Thursday, December 31, 2009

Advice about limewire please?

Well... my friend came up to me during lunch and said to get limewire. What is that and is that good? I heard it had something to do with music...Advice about limewire please?
Limewire is a free music download site. I use to use it but I got a lot of viruses, if you have a Very Good anti-virus program go for it, they have almost anything type of music you would want. I use Frost wire now, it doesn't have as many song but haven't encountered any viruses, it's free too.

Please give me advice about my niece?

She is 19 yrs old and is engaded to this washout guy. They're only together for 4 months. She ran away from home with this guy, they live in a small room and sleep on a single bed in his motner's backyard. Both of them don't work and now she is planning to get pregnant. Should I ignore her and go on with my life or talk to her. She usually tells me I don't understand or that I am jealous. Can someone please give me advice. Before this guy appeared we were best friends. And now she pushes all her friends away. Help!Please give me advice about my niece?
My feeling about this is that as a caring Aunt, you have to try your best to get through to her about why she is making a big mistake, but it won't work. She probably believes that they are madly in love and she is unable to see the situation the way others do. Some people just have to make mistakes in life in order to learn from them in the long run. When she gets some perspective, at least she will know you were there for her and tried to help.Please give me advice about my niece?
Has his Mom lost her mind? People who plan to marry, but don't work shouldn't be allowed to crash in anyone's house. Let them live on the street, under a bridge, or in a cardboard box. The more people help those who do self destructive things, the longer they can continue to behave foolishly. When the niece has to get food out of dumpsters, perhaps the guy's appeal will fade.
Sometimes life teaches hard lessons. I have a sister who did the same thing. We all tried to help her, but she just kept pushing us all away. Finally, we washed our hands of her and moved on with our lives. It took nearly 20 years for her to finally decide the guy was a lazy worthless bum... after supporting him all that time. She tried to make amends, and she's welcome in our homes... but we don't go out of our way to invite her.
Love really does conquer all, ya know. Apparently, she is happy with this guy, no matter what kind of loser he may seem to be to you.
Why should YOU be jealous of HER?SHE'S the one who is an adult living off her parents sleeping in a backyard!And if she got pregnant she would be an unfit mother and her baby would get snatched up so fast you wouldn't even blink in time.Talk to her,try to get through to her and show her what she's doing is wrong,and this is the wrong guy for her.Encourage her to get a job and a better life.
Unfortunately, she is a grown-up and is entitled to make her own mistakes. All you can do is ask her to be careful and if something bad happens, let her know that you will be there for her.

However, you should talk to her about having a baby this soon into the relationship. Ask her to wait a while. Especially if they're living in someone's backyard. Explain to her how much work a baby is, and wouldn't she want to give the child the best of everything?

She's still young. She can change her mind about being married to this guy, but she can't change her mind about being a mother to some child.

Good luck!
talk to her or see if you can find someone she don't no and try and see if he will cheat then she will leave him
I agree that you should definitely talk to her. Invite her to lunch or a park or another neutral location without her boyfriend. Instead of starting right off with how you think her boyfriend is worthless maybe try asking her questions about her plans. Where does she think they'll be living in six months? Is she looking for a job? Is he looking for a job? Ask her where a baby would sleep, how they would feed the baby, etc. Before she gets pregnant would she be willing to do a trial run with one of those dolls that is programmed to act like a real baby so she can see what it will be like? (You can contact a local social services office or school district to find out how to obtain a doll like that.) If she starts accusing you of things like jealousy, do your best not to get angry or upset and defensive. Instead, say something like you aren't there to talk about you or that whether you are jealous or not isn't the issue. Try to remain calm and keep the conversation on an adult level. You may have to just talk to her a little bit at a time. If the conversation starts to take a turn for the worse, just say that you think you're ready to talk about something else and maybe you can come back to that conversation another time. The more you criticize the boyfriend, the more she'll want to be with him and defend him. Instead, focus on helping her see that her future with him may be limited for a variety of reasons. If she does express interested in getting a job, tell her you will help her. Probably getting a job will help her understand not only the value of a dollar but also get her away from her boyfriend and socializing with other people who will likely also see some of the problems with her relationship and point them out. Do your best to stay involved. If you do feel that you need to part ways with her at some point, you can always say that if she's interested in making a change she can come to you for help. Best of luck!

