Friday, January 8, 2010

Any advice about Pregnancy and Marriage?

I'm 8months pregnant...The guy who got me pregnant is 20 yrs old and still studying..The idea of marriage came out when my dad got angry on me because I didn't want to marry the guy. I love him but I'm not ready for marriage. My marriage will be on friday.

Actually I'm really depress because the idea came from my parents..its like a shotgun marriage..

I love the guy but I'm still afraid of marriage..

My parents is pressurring me even though im pregnant..Any advice about Pregnancy and Marriage?
DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!

My girlfriend had the same thing happen. Three kids and ten years of abuse later he abandoned her and the kids.Any advice about Pregnancy and Marriage?
How old are you?

You don't have to marry anyone and I think it's pretty mature of you to realize your not ready for marriage despite the fact your pregnant.

I think you need to move out if your living with them and refuse to marry this man. Talk to your boyfriend and explain how you feel and that you don't want to resent him later on because you feel forced into the marriage by your parents. You want the day you marry to be special and 100% willing.

I've been where you are, in a way, and it took a great deal of strength for me to tell my parents I was going to make my own decision and then as an adult -- actually DO that. The decisions I made were for the best for me. If I had done what they had wanted it would have been a huge mistake.

I'm glad I made my own choices, but for a time it caused a gap with my parents. Everything has been resolved and forgiven now and they agree I made the right choices for me, but at the time it wasn't a happy situation.

Sometimes the best choices you make are the hardest. Do you! And remember -- NO ONE can legally force you to marry anyone!
Take it from someone who married young (20 for me and 19 for my husband), marriage is hard. There are so many things to discuss and figure out before tying the knot. Little details that are not brought up before marriage can be so hard to change after already getting married. My husband and I just had our 2 yr anniversary on 8-4-09 and still have little issues such as how often his friends should come over and what time is ';our time';, whose job it is to mow or vacuum...those types of things can be huge issues if all the housework is put on you. I would suggest waiting or at least getting premarital counseling before getting married. My husband and I are going great, but I just wish we had taken the time before marriage to get all the details worked out.
Were you afraid to have unprotected sex with this man? A baby is a life long commitment too. Or did you miss that part. You child deserves to have two parents not just one over here and one over there. It is time to grow up honey. When you made the adult decision to lay there and have a good time you should have considered all of this. Your parents are right in a way. You want to glory but not the responsibility. He needs to be a man and is going to marry you it seems. You need to stop living in la la land and should have protected yourself that is a responsibility too. Get over it and do the right thing.
What your parents are doing is wrong. What does your husband to be think about this?? Don't rush into anything! iT'LL ALL END IN TEARS EVENTUALLY. Talk to your husband, see what he says, you never know, he may agree with you. If you're that unsure, don't do it. If you're family really love you they'll come round, and if they don't come round then i'm sorry to say, they're not thinking about your welbeing and just their reputation and how they look to everyone else. What other reason would they have to force you into a marriage you're clearly not ready for?
For one, don't do something just because of parental pressure.

On the other hand, having a baby is a much bigger step in adulthood than marriage. A bit backwards, isn't it? Personally, if I were pregnant, getting married to a man I loved would be a piece of cake, comparatively.

Ask yourself WHY you want to hold off on marriage. Are you scared you made a mistake in the first place? Is he a good man, or do you have a history with him that leaves you unsure (such as verbal abuse, etc). Make a decision that is best for you, baby and him. Only you can really decide, but do not let fear keep you from progressing in life.
if you're old enough to get knocked up, you're old enough to decide whether you want to marry this guy or not. if you live at home, get a job and move out. simple as that.
Abort the little baztard.
I know one thing--this marriage ain't gonna last too long.
I think getting married would be a mistake!

have you thought about giving the child up for adoption?
how old are you?

do you still live with your parents?
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