Friday, January 8, 2010

Need advice about our 11 week old puppy that keeps biting.?

ok so we have a 11 week old puppy who keeps biting. we tell her no...or no bite in a firm voice holding her mouth shut then we give her one of her toys to chew instead. she plays with her toy for a minute and then she is back to biting at our pants or socks. any advice on what else we can do?

she bit my ankle pretty hard so good advice is much appreciated.

and please dont tell us to look up the dog whisperer or something like that...Need advice about our 11 week old puppy that keeps biting.?
She's just a puppy and they all go through the awful biting and nipping stages. Just keep up what you are doing. Also, If she does nip at you, try yelling ';Ouch'; to startle her and then turn away from her and ignore her. She thinks it is a game and any attention, good or bad, is what she may be looking for. It is a phase and if you keep up what you are doing, she will grow out of it. Need advice about our 11 week old puppy that keeps biting.?
Positive re-enforcement, when she is biting what she is supposed to tell her good job and give her a pat for being a good puppy, tell her no when she is biting... but that's what pups do, and she probably just thinks that you are playing with her. Lot's of chew toys, don't give her socks to chew on because she won't know the difference between ';play'; socks and ones with your feet in them. Work with her to sit, heel, and lay down by your feet, give her treats for re-wards (a piece of dog food works well with lots of pats and ';good girl';)

She is trying to play with you and teething at the same time. There is a teething ';toy'; on the market that looks kinds like a bee hive, it's hollow to put peanut butter or biscuits in, and it's hard rubber on the outside so it keeps them occupied for a long time. (it's hard to get to the inside for the treat, so they keep gnawing away at it) It worked great for us...good luck.
I have a 4 month old mini daschund and he liked to bite when he was the same age and we did the same thing that you are trying. It worked as far as he doesn't bite us anymore but he still like to chew on things in the house. My suggestion that my vet gave me is to leave them alone and don't give them any kind of reaction or attention when she bites, nips, or growls. She will see that you don't like to be near her and could possibly stop. It's worth a try to see if anything comes of it. Good luck.
keep doing what you are doing. consistancy is key. You can also try putting lemon juice on your fingers so when she tries to bite it will taste bad. You can also put a mild salsa on your hand or where ever she bites. My dog used to always bite on her leash and she stopped after a few unpleasant tastes
yea all you can do is keep handing her hard chew toys to chew on. shes a baby and is infact teething. just tell her ';no'; and give her toys, and every time she stops biting you and goes and bites on a toy, reward her with a treat. good luck
keep doing what you are doing, she is teething and needs hard rubber toys for her teeth. she will grow out of it!
keep up the good work your one the right track and find a word or sound that you can make to show the dog disapproval and when she does something wrong say that word or make that sound and try to go for something other then no after awhile the dog will think its name is no no bad dog we did that with our rot and now i can be across the house and see her getting into something ill make my sound and shell no to go find her toy also i would STRONGLY suggest a ';kong'; it a hard rubber bee hive looking toy kinda high but indestructible they have different sizes for dogs we got the extreme chewer and she loves it. it also has a hollow middle that you can put treats n or they even make fillings that go in it you can get em at any pet store and give your puppy ice she still has her milk teeth that's why it hurts so bad when she nips and lastly you may b tempted to swat her butt but dont this is a natural thing and she will over come it

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