Friday, January 8, 2010


ok well im a girl and at high school im very popular. the problem is that a lot of boys like me and i dont have a boyfriend. Some boys have girl friends and they find out that their bf likes me and they trip out and want to fight and stuff. I dont know what to do about them?


the part about all the boys..see i kinda flirt with all of them well at least the ones that come to the level of 7 out of 10. lol . they all get jelous and make these litlle fits but i dont understand why because ';i dont go with them';.

You have two options. One is to not flirt so much with guys you aren't really interested in dating.

The other is to take kick-boxing and jiu-jitsu lessons so you can kick the crap out of girls that try to pick fights with you.

These aren't mutually exclusive choices, BTW. You can do both if you want.NEED ADVICE ABOUT SCHOOL GIRLS AND GUYS
Well, sounds to me like your self esteem is not a problem. I advise flirting with available guys, or those who you like. Other than that, not worth it. A little flirting is alright, but if it's to the point where girls are threatening to fight you, I'd personally avoid it.

You said the problem is ';boys like [you] and [you] dont have a boyfriend'; is that because you don't like the boys who like you?
Sweetie, you need to stop flirting with all the boys if you want to attract one and keep him. The right guy will not stick around if he sees you arround all these other guys waiting to get a piece of you. Otherwise, you will wind up with a lot of false attention from all these other boys. I'm afraid that you might like the attention. That might be fun for awhile but you really are limiting yourself to a real solid relationship. You may be developping a negative perspective from others view too if you continue down this path. But hey...if this makes you happy...who can argue that? Just know that the right boy will shy away if he sees a bunch of flies around the cup.

Take care
no offense but so sound a little full of your self,

one way to change this is only flirt with the guys you like and could picture your self happy with, there is no need to flirt with everyone it just gets you in trouble most importantly with their girlfriends,

people normally say flirting in harmless, but to most guys that is just leading them on, and that is shallow and low,
U r just popular its not your fault unless your popular for doing something stupid great or betchy!

Just tell everyone that your waiting for the perfect guy with the perfect personality!
the point is that you are flirting with them if you don't want girls to go pycho on you then don't flirt with there bf
First problem to solve: get over yourself.
being popular is a good thing and should not be a reason for others to dislike you.

the problem here is the flirting~ flirting is a good thing when it comes to flirting with a potential bf~ it's a bad thing if it's uncontrollable and you're flirting with everyone. %26lt;-- this could really do you some great harm.

If you know that u're popular and pretty and all, try to build on the reputation of being a nice girl as well, that will do you far more good than jealous girls trying to pick fights at you. unfortunately girls will be jealous and gossipy~ even if you wanna believe that u don't care what other say, i know teens do.

you can flirt with guys who do not have a gf but try not need reassurance from guys who are taken~

i know it's hard to digest what i am suggesting here bc u're used to all the attention, but your life can much more fulfiiling if you'd just step back from the center of attention and be genuine as a frd to others in the school~

trust me, u're pretty and popular enough, try to work on a beautiful personality as well~ u'll be much more happier fo sure!

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