Please help: Need advice about women?

Princess Jewels is sitting in my lap. What do I do with a woman that is not inflatable?Please help: Need advice about women?
I've seen her bewbies, squeeze em, and then she'll direct you from there.Please help: Need advice about women?
Fark her good.
The bellly button or close around there is where you blow the real ones up!
Theirs a tiny rip between the ';walk'; and ';Don't walk'; buttons.
Plug up that hole to keep her full just in case.
poke her to make sure :)
She's heavier, isnt she?
Oh? that is sick!! haha
A little to the left ... uh ... mm .... okay no, too far. *gets the back scratcher*
play with her body parts and see what happens

A quick bit of advice about a girl i like...?

theres this girl i like, my x. she has a bf, we have been broken up for a couple of years, and ive started liking her again, should i tell her how i feel or just leave it?A quick bit of advice about a girl i like...?
just leave it if it didnt work before its not gonna work now.A quick bit of advice about a girl i like...?
if you tell her while she has a bf, you'll make it complicated and it may go wrong, wait until shes single then if you still like her tell her!

Wim really scared about having sex for the first time. any advice?

I feel like i wount even know what to do. also what age do most ppl have sex for the first time?Wim really scared about having sex for the first time. any advice?
Save yourself for marriage...Wim really scared about having sex for the first time. any advice?
There isn't an age that most people start to have sex, they just do when they are ready to have sex. If your scared you might not be ready, and I would wait until your ready to have sex for the first time, because the first time is not something that you can get back. I would make sure that you are positive, ready and safe.
If you have to ask, you're clearly not ready, but it was very mature of you to ask someone. The age for people's first time differs. A lot of people wait for different reason be it religious, economic, educational reason or just because they'd rather focus on other things besides sex. Others do it because they're peer pressured into it either by tv or friends or bf/gf.

You're not missing out on anything besides what it feels like. With sex comes a lot of responsibilities such as having to worry about condoms or other forms of contraceptives, diseases from simple crabs to as complex as HIV/AIDS and then there's the pregnancies and the option of whether to keep a life conceived or not. It's really a LOT of worries when you're not in a committed and secured relationship.

If you'd like to learn more about sex, go to your library and borrow books on it. I would say look online, but just typing the word sex brings up a whole sh*t load of smut.

Good luck on your decision.
My first time when I was 17 years of age.

I didn't know what to do either, but I really didn't care, my boyfriend at the time gave me little pointers but he did it in a good way not to make me emberassed or shy. It's something that you get the hand of through experiance...or be like a male and watch some XxX and

Personally, if you're scared, I don't think you should until one night when you really don't give a f*** and you go for it.
Hi I never had sex so I can't give you advice but I really don't think you should do it if you don't feel ready and comfartable, Wait till your married you won't regret it...

I think a lot of people have sex at a young age, while still in high school and I think a lot of them regrets it later in their life... just wait till your married...
If you are that afraid, then you are not ready yet. Sex is something that is amazing when you are ready for it. Otherwise it won't be as pleasant of an experience. It will be awkward, painful if you are woman, and something you won't look back on with fond memories.

I was 17 when I had sex the first time. It was one of the best experiences of my life, and I will always remember it fondly. In fact I am still friends with the man I was with. I was prepared for it and ready.

Take your time. There is no rush to do it.
';16+. But Don't Have Sex with a Guy (ASSUMING YOU A GIRL Because I don't think many guys would ask this) You Don't Want. Chances are most of the time they Just Want to Use You. Save it for some guy you really like and will stick to.';

Awesome guy right durr mayunn

Yeah man, in highschool guys are just trying to get laid

Savour your virginity.
16+. But Don't Have Sex with a Guy (ASSUMING YOU A GIRL Because I don't think many guys would ask this) You Don't Want. Chances are most of the time they Just Want to Use You. Save it for some guy you really like and will stick to.
no u won't believe me

u killer instinct will kick in and u will automatically know u have to damage that *****

go for it and have fun don't be too serious

whenever u think u ready for sex thats wen ppl do it
i would say like, 17 or so, give or take a year. and if you are scared, then dont do it, because obviously you arent ready. if you were ready, then you would feel it.
If you really want to , 16 would be the right age because if you're below 16 , its against the law . Its best to have sex after you're married . But it all depends on you .
depends on what type of girl/guy you are.

