Friday, January 8, 2010

I need help! Need advice about this pregnancy?

I found out today that I was pregnant, I was very excited. when I told my bf he said he wasn't ready and wants an abortion. we have dated since december and I know its too soon for me to get pregnant but it happen. should I just follow through with the abortion?..please I don't need rude comments!I need help! Need advice about this pregnancy?
I am sorry-it sounds like his response wasn't what you anticipated. This may just be a shock to him and he will also begin to feel differently soon. BUT- no matter how he feels remember-this is a decision you will have to live with forever. Abortion may seems like an easy out-but the long term affects for many women have an impact on this for the rest of their lives. You have several options you know and there are so many couples who would be so very happy and grateful for have the chance to have a child. Look at where you are in your life and how prepared you are to raise a child- not so much financially but emotionally...Explore the options carefully because some decisions are forever and this is one.

Keep being true to yourself-ask for and accept support from your family and/or friends and I know you will do the right thing.I need help! Need advice about this pregnancy?
Hon, this is a decision you are going to have to make on your own. Please think about all the available options and don't let your boyfriend make this decision for you. The fact that you were excited about being pregnant speaks volumes. You don't say how old you are so obviously that may be a factor here too. The best thing you can do is go to planned parenthood without your boyfriend, they will council you and support you in whatever you decide to do. I wish you luck.

Edit: I've gone back and read your other questions. You purposely planned this pregnancy without his knowledge? That's bad news. You have two other children to care for. Wow. Maturity is a huge thing that's missing here. You need to think this thing through because you knew the risks going into it.
well, i guess its too later for the ';why didn't you practise safe sex'; lecture. this is why it is better to wait until you are married to have sex- then you never have to worry about a guy saying these things to you- how hurtful it must have been for you. i don't think this man is the man you thought he was- seems he just was interested in having sex, and isn't ready to take responsibility for his actions. well, whether he wants it or not- he has made a baby, and he will have to be financially responsible for it till it reaches the age of 18. if you keep the baby- register him with maintenance as soon as it is born- no matter what the guy says- register him- that way you are ensuring his child support payments. i would also talk to your mom, since this guy seems to be a bit of a jerk, you will need her help when the baby comes. and i think its probably a good idea to find a different boyfriend. now, if you listen to him, and have an abortion, then you can ignore my previous advice. good luck
you have plenty of options and abortion isnt the only one if you feel you dont want to/cant keep the baby. you can give it up for adoption and many couples are willing to pay your pregnancy costs or you can look up pregnancy help centers near you, some can provide you with a place to stay during your pregnancy and education on your options for when you do have the baby

but if you do decide to get an abortion remember that its only an option during your first trimester and the sooner you get it the lower the risks are

just know that abortion is a big decision to make as is keeping and raising a child they both come with a lot of emotional baggage and you will need someone there to help you with whatever decision you do make
Don't let him pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do. If you want to have an abortion, that's fine, but if you don't, remember that it is YOUR body, not his, and only you have the final say about what happens to it.

Talk it over with him, but keep in mind that you have control, and don't do something that you will regret.
I can guarantee you one thing: pregnancy is a hard, HARD ordeal. You will have good days and bad days, and the same follows for raising the kid. Every action you take will affect your child. But if you have this baby, you will NOT regret it. If you take the choice of abortion, I can't promise that you won't regret it. Twenty years from now when you've got two more children of your own, you may constantly wonder what the little one growing inside of you now would have been like. Good luck with the little one. %26lt;3
If you're excited and want to have the child, and know that you can realistically provide for him/her... then I say go ahead. Your boyfriend does not dictate what you do with your body and the being within it.

If he's really against it, when the time comes he can legally sign away his parental rights.

Don't give up your child if you don't want to. That's what pro-choice is all about... it's YOUR choice, not anyone else's.
wow what ? you need to think of all of the responsibility that comes with having a baby. are you ready for life changing ordeal. i think that you should not but that is my opinion. i am not in your situation. you are taking a life. but if you feel you should because of your bf then that is not reason. but it may mean you will be alone in raising your child. maybe you could give up the baby for adoption. please think about all the things that will happen to you. think careful. it hurts to lose a child it is a lot to bear with for the rest of your life. but it is still up to you what your are going to do

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