Friday, January 8, 2010

Advice about my fishes health pleeeaasse!!!?

i have 3 fantails and a lionhead and the fantails all have white spots on their gills so im giving them some medication drops for velvet and fungus

ive continued their medicine for longer than im sposed to as theyre not getting any better

anyway one of them is losing his scales on one side and im worried as my friend told me a story about her fish losing scales and then his insides from the hole!!!

he isnt losing his scales that drastically just a small patch and it doesnt look serious

well what im trying to ask is, is this normal or is it related to the medicine (ive given them that medicine before and it was all okay) or is it something different

they all look happy enough but can anyone give adviceAdvice about my fishes health pleeeaasse!!!?
What it sounds like is the goldfish with white spots on their gill covers are males with breeding tubricles, the other is a female. Hence this is why you should never medicate the water, unless you know how to use a microscope and diagnose illness. Change the water, put the carbon back into the filter, and in a couple of days change water agian. You have totally risked toxing out the fish with unneccessary meds. Meds kill faster than disease if you overdose or use the wrong kind. If you keep your water quality high then your goldfish will not get sick. My advice is to always start with water. And if you do have a disease and by the 3 or 4th day after medicating, you do not see any improvement what so ever then you are going down the wrong path. has a lot of useful information and a really good antibiotic food called Medi Gold. It works like nothing else I have ever used on my goldfish. Basically a cure all, without the risk of killing off the beneficial bacteria in the filter. You might now want to watch for ammonia and nitrite spike as the over medicating destroyed all the bacteria colonies in the filter. Which is another reason not to put meds into the main tank's water. My advice stop medicating, stop feeding and start changing water. I don't think there was actually any problem to begin with. Those are normal for male fish to have. Watch behavior, goldfish will act sick when they are sick. Stressed behaviors are constant bottom sitting, floating, fin clamping, breathing heavy, hiding, hanging out by the filter outflow or bubbles, and lathargy (goldfish should be active when the lights are on). If your fish have spots on gill covers but are acting right, mainly busy busy busy pecking around on this and that all day, and eating ravenously, then they are healthy males. Do be aware that the medicating builds up in their bodies and can also cause stressed behaviors, and they may now be stressed due to the tank having to recycle. Watch your water perameters very closely over the next few weeks. Don't ever just toss meds into the tank again.Advice about my fishes health pleeeaasse!!!?
That's exactly what happened to my fantail and she almost died but i got a water testing kit and I found out what was wrong and she got treated but four months later it came back and she died. :( I hope you find something to help her!
it sounds like ick. get ick meds
First, incorrectly treating a disease with the wrong medication can cause more damage than good. It can kill fish. Next, goldfish don't typically get velvet. Furthermore, velvet is yellowish, not white. So, you first need to determine whether these spots look like grains of salt stuck to the skin or whether they are cottony patches laying on the skin. If they look like salt grains, it is ich, not velvet. If it is cottony, it's fungus. While velvet is not ich, they both are parasites, so the velvet medication would probably work and the fungal medication is completely unnecessary and you need to stop using that. If you determine it's fungus, the velvet medication will be ineffective, so you need to stop using that.

With regard to the hole, it is difficult to say whether that may be a parasite, which it could be, and which would need parasite medication, or another disease, probably most likely secondary in nature resulting from some sort of damage and which would need bacterial or viral type medication. You have not provided a picture to help us figure this out, so as you are the only one who knows what this ';hole'; looks like, you will need to do some research into fish diseases to make a specific determination so you can treat it properly.

Finally, disease is a result of something wrong, which is usually poor water quality. I'm going to give the same ol' speech. You have 4 goldfish. You should have a minimum of a 40 gallon tank, and I'm going to bet you don't. This is the first clue to poor water quality. The next step toward poor water quality is improper water changes and cleaning techniques. Another contribution to poor water quality is not testing your water regularly; at least once a week. You will continue to have sick and dying fish if you don't do some research into how to properly take care of goldfish. Contrary to popular myth, goldfish are not the easiest fish to take care of, they are one of the most difficult. There are some very specific, technical and difficult requirements to successfully keep goldfish and this is why they really should only be kept by advanced aquarists. Please read everything you can on this website and do your research and you will have much better luck. Good luck!

EDIT: Sorry sweetie! We aren't really telling you off. Just trying to save you and your fish from the same mistakes we've made. Combined fungal and parasite medication? That's very strange.... Anyway.... the first thing I thought of when you said the bumps were on the gills was breeding tubercles,鈥?/a> someone else said, but finding these on one goldfish is very rare, let alone three goldfish, and especially in the fall. But, if they don't look like grains of salt, I would stop the medication. And the scale loss more than likely is from some type of damage. I would add salt. This is an all-round treatment that's good for all sorts of things, including reducing stress and won't harm the fish, in the event they are only breeding. The measurement is 1 tsp per 5 gallons of water. Don't use iodized salt. Use aquarium salt, rock salt, kosher salt, etc. Pre-mix in water and then add that water to your tank. You will need to recycle your water after using salt too, so test your water regularly; probably at least twice a week while treating. But, unless you have about a 75-80 gallon tank, I would not allow them to breed. If, by chance, you have a female, which leaves only one, I would immediately remove any eggs that may be lain. You just aren't going to have room for babies with anything less than this size of tank.
it sounds like white spots,,,check their bodies-if u see white spots there as well, then u need to treat it asap. U can get the medication from any aquarium/fish supply shops.

If the scales are ';standing'; up, then yr fish prolly have lice. these things cause the fish to feel itchy thus they will try to scratch their body against any hard objects resulting in them losing their scales. when fish loses their scales, a lot of nasty parasites %26amp; diesease can have an easy access to their internal organs.

Best of luck,,,[if the shops are nearby, take 1 of yr fish to them,,,u'll get a better diagnose there..]
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