you don't want rush into it,and don't worry bout doing good or bad,unless your in your late 20's

other than that your mate wouldn't know the difference.
if you're scared.....dont do it, cause it could end up being the worst mistake that you ever 14 and i wont have sex until im 18 or when im sure im ready for it.
well most people have it after they're married but also a lot of teens do to at about 14-19. but if your the 14-19 group i wouldn't recommendd it.
just go with the flow. all you need to know to have sex you already know. its a genetic thing. just make sure to use condoms.
If your scared of having sex for the first time, then your not ready for it.
well if you have to ask your not ready.

and most people that i know

have sex in high school. its pathetic.
if you act all hesitant then she will know wats up so just stay confident and take control. the first time i hooked up with a girl was wen i was 16 but its what ever feels right for you bud
it doesnt seem like your ready. people have sex when there ready theres not really an age.
Do what feels natural and use a good contraceptive
whatever age feels right.

and just have fun, thats the main thing's simple. You just get a *****, slap her titties around some, stick inside her and pee!
if ur not ready then simply wait til you are
  • bronzing powder
  • HELP! i want SOME ADVICE about many things!? i knoe its in the wrong category!?

    ok im in 6th grade and im an enviormentalist , animal and music lover. i want to find out some good music for my age 11-12 and some good ideas fo me to help kids nation wide and/or some good ideas on how to rais money so that i could send it to the invisible children foundation? plz i need some answers!! thanks-peace!HELP! i want SOME ADVICE about many things!? i knoe its in the wrong category!?
    for invisible children you are better off writing letters to your government. Invisible Children asked President Bush to help out a LONG time ago and are still waiting on a reply.

    so keep bothering the politicians and contact the invisible children foundation directly.

    They came to my school and thats how I cave them money.

    when you write a letter to your mayor or something include a picture of yourself (its harder to ignore if there is a face to go with the words) and your address (if you include your address then they have to write you back and let you know whats going on.

    to raise money for IC, you can sell chocolate around your school, hold a walk-a-thon, and set up a collection bin like, outside of your main office.

    who cant say no to chocolate? lol

    with the walk-a-thon, have students got like 5 people to plege for them ($10 a mile or something) and just walk for a long time! that raises alot of money fast.

    if you can, make it during school because more people will probably do it if they get out of class and make sure people know what they are walking for. get your principal to sign off on it.

    the collection bin will only work if people know what its for. organize an assembly and play the ';Sunday'; video. it will touch peoples hearts and they will want to give.

    also, if you can, contact IC and see if they will come to your school.

    when they came to mine, they sold the bracelets and videos and played some of the videos and it made alot of people cry and want to help.

    hope this helped and sorry I only addressed one of your thingsHELP! i want SOME ADVICE about many things!? i knoe its in the wrong category!?
    rap about the enviroment
    Well, I am in 6th grade too.

    I started a fundraiser by people picking up litter on peoples lawns and sponsoring GREEN products, the money was used to by evironmentally friendly items for the school.

    Hi, i need some advice about how to wipe a hard drive. can i do this myself?

    i have a two hard drives a 20gb,

    the other a 160gb and i would like to wipe them clean and then start over with another operating system.

    i don't know precisely what is wrong but neither of them work. i am trying to reconstruct an old computer just for fun and on the other large drive

    i want to store pictures and music but i believe it has a virus. what do i do?Hi, i need some advice about how to wipe a hard drive. can i do this myself?
    There are a couple ways to do it, but this is probably the easiest. Have one hard drive in the machine (check the jumpers to see if it is set to master if IDE). Take your Windows XP or other Microsoft OS CD and put it into your CD-Rom drive. Reboot making sure BIOS is set to boot first from CD-Rom. Follow the instructions and when it asks to format the drive, select yes. After formatting, shut down computer, put in other HD, rinse and repeat.Hi, i need some advice about how to wipe a hard drive. can i do this myself?
    download %26amp; burn a linux CD (e.g., Ubuntu); or, request a free one through (takes 6 weeks to arive). You won't get a virus - It's not windows and has no windows programs.

    Then right-click on drive (it should be on the desktop) and click format. Or enter GParted and format.

    College student needs some advice about a Masters degree. Help?

