol . they all get jelous and make these litlle fits but i dont understand why because ';i dont go with them';.

    You have two options. One is to not flirt so much with guys you aren't really interested in dating.

    The other is to take kick-boxing and jiu-jitsu lessons so you can kick the crap out of girls that try to pick fights with you.

    These aren't mutually exclusive choices, BTW. You can do both if you want.NEED ADVICE ABOUT SCHOOL GIRLS AND GUYS
    Well, sounds to me like your self esteem is not a problem. I advise flirting with available guys, or those who you like. Other than that, not worth it. A little flirting is alright, but if it's to the point where girls are threatening to fight you, I'd personally avoid it.

    You said the problem is ';boys like [you] and [you] dont have a boyfriend'; is that because you don't like the boys who like you?
    Sweetie, you need to stop flirting with all the boys if you want to attract one and keep him. The right guy will not stick around if he sees you arround all these other guys waiting to get a piece of you. Otherwise, you will wind up with a lot of false attention from all these other boys. I'm afraid that you might like the attention. That might be fun for awhile but you really are limiting yourself to a real solid relationship. You may be developping a negative perspective from others view too if you continue down this path. But hey...if this makes you happy...who can argue that? Just know that the right boy will shy away if he sees a bunch of flies around the cup.

    Take care
    no offense but so sound a little full of your self,

    one way to change this is only flirt with the guys you like and could picture your self happy with, there is no need to flirt with everyone it just gets you in trouble most importantly with their girlfriends,

    people normally say flirting in harmless, but to most guys that is just leading them on, and that is shallow and low,
    U r just popular its not your fault unless your popular for doing something stupid great or betchy!

    Just tell everyone that your waiting for the perfect guy with the perfect personality!
    the point is that you are flirting with them if you don't want girls to go pycho on you then don't flirt with there bf
    First problem to solve: get over yourself.
    being popular is a good thing and should not be a reason for others to dislike you.

    the problem here is the flirting~ flirting is a good thing when it comes to flirting with a potential bf~ it's a bad thing if it's uncontrollable and you're flirting with everyone. %26lt;-- this could really do you some great harm.

    If you know that u're popular and pretty and all, try to build on the reputation of being a nice girl as well, that will do you far more good than jealous girls trying to pick fights at you. unfortunately girls will be jealous and gossipy~ even if you wanna believe that u don't care what other say, i know teens do.

    you can flirt with guys who do not have a gf but try not need reassurance from guys who are taken~

    i know it's hard to digest what i am suggesting here bc u're used to all the attention, but your life can much more fulfiiling if you'd just step back from the center of attention and be genuine as a frd to others in the school~

    trust me, u're pretty and popular enough, try to work on a beautiful personality as well~ u'll be much more happier fo sure!

    What advice on politics can you give a person who knows and understands very little about it?

    Don't believe everything that you read and only half of what you see. Whichever party's ideology you find yourself following, make sure that you call them on their BS. ALWAYS. When any politician says the other guy voted for ';higher'; taxes, ask yourself ';higher than what?'; It's like reading the fine print. Holding our elected officials accountable is the Most American thing you can do. Ask Questions, DEMAND Answers!What advice on politics can you give a person who knows and understands very little about it?
    Politics are so screwed up these days. My advice would be to stay out of them.What advice on politics can you give a person who knows and understands very little about it?
    People will try to make you think it's a football game, and that the most important thing is to have backed the winning team. But in politics, the whole COUNTRY can win or lose depending on your choice, and it affects real peoples' lives. Real soldiers could die for no real purpose, or for the best of purposes. Real grandparents could suffer without their meds, or be assisted through the red-tape (as payment for having put their taxes toward social security for decades of their working life). Those decisions are in your hands.

    It's not just a game.
    study the prophets they tell you the consequenses of disaster politics will bring about, then you will know what is going to happen before it happens which will put you streets ahead of the politicians.
    the only purpose of a government is to protect people and build roads
    1st watch fox news to see propaganda and conservatives views

    police the poor from doing drugs....

