Friday, January 8, 2010

Okay This is a long question about advice love and freedom.....please take time to read and give me an answer?

Okay so I know I have found my true love billy joe

We met online he lives in london me in NC, USA

thurs he came from london to NC he is staying here two weeks

I want to go back to london with him but dont know how to tell my mom

I am a senoir in high school...18 more weeks and I am done

But the stress of school is killing me

I always felt I was trapped here in NC

watching my dreams slowly fade

now is a chance to move on go after my dreams

My mom is scared that I will do something stupid (I take meds for depression and if I skip them I act....really depressed)

I need my freedom

I need to be with my love

I plan to finish school in london

can someone please help me

so I can talk her into it?

I AM 18 btwOkay This is a long question about advice love and freedom.....please take time to read and give me an answer?
I think you should go and be with him If you know he will take care of you and your still going to be in school what is the big deal I would go I am also in NC and i need freedom!!!Okay This is a long question about advice love and freedom.....please take time to read and give me an answer?
please awnser mine:;_ylt=AlzwNvDkvhe9tcU2Jlg7g37sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090610125032AAWwwsI
Finish school here and hop the first plane to london after you graduate. She can't stop you after that. As long as you finish school she can't make you stay.
Have you applied to any schools in London, and if so have you been accepted? If you've been accepted, did you get the right Visa's so that you won't get deported. Do you have a lot of money in your savings to pay for your life there and for your tuition? Do you have a back up plan in case things don't work out with this guy?

Your mom will be more accepting of you going once you have all these things straightened out. Once she sees that you're being mature and serious about this, she may not be accepting, but she won't be as uncomfortable with it either. Make sure she meets the guy and accepts him too.
The question is, does he want you to go back with him to London? Being in love is the best feeling of all, but losing your family and a bright future because of impulsiveness is the worst thing to happen in the life of a young lady like you. You're too young, girl, you've got a promising future ahead of you. If you and Joe are really meant for each other, you will really end up together no matter what. What I'm trying to say is pull things together up, work on yourself and your future first before doing something that will aggravate everything in the end.

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