    Are students going for a masters degree in mathematics expected to know as much as a student with a bachelors degree in math? Or do they teach you all of that in graduate school? I'm not sure if I need a bachelors in math or if I will be able to get a masters in it (even though all the math I've done so far has been algebra, trigonometry, statistics, and business calculus).College student needs some advice about a Masters degree. Help?
    You might not need a bachelors' in math, but you would need to have taken more high-level classes than you currently have: linear algebra, multivariable calculus, and so on. Advanced mathematics almost resembles philosophy in certain respects, in that it's as much about why equations work as actually working with them, and there's no way you'll be able to keep up if you don't have the training.College student needs some advice about a Masters degree. Help?
    I would think you are expected to know more. Master students of math probably do not have to worry about a thesis which is good. Getting a bachelors in math is ok. Why not physics? The classes you take are similar. You could always minor in math and major in physics. To get into a math program you need so many upper level math courses. If you major in someting else like business and then apply for the math Master program you will have to take a lot of classes you did not.

    Anyone tell me for advice about if my gf is pregancy or not when she finsihed with combined pills in 21 days

    21 days finish after then next two days later.. as we have sex in unprotected sex thing but i worry about my gf maybe pregnacy or not and pls everyon tell me about it plus help me!!!Anyone tell me for advice about if my gf is pregancy or not when she finsihed with combined pills in 21 days
    Calm down. Just breath. If she is on the pill she is very unlikely to be pregnant but if she is, she is depending on you. Be there for her and stand by her. It is possible that she is pregnant. Good luck and best wishes!Anyone tell me for advice about if my gf is pregancy or not when she finsihed with combined pills in 21 days
    If I were you I would get a pregnancy. Has she missed a period? start with this.
    wear a condom next time
    how long ago was it? why didnt she get emergency contraception if you had unprotected sex?? you can buy it from the chemist. if its not been 72hours yet she can still go get it.
    What is your native language? It's obviously not english. If it is then you need to go back to 4th grade and you probably shouldn't be having sex because you're too stupid to have kids.

    Why does charged the Psp get`s charged every five hours any advice to do about this problem.?

    I'm assuming your question is about battery consumption? You can always buy a larger battery, or buy replacement batteries. There are also batteries that plug into the charging outlet for the PSP and charge your battery and extend the life of your gameplay for your PSP pretty well. You can go from 4-5 hours of gameplay to 9-15 hours of gameplay pretty easily with just an extra battery.

    Keep in mind that with a larger battery installed, an extra screen option becomes available to your PSP as well. Usually a PSP will have only 3 brightness settings while using a battery. If you have a larger battery, an ultra bright setting becomes available for you as well.

    I would suggest looking online. They also sell larger batteries in game stores such as GameStop and EB Games as well.

    Good luck. :)

    Hi All, Need ur advice about my Career?

    I've done my dilpoma in Electronics and i have done Network course. but the package which i'm getting is very less...because of outsourcing stuff happening everywhere and competition in the market. please advice me how i can land in some good job... do i need to do any course...? i'm not intrested in Engg....Please Advice Me on this.

    Thanx in AdvanceHi All, Need ur advice about my Career?
    Take one of the Microsoft courses, or become a programmer.
  • bronzing powder
  • I really need some advice about my husband?

    My husband recently began thinking about getting circumcised. Oddly enough i've never been with a circumcised man and didn't really know how to respond when he told me he was thinking about having it done? Is it really any different at all? Will lovemaking feel different? Has anyone been in a similar situation? Well any answers/advice would help reallyI really need some advice about my husband?
    I've never heard of a man getting this done beyond birth, so it is different and therefore I wonder what makes him want to do this? Have you ever thought that he might be having an affair and 'the other woman' wants him to alter his banana to what she is accustom? Just let's understand his motive, right? Regardless, it won't be any different at all, and to you, it would feel exactly the same. While it's probably not the most attractive body part, it might just look a little cleaner.

    I'm a nurse and at the hospital where I work, once there was a male child born with a slight deformity. Although seemingly a minor cosmetic issue, he was born without eye lids, which do serve an important function, protecting and lubricating the eyes. Doctors decided to perform plastic surgery and use the circumcised skin as eyelid material. It sounds pretty good, right? Similar type skin, very flexible, appropriate coloration, etc. It was a perfect plan, so they performed the procedure and all went well. Only one problem...the kid became c0ck-eyed. lol

    Whatever your husband ends up doing with his wang seems rather mental/emotional, rather than physical. So, either way, just enjoy!