    no freedoms such as drugs or gay marriage

    support the wealthy and let the poor die

    support corporations even if they rape the people fair and square

    2nd read the dailyKos website to see the liberals

    freedoms ,,, drugs, gay marriage... open relationships

    acceptance of differences

    help the poor

    police the rich from manipulating the people

    support small business in america
    Watch Lou Dobbs tonight on CNN and Hardball with Chris Matthews on MSNBC. They are excellent political shows that provide a variety of viewpoints and commentary. Also, do not join a political party, but remain independent. That way you are more likely to be objective about an issue and about candidates. I am an independent so I get to freely criticize politicians in both parties.
    study the history of the founding of this country with special attention to the writing and the mindset of those who crafted the constitution. then, you can begin to understand how political parties were formed and why. you need to know why we split from england, what our founders accomplished in that constitution, and how far flung we are from their great and fantastic vision and how politics is responsible for where this country now finds itself.
    First, I would recommend thinking about what issues are important to you, and make a list of them. Then write down why these are issues. These issues do not require that you are looking for change, just that they be important. For example, early childhood education is important to me because of my 7 yr old. I am very happy with her current school, but I would list what I think helps me to be happy with her education. (Quality of teachers is one for me and it is a small school where all the teachers know the kids, even if they are in a different grade).

    After you have a list, choose one that really is important. Then research your local, state and federal agencies (private and public) that regulate and report on your issue. Learn about the agencies, unions, organizations and try to look at what they do well and what they could improve on.

    Finally, look at local candidates and office holders who influence your issues. See their stand on the issues. I say local first, because it will be easier to research and find facts not just opinions.

    This will show you the best way to understand how levels of gov't work together (and against) each other. Once you know the best methods of research, start looking at state and fed. levels.

    Best of luck.
    develop the ability to listen and understand. NEVER follow a party or group blindly. on all topics, get as many points of view as possible, and then decide for yourself.

    occasionally do a reality check on yourself...were the choices you made in the last year productive or destructive...if changes are necessary, do it.
    read noam chomsky...... please.
    do you want to get into it?

    Good, do what's right for your country.

    But remember, your opponenets can get pretty personal in their insults, and you better know how to handle it.
    Believe very little of what you read here.

    Memorize the Constitution and Declaration of Independence and apply that knowledge to every political opinion you encounter.
    leave the G O P
    If you live in the UK, read newspapers with different political bias eg The Guardian (left Liberal) and the Mail ( right wing Tory) so that you can compare the coverage.Watch the TV Parliamentary Channel , particularly for the Select Committee Mtgs which can be very informative.Don't bother with Question time as it will only confuse you.

    Read your local paper and if there are any local issues that interest you go along to some Council Meetings and see whether your representative Councillor is doing his or her job. After a while things may make a bit more sense. Be cynical or at least critical and dont believe all you hear.If you have a point of view make sure they know it.
    none at all they change the goal post so often it makes you giddy//If you vote for someone he'll give you the world but once he's in you can take a hike
    use common sense and research the subject
    Its best to stay clear of it as much as you can. If your going to vote try and keep it at your local level because they are the one that count, it is there vote in the end that puts the higher up in place. So Gover in ur state on down is most important. Yes you can vote for the Pres and ones but it is those you put in lower that make the difference.
    Dont believe any political figure until he/she actually does it
    Read history and don't get involved in political discussion until you know history.
    Watch a verity of news programmes. CNN tends to be liberal while FOX leans right. MSNBC is farther Left than CNN and the The BBC is way left and borders on propaganda.

    Read news papers, but before you can really have an intelligent opinion you have to study history.

    If you don't have a good understanding of history, you will be fooled by all the same old tricks the Socialists are trying to push down our throats.

    Read Mien Kompf by Adolph Hitler, read Stalin and Marx and Lenin and Mao then read the United States constitution and the history of WW1 and 2 only then will you have a true understanding of the modern political situation.

    It will shock you to see how many people are falling into the trap of thinking Socialism is good for the people. It enslaves people! and it does it methodically and by design.


    Need advice about our 11 week old puppy that keeps biting.?

    ok so we have a 11 week old puppy who keeps biting. we tell her no...or no bite in a firm voice holding her mouth shut then we give her one of her toys to chew instead. she plays with her toy for a minute and then she is back to biting at our pants or socks. any advice on what else we can do?

    she bit my ankle pretty hard so good advice is much appreciated.

    and please dont tell us to look up the dog whisperer or something like that...Need advice about our 11 week old puppy that keeps biting.?
    She's just a puppy and they all go through the awful biting and nipping stages. Just keep up what you are doing. Also, If she does nip at you, try yelling ';Ouch'; to startle her and then turn away from her and ignore her. She thinks it is a game and any attention, good or bad, is what she may be looking for. It is a phase and if you keep up what you are doing, she will grow out of it. Need advice about our 11 week old puppy that keeps biting.?
    Positive re-enforcement, when she is biting what she is supposed to tell her good job and give her a pat for being a good puppy, tell her no when she is biting... but that's what pups do, and she probably just thinks that you are playing with her. Lot's of chew toys, don't give her socks to chew on because she won't know the difference between ';play'; socks and ones with your feet in them. Work with her to sit, heel, and lay down by your feet, give her treats for re-wards (a piece of dog food works well with lots of pats and ';good girl';)

