Friday, January 8, 2010

Some advice about alcoholism?

hey im a recovering alchohlic and i recently fell off the wagon. im going back to AA...but i wanted some extra advice... what else can i do to make me feel better? i try to eat well... i know exercise helps ... but does anyone know of anything i can do to feel healthier and maybe help my body recover from all the crap ive put in it?Some advice about alcoholism?
The best advice is to change your lifestyle to not include alcohol. That is what I did. Going to AA was OK at first but not the best answer for me. I go here and there but don't live my life by them. I live my life totally without alcohol. I don't go to bars anymore or hang out with people who drink. If I am invited to a cookout and alcohol will be there, I stay for a limited time to visit with my friends and then leave before the real drinking starts. I focus on my family and kids. I went back to school and got a Bachelor's Degree in Healthcare Management and recently bought an old Victorian House to fix up. The key is not only to have alcohol out of your life but to find other ways to occupy your time. Job, family, hobby, going back to school, etc. Good luck and contact me for support if you need it.Some advice about alcoholism?
Yeah, you already know the answers so stop playin around. Dont drink, eat ok, maybe take a few walks each week, and stay away from the problem people, places. Go to AA and live it a day at a time. Keep it Simple S..... You know the drill, be honest with yourself all of the time.
start taking vitamins...vitamin b..c..also get some milk thistle

pills it will help your liver...i had a supply of chocolate and i did a lot of journling..exercise to sweat out the bad junk

and listen....the cravings for alcohol isnt going to kill you..its if you keep using..your life is have went through everything that you have for a just stand and when you feel like giving in..dont!..get a sponser that follows the old rules of aa very strict..but you know we went through any and all lengths to get hugh you must do the same for your sobriety dear..i would suggest church also.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

this link is good::鈥?/a>

We have a responsibility as a society, too. When a public figure in recovery has a slip the public should not become moralistic or punitive. They should realize that the more well-known the person is, the greater the stigma and the harder their fall. We need to be more forgiving and recognize that the people who suffer from the disease of addiction must be treated with compassion, not contempt.
It sounds like you are doing all the right things. I think you are going to have to ride out that crappy feeling.

Just think of it as a way to really drive home the fact that you don't ever want to feel this way again. Keep a journal of how hard it has been to get back to feeling yourself. is my personal addiction recovery site. I talk openly about my recovery...I've had a relapse in the past as well.
AA is a great step! Seek out an addiction counselor, they can give you some extra help and guidance that AA won't. Keep exercising. Try joining kick boxing or something along those lines. Keep the commitment. Stay away from anyone that pressures you into drinking. If you keep up a healthy diet and exercise you'll start to feel better soon.
Think that by getting healtheir your body and mind will be grateful with your desicion. Be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. If you say ';no thanks, I don't drink'; you're beating the possibility of getting drunk again.

Falling off the wagon is easy, but by thinking that if you fall off again then the road will be more time.

Avoid situations where you can drink, even a sip. Act responsibly. Diet and exercise are important too.
drink lots of water to flush out the toxins in your body. Congratulations on going back to AA, I admire people like you because you made a mistake when you fell off the bandwagon, but you put it down to experience and try again!! I wish you all the best!

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