    P.S. Arnold is obvioulsy uncircumsized, seeking to hold his place in the public shower. There are several wacko, special interest groups who have strong beliefs over the issue of circumcision and they throw such unsubstanciated statistics around like the gospel to promote their values. Besides, the only reason Arnold didn't get circumsized is because if he lost 15% he'd have nothing Everyone seems to have an angle. Mine is a bit of honesty, combined with humor, in an attempt to promote constructive thought.I really need some advice about my husband?
    Once circumcised, the tip of the penis will have a small ';ridge';. This area is not only highly sensative for the man %26amp; his pleasure will increase - but yes - for U too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!! That little ';ridge'; can hit your G spot over and over and the feeling is pure bliss! It's great that you are already satisfied - having this proceedure will not decrease that. However, having the surgery as an adult will make him a bit sore for a about a week, he needs to be very dilligent about careing for his recovery. Also, once it has been done, there is an amount of phsycholical fear that a man will possess afterwards - afterall his most sensative area was just near sharp metal and all - so be patient and go slow at first and ease into sex. I found that oral sex at first was best %26amp; use alot of lubrication as he may be dry at first due to his thoughts - not a physical reaction.
    It wouldn't be any different for you, but he will lose the sensitivity in the head of his penis. It might make him last longer. Is he going through a mid life crisis, why get it done now, maybe he feels his foreskin is getting in the way as when it pulls back as you have sex the webbing can strain if there isn't enough lubrication. Ask him if thats the problem, maybe a little lubricant in you will fix it
    Alot of men are choosing to be circumcised now. It has been proven to reduce cancer of the genital area. There is no difference in the way love making feels except you may have to get used o the difference. It's just the way it feels on the outside that will be different.
    if you're sexually satisfied w/ him not being circumcised-y does he want it done? if it's not for health reasons, I would tell him to leave it alone. I've slept w/ cut penises, uncut penises and even pierced penises, it all pretty much feels the same to me. I don't think that their will be too much difference for you but your hubby may find that it's a whole lot more sensitive.
    ive been circumcised since birth and went through the pros and cons when our son was born --- for an adult it is a major operation and unless there are compelling medical reasons it not something to be lightly entered into --- as far as i am aware there are no real differences in lovemaking ---- the only or major advantage is that it is more hygenic and less prone to infections if not cleaned correctly
    I am shocked that he is wanting to be circumcised as an adult. I cant tell you that i know what relations with an un-circumcised man is like bc the only time that i ever see one was on my son before the procedure. I couldnt imagine not having the tip of my husband if you know what i mean. i would be really surprised if he actually goes through with it.
    I thought that all men were circumcised. This is done in every hospital.. at birth.. I guess unless the parents specifically ask not to. Hmmm.. I wasn't aware that parents actually did that!

    Sorry for my ignorance... :)

    But a circumcised male member is just one that has the head exposed. With an uncircumcised member, you have loose foreskin that covers it up.. and can be folded. There are actually some health concerns with having that loose skin. It can harbor bacteria and infections.

    If he is having this done as an adult.. it isn't a bad thing. He's probably regretting that his parents didn't have it done while he was young enough not to remember the pain!

    But your sex won't be any different. It will still feel good to you both. His member won't loose any length or anything.. it is just loose foreskin that is being cut. You'll be able to see the head without folding skin back. You'll also be able to feel that head a little better.
    From what I understand sex is very different for the MAN when he is circumcised... and not in a good way. It seems that the sensations are different and actually less than the circumcised man. It may also cause some issues for the 2 of you during sex since it may cause him to O quicker.. since everything is exposed, but not necessarily better. Did he tell you 'why' he is thinking about doing this? Seems weird to want to do something so drastic so late in life unless he has been convinced that sex will be better or something like that. It brings up more questions and I'd really try to dig a bit deeper to find out the big reason. [the link below has several sublinks which discuss circumcision... very worthwhile reading].
    hmm...ive only been circumcised men...and iv never been let down, iv heard from other women circumsiced men are in it feels better during think u shouldnt worry too much.
    I have only been with a man that has been circumcised. But I would recommend that you talk to his physician and ask those same questions.

    I would also use the internet to look up pictures of circumcised men and do your own comparison.