    She is trying to play with you and teething at the same time. There is a teething ';toy'; on the market that looks kinds like a bee hive, it's hollow to put peanut butter or biscuits in, and it's hard rubber on the outside so it keeps them occupied for a long time. (it's hard to get to the inside for the treat, so they keep gnawing away at it) It worked great for us...good luck.
    I have a 4 month old mini daschund and he liked to bite when he was the same age and we did the same thing that you are trying. It worked as far as he doesn't bite us anymore but he still like to chew on things in the house. My suggestion that my vet gave me is to leave them alone and don't give them any kind of reaction or attention when she bites, nips, or growls. She will see that you don't like to be near her and could possibly stop. It's worth a try to see if anything comes of it. Good luck.
    keep doing what you are doing. consistancy is key. You can also try putting lemon juice on your fingers so when she tries to bite it will taste bad. You can also put a mild salsa on your hand or where ever she bites. My dog used to always bite on her leash and she stopped after a few unpleasant tastes
    yea all you can do is keep handing her hard chew toys to chew on. shes a baby and is infact teething. just tell her ';no'; and give her toys, and every time she stops biting you and goes and bites on a toy, reward her with a treat. good luck
    keep doing what you are doing, she is teething and needs hard rubber toys for her teeth. she will grow out of it!
    keep up the good work your one the right track and find a word or sound that you can make to show the dog disapproval and when she does something wrong say that word or make that sound and try to go for something other then no after awhile the dog will think its name is no no bad dog we did that with our rot and now i can be across the house and see her getting into something ill make my sound and shell no to go find her toy also i would STRONGLY suggest a ';kong'; it a hard rubber bee hive looking toy kinda high but indestructible they have different sizes for dogs we got the extreme chewer and she loves it. it also has a hollow middle that you can put treats n or they even make fillings that go in it you can get em at any pet store and give your puppy ice she still has her milk teeth that's why it hurts so bad when she nips and lastly you may b tempted to swat her butt but dont this is a natural thing and she will over come it

    Need advice about my toyota?

    I was just driving my 90 camry at 60mph when the rpm's suddenly jumped up to 7000 twice without the car going any faster. I pulled off the road and it seemed normal so I drove it home just fine. What could cause this and what should I do about it?Need advice about my toyota?
    Clutch Disc i think!!Need advice about my toyota?
    if its auto transmission, your gears are slipping. if it was a clutch disc, then the rpms should go down because the engine gets disconnected from the transmission.

    go bring it into a mechanic shop.
  • bronzing powder
  • Some advice about alcoholism?

    hey im a recovering alchohlic and i recently fell off the wagon. im going back to AA...but i wanted some extra advice... what else can i do to make me feel better? i try to eat well... i know exercise helps ... but does anyone know of anything i can do to feel healthier and maybe help my body recover from all the crap ive put in it?Some advice about alcoholism?
    The best advice is to change your lifestyle to not include alcohol. That is what I did. Going to AA was OK at first but not the best answer for me. I go here and there but don't live my life by them. I live my life totally without alcohol. I don't go to bars anymore or hang out with people who drink. If I am invited to a cookout and alcohol will be there, I stay for a limited time to visit with my friends and then leave before the real drinking starts. I focus on my family and kids. I went back to school and got a Bachelor's Degree in Healthcare Management and recently bought an old Victorian House to fix up. The key is not only to have alcohol out of your life but to find other ways to occupy your time. Job, family, hobby, going back to school, etc. Good luck and contact me for support if you need it.Some advice about alcoholism?
    Yeah, you already know the answers so stop playin around. Dont drink, eat ok, maybe take a few walks each week, and stay away from the problem people, places. Go to AA and live it a day at a time. Keep it Simple S..... You know the drill, be honest with yourself all of the time.
    start taking vitamins...vitamin b..c..also get some milk thistle

    pills it will help your liver...i had a supply of chocolate and i did a lot of journling..exercise to sweat out the bad junk

    and listen....the cravings for alcohol isnt going to kill you..its if you keep using..your life is have went through everything that you have for a just stand and when you feel like giving in..dont!..get a sponser that follows the old rules of aa very strict..but you know we went through any and all lengths to get hugh you must do the same for your sobriety dear..i would suggest church also.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    this link is good::鈥?/a>

    We have a responsibility as a society, too. When a public figure in recovery has a slip the public should not become moralistic or punitive. They should realize that the more well-known the person is, the greater the stigma and the harder their fall. We need to be more forgiving and recognize that the people who suffer from the disease of addiction must be treated with compassion, not contempt.
    It sounds like you are doing all the right things. I think you are going to have to ride out that crappy feeling.

