Friday, January 8, 2010

Need advice on what to do about my current job.?

My manager promised me a large raise after the end of our physical year to keep me from taking another, better paying job about two months ago. Now am being told that since I make more than the other girls in the other offices we have, all he can now offer is $100 a month. I have 10 years experience in my given field over the other girls and do a lot more than the receptionist duties that they perform. I feel that I am being ripped off. The other job is long gone. Should I confront my managers boss and tell him what was promised, or just go ahead and quietly look for something else? I work in an all male office and the guys show up whenever they feel like it. I am not allowed to leave the office even for lunch (I eat at my desk), so the office will not be left ';unattended';. I am trying to be a team player, but I am at the end of my rope.Need advice on what to do about my current job.?
With ten years experience, you should have no problem finding another job. I wonder why you would stay in a work environment where the gender differences determine your salary.

Depending on which country you live in (I'm assuming you're in the States), you ARE allowed to leave your office for lunch, and according to EOE guidelines, you cannot be penalized for it.

When your manager promised you a large raise at the end of the FISCAL year (and I hope you really didn't mean physical year), did he mention the amount? For a lot of people, a raise of about $100 a month only adds about $0.62/hour, which is pathetic, and it'll be less than that after taxes.

You need to prepare a detailed list of all your responsibilities, your work hours (including the working lunch). Don't compare your duties versus other 'girls' in your office, since you may find that your manager may consider you just another receptionist. Find comparable jobs in the area, find their salary ranges, apply for them anyway.

And if the manager again promises you that you will get a raise, get the promise and the amount in writing.Need advice on what to do about my current job.?
Time to move on. Never, ever stay in a job that causes you mental stress and that you do not like.
Being 19, I have not much experience in careers but i would say speak confidentially to his manager/HR or try citizens advice.

Best Of Luck and sounds like you are a very hard worker who deserves a lot more credit.
that's bs and you should leave. He doesn't have the right to tell you that you can't leave for lunch, and if the pay isnt right start looking.
Your employer is required by federal law to give you at least a 30 minute UNINTERRUPTED meal period, which means not eating at your desk. Also, if you are being treated differently than your male coworkers - especially if the other girls are being treated equally badly - you have a discrimination case. You should definitely confront the manager's boss, and maybe even the HR department. If you got the promise of a raise in writing, that would help, but I think your main concern is discrimination. Stand up for your rights, but in the mean time, get back into the job hunt. You don't want to be stuck working for a boss who takes advantage of you the way this guy did.
I would look for another job. He thinks alot of you and wants to keep you, but he can't hold up his end of the bargain...that sucks. The next time you get a job offer, take it! Hopefully, you won't have to work there much longer! Best of luck!

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