    I understand it is much healthier and cleaner to be circumcised.

    In response to the previous answer, it is actually fairly common for an adult man to be circumcised, if it was not done as an infant.
    I think at the end of the day, you've got to leave it up to him...I can't say i've ever heard anyone complain about sex in a way that specifically mentions a circumcised penis was the problem. It's also alot more hygenic too.
    my advice is that if he is stupid enough to get it done... you've learned how stupid he is.
    I've only been with circumsized men BUT studies have shown that uncircumsized males experience and give better pleasure when it comes to sex. Just something to think about. I'm very surprised that he's even considering it as an adult. If the sex is good now and you both are happy, don't change it. Doctors have even said that circumsicion is a pointless procedure...they used to think it needed to be done for health issues but studies have proven that theory wrong as well. Both of you need to do research on this before jumping into any snipping! Best of luck!
    Hey, its his organ he can do what he wants, but the question is why does he want it now? circumsicion takes away 15% of sensations away, because the area around the corona of the penis is a very sensitive area, and if circumsiced, that part is constantly exposed to the rubbing of the underwear etc and will eventually like all other parts of the body lose the wonderful sensation, on the flip side that will help with having longer sex cause it takes more stimulation now that his sensation is lesser.

    Personally I would not recomend circumsicion to anyone, even a child.
    All my husbands were circumcised. But once I was with an uncircumcised man and I think that if I had to do it again I would not have had my son circumcised when he was a baby. I would have given him the choice of his own. Although if a problem would have come about because of this decision, I would have had the circumcision performed. If there is a medical reason for the procedure then it should be considered for his health.

    Help please!!!!! I need advice about a girl - please only girls?

    Ok first I like this girl, that is in one of my classes. She's shy,nice and likes me at least a little. I can't tell her face to face, and note is hard. How do I open up with her, and how can I tell her that i like her with out feeling forward, or creepy. Please i need options..... quickly! (Ideas for a letter) note im only about 13 years old.Help please!!!!! I need advice about a girl - please only girls?
    I'm thirteen too! Plus, I also like someone who is in only one of my classes.

    You need to make sure she knows your serious, because if she's as shy as some of my friends, she might not believe you could like her.

    If you don't know her too well, talk to her first, because she's more likely to like a guy she knows better. BUT, DO NOT SLIP INTO THE FRIENDS ZONE! Flirt, so she doesn't think of you as just a friend.

    Make sure whenever she's around, you pay more attention to her than any other girl.

    After you are friends, tell her when you're alone.

    -LivvyHelp please!!!!! I need advice about a girl - please only girls?
    ok from personal experience i know that a note/letter is a really really REALLY bad idea. one of my friends gave a love note 2 the guy she liked and he showed it 2 every1 and they all made fun of her...the bad part about a note is if she doesnt like you she can show it 2 all her friends and they will laugh at u. same goes w/ emails and IM conversations. if u like some1 tell them in person plz u will regret it if u dont

    these are signs to show girls are annoyed, want you to talk to them, like you

    when they are annoyed:

    they keep looking down and trying to pretend to focus on something else

    take lots of deep sighs

    doesnt make eye contacts

    keeps trying to walk away

    rolls eyes

    says w/e, cool, awesome, good for you

    wants you to talk to them:

    stares at you

    says hi, or haha thats so funny, what are you doing. or nudges you

    likes you:

    smiles at you alot.

    tries to touch your hand

    always pays attention to you
    call her or send a forwarded or regular text message that says something about being irreplaceable or etc...
    write a note or call her up
    a note will do:)

    Does anybody have any advice about this?

    I'm having an infestation problem in my neighborhood. Christians are swarming everywhere. Is it okay to call Terminex on these pests?Does anybody have any advice about this?
    haha!! good one!! why do you hate christians so much?? im a christian. im not trying to get rid of you. RELAX!! not all christians are out to get you.Does anybody have any advice about this?
    thanks!god bless u...oh,1 more thing...REAL christians will never judge u or criticize what u believe in. they WILL try 2 save u, but kindly tell them 2 back off.dont sweat it...some of us r just trying. some r just annoying...good luck!

    Report Abuse

    I've read many of your's not that I'm trying to convert you, but Christians are taught that they won't be doing their duty until they try to help others accept God. I'm not telling you what to believe, I'm just praying to my God that you will be saved one day. Please don't be offended.