    Just think of it as a way to really drive home the fact that you don't ever want to feel this way again. Keep a journal of how hard it has been to get back to feeling yourself. is my personal addiction recovery site. I talk openly about my recovery...I've had a relapse in the past as well.
    AA is a great step! Seek out an addiction counselor, they can give you some extra help and guidance that AA won't. Keep exercising. Try joining kick boxing or something along those lines. Keep the commitment. Stay away from anyone that pressures you into drinking. If you keep up a healthy diet and exercise you'll start to feel better soon.
    Think that by getting healtheir your body and mind will be grateful with your desicion. Be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. If you say ';no thanks, I don't drink'; you're beating the possibility of getting drunk again.

    Falling off the wagon is easy, but by thinking that if you fall off again then the road will be more time.

    Avoid situations where you can drink, even a sip. Act responsibly. Diet and exercise are important too.
    drink lots of water to flush out the toxins in your body. Congratulations on going back to AA, I admire people like you because you made a mistake when you fell off the bandwagon, but you put it down to experience and try again!! I wish you all the best!

    Need advice about electonic stores in NY?

    now if anybody knows the radisson inn can u plz tell me the electronic shops in that area nd preferably if its a nt vry expensive place nd also if anybody knows that mp3 can u tell if its good and how much is it?

    oh nd i know that there's sth called ';the radio and music hall'; is it a good place to buy it from or wht?

    thnx in advanceNeed advice about electonic stores in NY?
    Stay away from the little electronics shops, the ones that show things in their windows at very low prices. Those shops are not good. One store that has very good prices is B and H on 34 st and 9th Ave.

    Good LuckNeed advice about electonic stores in NY?
    how are we suppose to know what part of ny your at??? well if you love in the city, their all over the place . alphebet city has loads of them and lower Mannhattan...21st to 25st
    nothing like abc

    Any advice about on-line freelance writing?

    What sites are legit, profitable,hassle-free, and offer good support? example:

    Do these sites usually require you to pay them money to join?

    Any advice about free-lance writing?Any advice about on-line freelance writing?
    Check out the following sites for ideas and resources to make money online or for legitimate work-at-home opportunities. Included is a list of freelance writing sites and their fees and/or commmision rates.

    Does anyone have any advice or stories about seeing Saturday Night

    Sometime this winter/spring i plan to travel to nyc with a couple friends and do the whole ';standby tickets'; thing. i know the basics like be there at 7am and where to line up but I was wondering if anyone had actually done it themselves? And possibly had some tips on our best chances for seeing it, interesting stories, stuff to do while we wait, etc. just curious!Does anyone have any advice or stories about seeing Saturday Night
    Options on seeing SNL are here.鈥?/a>

    What to do about this guy? any advice appreciated!?

    I really like this guy, ALOT. we're both 16 um i havent talked to him really i needadvice on how to get over him? its gone on for way to long. I think about him all the time i think i need to move on cause i know he'd never like me. any advice on how to move on short of finding someone else? cause no matter how hard i try i cant find anyone else cause i still really like him. thanks!What to do about this guy? any advice appreciated!?
    talk to him, get closure.

    easiest way to get over someone is to know how they feel.What to do about this guy? any advice appreciated!?
    try talking to him first before you do anything. he might not notice you because you're not doing anything to make him notice you.

    Any advice about the Mirena?

    I just had a baby a month ago and going in a couple weeks to have the Mirena put in. Have any of you had it? Did you like it or not? Any complications with it? Do you recommend it? Thanks!Any advice about the Mirena?
    hi.i can tell you i have a mirena.iv had it a year sister has one and recomended it to me.i like the mirena and went on it after putting on three stones with the pill.iv nearly lost all the weight i put on with the gives no trouble and i hardly know its there.i have no trouble with any sexual positions.however my sister had to get the threads trimmed on hers as her husband could feel them during sex.this was periods are very light and i now have one like every two months.and when ido its just a few took three months to settle when i first got it i bleed for 3 months.i recomend the mirena.its brilliant.congratulations and good luck.
  • bronzing powder
  • Need advice on what to do about my current job.?

