Friday, January 8, 2010

What advice on politics can you give a person who knows and understands very little about it?

Don't believe everything that you read and only half of what you see. Whichever party's ideology you find yourself following, make sure that you call them on their BS. ALWAYS. When any politician says the other guy voted for ';higher'; taxes, ask yourself ';higher than what?'; It's like reading the fine print. Holding our elected officials accountable is the Most American thing you can do. Ask Questions, DEMAND Answers!What advice on politics can you give a person who knows and understands very little about it?
Politics are so screwed up these days. My advice would be to stay out of them.What advice on politics can you give a person who knows and understands very little about it?
People will try to make you think it's a football game, and that the most important thing is to have backed the winning team. But in politics, the whole COUNTRY can win or lose depending on your choice, and it affects real peoples' lives. Real soldiers could die for no real purpose, or for the best of purposes. Real grandparents could suffer without their meds, or be assisted through the red-tape (as payment for having put their taxes toward social security for decades of their working life). Those decisions are in your hands.

It's not just a game.
study the prophets they tell you the consequenses of disaster politics will bring about, then you will know what is going to happen before it happens which will put you streets ahead of the politicians.
the only purpose of a government is to protect people and build roads
1st watch fox news to see propaganda and conservatives views

police the poor from doing drugs....

no freedoms such as drugs or gay marriage

support the wealthy and let the poor die

support corporations even if they rape the people fair and square

2nd read the dailyKos website to see the liberals

freedoms ,,, drugs, gay marriage... open relationships

acceptance of differences

help the poor

police the rich from manipulating the people

support small business in america
Watch Lou Dobbs tonight on CNN and Hardball with Chris Matthews on MSNBC. They are excellent political shows that provide a variety of viewpoints and commentary. Also, do not join a political party, but remain independent. That way you are more likely to be objective about an issue and about candidates. I am an independent so I get to freely criticize politicians in both parties.
study the history of the founding of this country with special attention to the writing and the mindset of those who crafted the constitution. then, you can begin to understand how political parties were formed and why. you need to know why we split from england, what our founders accomplished in that constitution, and how far flung we are from their great and fantastic vision and how politics is responsible for where this country now finds itself.
First, I would recommend thinking about what issues are important to you, and make a list of them. Then write down why these are issues. These issues do not require that you are looking for change, just that they be important. For example, early childhood education is important to me because of my 7 yr old. I am very happy with her current school, but I would list what I think helps me to be happy with her education. (Quality of teachers is one for me and it is a small school where all the teachers know the kids, even if they are in a different grade).

After you have a list, choose one that really is important. Then research your local, state and federal agencies (private and public) that regulate and report on your issue. Learn about the agencies, unions, organizations and try to look at what they do well and what they could improve on.

Finally, look at local candidates and office holders who influence your issues. See their stand on the issues. I say local first, because it will be easier to research and find facts not just opinions.

This will show you the best way to understand how levels of gov't work together (and against) each other. Once you know the best methods of research, start looking at state and fed. levels.

Best of luck.
develop the ability to listen and understand. NEVER follow a party or group blindly. on all topics, get as many points of view as possible, and then decide for yourself.

occasionally do a reality check on yourself...were the choices you made in the last year productive or destructive...if changes are necessary, do it.
read noam chomsky...... please.
do you want to get into it?

Good, do what's right for your country.

But remember, your opponenets can get pretty personal in their insults, and you better know how to handle it.
Believe very little of what you read here.

Memorize the Constitution and Declaration of Independence and apply that knowledge to every political opinion you encounter.
leave the G O P
If you live in the UK, read newspapers with different political bias eg The Guardian (left Liberal) and the Mail ( right wing Tory) so that you can compare the coverage.Watch the TV Parliamentary Channel , particularly for the Select Committee Mtgs which can be very informative.Don't bother with Question time as it will only confuse you.

Read your local paper and if there are any local issues that interest you go along to some Council Meetings and see whether your representative Councillor is doing his or her job. After a while things may make a bit more sense. Be cynical or at least critical and dont believe all you hear.If you have a point of view make sure they know it.
none at all they change the goal post so often it makes you giddy//If you vote for someone he'll give you the world but once he's in you can take a hike
use common sense and research the subject
Its best to stay clear of it as much as you can. If your going to vote try and keep it at your local level because they are the one that count, it is there vote in the end that puts the higher up in place. So Gover in ur state on down is most important. Yes you can vote for the Pres and ones but it is those you put in lower that make the difference.
Dont believe any political figure until he/she actually does it
Read history and don't get involved in political discussion until you know history.
Watch a verity of news programmes. CNN tends to be liberal while FOX leans right. MSNBC is farther Left than CNN and the The BBC is way left and borders on propaganda.

Read news papers, but before you can really have an intelligent opinion you have to study history.

If you don't have a good understanding of history, you will be fooled by all the same old tricks the Socialists are trying to push down our throats.

Read Mien Kompf by Adolph Hitler, read Stalin and Marx and Lenin and Mao then read the United States constitution and the history of WW1 and 2 only then will you have a true understanding of the modern political situation.

It will shock you to see how many people are falling into the trap of thinking Socialism is good for the people. It enslaves people! and it does it methodically and by design.


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