Friday, January 8, 2010

Any advice about going into 7th grade?

Hey! I'm going into 7th grade this year and i'm excited! Any tips you'll think i'll need?Any advice about going into 7th grade?
DONT be shy! Make friends with anyone and everyone. The more people you can turn to when your super close friends arent there with you the less awkward you'll feel.

Dont become someone your really isnt as scary as teachers say it is. (if this is gonna be yr first year in a middle school) Once you have your schedule down, its a breeze. Its always a super good idea to suck up to teachers, do as much extra credit as you can, my teachers were pretty violent with the ';all of a sudden'; tests and quizzes.

Miss as little school as you can... it's really difficult if you have to leave school for like a week for vacation or something. Elementary school was a breeze, you asked your one, maybe two teachers for homework, and you were pretty much done. In middle school you could have up to 15 teachers to get homework from, not counting the office ladies.

Don't worry about dating so much.... save your energy for high school, and it's OK to have guys that are JUST YOUR FRIENDS. Don't let ppl talk you into dating yr best guy friend, just bc he's convenient.

Join a lot of clubs too, like don't hold back! If you want to do math club or science club or the spelling bee, dont refuse to do it bc yr friends think its nerdy. If anything, join it to spice it up a little! lol. Its ok to be in anything, ppl dont really judge on that stuff.

A lot of old, nasty, creepy, mean-looking teachers turn out to be really awesome. See beyond the gross, and look into the great. Like i said, the more you love teachers, the more theyll love you back . (Teachers' Pet? Maybe. But consider that YOU are the one holding the leash.)

It sucks being sick at middle school. Dont get dehydrated. Take drinks from bubblers whenever you have the chance, and if you can, even bring a water bottle to your classes, you wont look nerdy. lol. Actually you'll look like kinda athletic. Like, ';yeahhh, i just need some refreshment after the ten mile run i took this morning.....*stretch*..........after all those pulls ups i just finished.........yep, im ready for the day...........when's gym?'; lol.

If you happen to be kind of tom-boyee, but you've always wanted to be a cheerleader, dont hold back, ppl will be astonished with the new side of you you introduced to them.

THERE IT IS! everything during my seventh grade year that gave me a problem, you now have precaution about. Have fun, dont forget that yr only in middle school once, and then its off to high school where everything is dating and friggin' difficult math problems.

I know i might have added some nervousness to your thoughts of seventh grade with this answer, but PLZ, heed my advice. Seventh grade will be ten times more fun (and easier) if you do. :)Any advice about going into 7th grade?
1.get organized and stay organized-

2.people who bully you are insecure about themselves and not so much worried about you...this is advice i could of used in 7th grade

3. whatever you do, DON'T write down things about people and let one of your friends carry it around with them- OTHER people will see it and most likely retaliate and make things really bad for you

4, be yourself

5.if you ever feel left out, act as you don;t and the uncomfortableness will go away

6. talk to your teachers if you are having problems in class or in general

this should help!! good luck and enjoy 7th Grade!!
Don't worry too much if kids are mean to you. They're just dealing with their own crap and are looking for someone to take it out on. Find a few friends, and hang out with them. Don't worry about being popular. Just have a few friends you can count on.

Once you get to high school, people are a lot cooler (though some are still jerks), because people have gone through whatever it was they were going through that made them jerks.

Get involved in school activities -- clubs, plays, etc. Just do the stuff that makes you happy. Don't worry about people saying you should do this, or you should be that. (The only reason they're doing that is because they're insecure about who they are; and if they could get other people to be like them, then they'll feel more secure.)

Just get involved, be yourself, have fun, and don't worry about mean people. And have a blast. It's your first step to adulthood, and it's a great time if just follow what you want to pursue and stay away from the wrong crowd.

Oh, and don't do drugs!!! They're for losers and people who don't know that they can be happy without them.

Oh, and very important: when kids say that ';everyone's doing it'; regarding sex, don't believe them. Most people aren't; but those who do talk about it a lot, and so it seems like everybody is. But they're not. Most people don't even start dating until high school. So don't let anyone pressure you into anything.

Oh, and very important: don't forget to bring your lunch or lunch money on the first day of school! I forgot on my first day in 7th grade, and had a miserable day. :-(

Good luck and best wishes!
perhaps, you'll remember most of the events during this yr as well and 8th because it's the time during your life that you learn + absorb a whole lot.

I've been thru it and I found that I learned more thru 7th and 8th than in early yrs of high school.

It'll be fun, just make sure you're grades are good to get to 8th grade.

Good Luck
hey imm ahh freshman this yearr. I thoughtt that my 7th gradee year was okayy. I truthfully liked 8th gradee better. All i can tell u is to juss be yourself u dont have to be anyone ur not. If ur shy then u shouldd talk to ppl cuzz if ur pretty and u r juss shyy ppl will think ur stuckupp. It wentt by pretty fastt i met alot of new ppl and it was pretty funn too. and dont worry about what ppl thinkk because theyy r juss jealouss. girls will talk about u try to steal ur boyfriendss and thats juss how girls r but it juss means their jealouss.

and if ur boyfriends can get stolen away by them they are not worth havingg. Thats all the advice i can prolly give u haha. Juss work hard in ur school workk and dont worry too hard about guys thiss yearr.

Good Luckkk! (:

Just be yourself, and make new friends. Don't lose your old ones, though. Work hard, and try your best to keep straight A's and B's. Enjoy yourself, but don't be so relaxed that you can't keep up with your homework, etc. TRUST ME, you DON'T want that to happen.
Have fun, be yourself, and make sure you are focused on school :) Have a great time but make sure you know where all your classes are!! LOL i had a problem with that when i started 7th grade :) good luck
Going into 7th grade you should just be cool you will probably still have your friends from last year don't sweat it it will be cool!!!
When I went into the seventh grade......

It is a big change compared 2 the sixth grade

U Will have fun, and make lots of new friends

So have fun!!!!
7th grade is really chill... mostly just get ur homework done, I didn't study at all but some ppl might... Just make sure ur having fun, don't let school work take over ur life, always leave time for your friends
Be yourself. Don't leave your true friends behind to hang out with other people. And just have fun.
Just have fun and study hard. Time will pass really fast.
ME too so what!!!
hmm...have fun?!

it goes quick

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