    My manager promised me a large raise after the end of our physical year to keep me from taking another, better paying job about two months ago. Now am being told that since I make more than the other girls in the other offices we have, all he can now offer is $100 a month. I have 10 years experience in my given field over the other girls and do a lot more than the receptionist duties that they perform. I feel that I am being ripped off. The other job is long gone. Should I confront my managers boss and tell him what was promised, or just go ahead and quietly look for something else? I work in an all male office and the guys show up whenever they feel like it. I am not allowed to leave the office even for lunch (I eat at my desk), so the office will not be left ';unattended';. I am trying to be a team player, but I am at the end of my rope.Need advice on what to do about my current job.?
    With ten years experience, you should have no problem finding another job. I wonder why you would stay in a work environment where the gender differences determine your salary.

    Depending on which country you live in (I'm assuming you're in the States), you ARE allowed to leave your office for lunch, and according to EOE guidelines, you cannot be penalized for it.

    When your manager promised you a large raise at the end of the FISCAL year (and I hope you really didn't mean physical year), did he mention the amount? For a lot of people, a raise of about $100 a month only adds about $0.62/hour, which is pathetic, and it'll be less than that after taxes.

    You need to prepare a detailed list of all your responsibilities, your work hours (including the working lunch). Don't compare your duties versus other 'girls' in your office, since you may find that your manager may consider you just another receptionist. Find comparable jobs in the area, find their salary ranges, apply for them anyway.

    And if the manager again promises you that you will get a raise, get the promise and the amount in writing.Need advice on what to do about my current job.?
    Time to move on. Never, ever stay in a job that causes you mental stress and that you do not like.
    Being 19, I have not much experience in careers but i would say speak confidentially to his manager/HR or try citizens advice.

    Best Of Luck and sounds like you are a very hard worker who deserves a lot more credit.
    that's bs and you should leave. He doesn't have the right to tell you that you can't leave for lunch, and if the pay isnt right start looking.
    Your employer is required by federal law to give you at least a 30 minute UNINTERRUPTED meal period, which means not eating at your desk. Also, if you are being treated differently than your male coworkers - especially if the other girls are being treated equally badly - you have a discrimination case. You should definitely confront the manager's boss, and maybe even the HR department. If you got the promise of a raise in writing, that would help, but I think your main concern is discrimination. Stand up for your rights, but in the mean time, get back into the job hunt. You don't want to be stuck working for a boss who takes advantage of you the way this guy did.
    I would look for another job. He thinks alot of you and wants to keep you, but he can't hold up his end of the bargain...that sucks. The next time you get a job offer, take it! Hopefully, you won't have to work there much longer! Best of luck!

    Advice about the fit of J. Crew wellies?

    I am just wondering if anyone here has bought a pair of J. Crew wellies and has had any sizing issues like if they were bigger than expected?Advice about the fit of J. Crew wellies?
    better theyre slightly big than snug.

    Website Advice-What should i change about my website?

    I am new at starting up a Yahoo store and am in the process of hiring someone on rentacoder/elance to do some work on my design. Please check out my site and let me know what you think i should do differently. Thanks www.buybrooke.comWebsite Advice-What should i change about my website?
    a. The pictures should be more related [the banner and the ones in the side]

    b. a different font for the links etcWebsite Advice-What should i change about my website?
    Not all are design related.

    1) The photos on the border are quite distracting. There is too much going on. Simplify.

    2) The links on the bottom of the page where you have the CD images are illegible.

    3) Use a spell checker; I noticed inquiries was spelled wrong and there are punctuation and capitalization errors on your About Me page.

    4) The About Us page gives more information like shipping, policies, %26amp; FAQ. I think there should be a whole separate shipping page with all your policies and such. Usually that's one of the first things I look for and I had no idea it would be on your About Us page.

    5) Are you sure you want people to know you are a one person operation? Most people want to make themselves look like a larger company than they really are. Your About Us makes it seem like you are more than one person, so which is it?

    6) The product descriptions are inconsistent. Some of them look as if they were copy %26amp; pasted because they still have [citing numbers].

    7) Upon clicking a product, I would have liked to have seen the image also on the product description page. It just seems so bare.

    8) Headings need to stay consistent and legible. Pick a background/image with a font color that can be easily read and stick with it.

    9) Break pages up with headings and possibly links to jump down to an item so I don't have to scan the entire page for what I want to know. For example, the Dropshipping page has so much text on it and isn't broken down into sub-headings/categories.

    10) The send email link should go to its own page rather than being a direct mail link. The page should contain your contact information that is found on the About Us page.