    Report Abuse

    It's OK to be afraid of what you don't know. I will pray for clarity of mind for you.
    Terminex refuses to handle this type for legal reasons sometimes it is possible to bring in a natural predator like the ancient roman or satanists, but the best tactic is usually to flee in search of tolerance.
    orkin might be cheaper :)
    You like to post in the religion category. Why not talk about your own instead of attacking others'. Then maybe they wouldn't be so hostile towards you.
    Actually, by looking back on history it seems like there'd be more Christians in hell than non-Christians.
    Only if they exterminate your house by mistake!! LOL
    Just go back to hell and the Christians wouldn't be a problem.
    Someone had a good line on what to do. Tell them you only discuss god when naked and that should scatter them like flies.
    What’s “Terminex”? We have “Rent-a-Kill” over here, and it’s definitely illegal to use on Xians. But they don’t bother me actually, many are quite allright.
    Notice when you post something intolerant, you get intolerant answers? It doesn't matter that others practice intolerance. If you practice tolerance, others may show more tolerance towards your beliefs. I am not favoring Christianity over your beliefs. And my own beliefs are even different than yours. That is why we need to be more tolerant towards each other's beliefs.
    I do have some advice for u ......Y don't u pack ur lugguage and move out and settle in a place like Mecca Medina or Saudi Arab country or Somalia or Nigeria u'll b much happier there.Maybe u should go to AFGANISTAN 2 for settling down permanently in life.Like they say.....the grass is always greener on the other side.
    sorry.....this type of infestation will never go away! Wait till on night....when your awaken from a deep sleep......and you find thousands of them crawling on your wall, and one drops from the ceiling and lands in your gaping mouth!
    Your best bet is to move, preferably somewhere Communist where they don't stand for such things.
    You just said in your other question you posted that you were against the extermination of your 'people' in the salem witch trails and you wanted the Christians to appolgise. Its hypocritical to now want to do the same thing to them. ( even though true Christians did not kill witches in Salem, they were not following the message of Christ.(Were there even any real Witches in Salem anyway? Or was it just mass hysteria?)

    Now you want to exterminate the Christians, is that the answer to you problem? If people don't agree with you should you just do away with them? I dont agree. I dont think death, war, fighting or negitivity is ever the answer.

    Even as a Pagan ( before I became a Christian), I was taught to love all people and cultures and not to exclude people and exterminate people that were different than me.

    Does the Wiccan Rede not say ';Do what you will, so long as it harms none ?';

    The Bible says : ';Do on to others as you would have them do to you.'; Luke 6:31
    You could try, but the Terminex guy is probably Christian too. They seem to be everywhere. Maybe you should move, China is an atheist country. But if you must deal with them, just write the number 666 on your front door and walk around saying ';Satan Bless You.'; They'll get scared of you and leave you alone.
    just ignore them theyll go away and burn the church down just for fun, watch how crazy the go
    Haha, yeah. It's okay.
    you must be a muslim , allah and GOD are not one and the same
    Ih can see the lowered has for saken ewe. Verily, now be nice, quit picking on the Christians or burn in hell.
    Yeah, the world would be a better place if we could just get rid of everybody who's not like us...
    You are wack.
    and what the hell r u?
    Go ahead, you're headed to hell any way!
    Father for give him for he knows not what he does. you know there was a time i was into witchcraft and demonology. i thought i was cool. by the grace of God i am still alive and my name is written in the Book of Life.

    just as the scales fell from sauls eyes(he became paul) i pray the scales that blind you will be removed
    How are they dangerous??Is your soul afraid of the Light??It is written that the darkness will try to hide from the Light....+

    Advice about Beauty Therapy career?

    I am currently studying beauty therapy level 3 after gaining my level 2 qualification, my course doesnt offer acrylic nail training%26gt; does anyone know the best place to do this training?? was thinking about doing it with a brand (jessica or something)

    i would also like tips from other beauty therapists about my career once i have finished college!! so anyone thats been there and done it i would love to have some advice

    thank you!!! x x x x xAdvice about Beauty Therapy career?
    see if theres any college places

    Advice about asking a guy to prom?

    So I'm planning on asking this guy to prom. What would be the best way to do this.

    A) Act like I need a date and date and that he seems like a cool person to go.

    B) Make it seem like I want to go with someone special and picked him.

    C) Other =]

    Details: We talk to each other and seem to get along OK, but we're not really close friends, I just talk to him here or there.Advice about asking a guy to prom?
    I did Option C and it turned out to be a really cool night. I walked up to my sort of friend and said, ';hey are you going to go to the prom? You know we have a lot of friends in common. You want to go with me? Let me know next period if its a yes or no.'; I used a casual tone of voice which let him know that if he chose no then it wouldn't really be a big deal which took the pressure off of both of us. We ended up going with a group of us in a limo and had a blast. Our friendship stayed in tact and we got to know each other a little better over dinner.Advice about asking a guy to prom?
    I would say B, cuz if you act like u need and date and he needs a date it might not be as special as if you made him feel special. Also, the more a guy feels like he is wanted the more special your night will be-he will put more thought into flowers and dinner than not.
    well you guys arent that close so just ask him like you find that hes a cool guy and it would be sick if he went to prom with you,, i mean what is there to lose,
    I ain't sure what letter choice this answer is ask the guy if he's going to the prom. If yes, ask him if he's going with anyone one, no ask out. If he'd said no, ask him why, if he say's ';because I ain't got anyone';, nail him (ask him then) if for other reason, than don't. Get to know the guy first so y'all can something at the prom.
  • bronzing powder
  • Advice about Washington State?

    I am going to be working as an intern in Pullman, WA for 3 months this summer. Has anyone got any advice for me while I am there? Things to see/do etc. (I am from the UK by the way)Advice about Washington State?
    I lived in Pullman for several years while going to school there. Pullman is a college town in the middle of nowhere. You should make a trip to Seattle, but it is about a 5 hour drive from Pullman, so you won't be able to do it a lot. Most likely you will want to go to Spokane if you want to do any big city stuff. Spokane is more like 1.5 hours from Pullman.

    Summers in Pullman are nice. Many of the college students are gone, and the weather is really sunny. Also, all the wheat fields are green.

    Definately go to the 4th of July celebration in Pullman. It is at a huge park there. Farmers come from all around and it is a huge celebration. It will be a good introduction to American 4th of July for someone from the UK. You also need to spend some time down at the Snake River. Don't worry, it is called that because of the shape of the river, not because there are snakes. The river has beautiful scenery and it provides a nice place to cool off in the heat. Another thing to go see is Steptoe Butte. It is a huge hill in the middle of the farmland (called the Palouse). You can see for hundreds of miles. There is a road that leads to the top. As for a nightlife, there are lots of things that cater to the college kids. But for the most part it will be pretty relaxed since so many students leave for the summer. Another thing to do is drive 8 miles to Moscow, Idaho. It is a nice small town.

    Another thing. The first day you are there, you need to go to a store called Crimson and Grey and buy yourself some coug gear. The WSU Cougars have the best logo in all of college, and it is a must to own some cougar clothes while in Pullman.Advice about Washington State?
    You will be to far away from Seattle for any weekend trips of any quality. Plan to spend a week or a couple of 3-4 day trips.

    You will be on the other side of the state so know you won't be anywhere near a real city. Pullman is a drunken college town and Idaho is more ';Pullman'; then Seattle is ';Pullman.';

    While here you have to ride the ferry on a nice day, space neddle, if you are an outdoorsy type then a hike to Camp Muir on Mt. rainier is an A++. The cool thing about Seattle is you can ocean fish in the day, water ski in the afternoon, and snow ski at night all with in 100 miles.

    for more intellectual things, we have great museums (sorry forgot you're from uk), coffee, Boeing flight museum, coffee, microbrews, poetry etc..... great to see football or soccer outdoors ( search: seattle sounders)
    Wow, that is a very rural part of the state. Its climate is a lot different from the Seattle area, which is what most people expect when they come to this state. But, the Palouse farming country is beautiful in its own right. Here is one option:鈥?/a>

    About 75 miles north is Spokane, the major city of ';the Inland Empire.'; The city has 200,000 people and is full of things to see and do, including Riverfront Park, site of Expo 74.

    With all the questions about 'am I pregnant' and the like, should Yahoo! answers provide contrapceptive advice?鈥?/a>

    Just wondering if a link in this and other sections to webpages about contraception might be a good idea.With all the questions about 'am I pregnant' and the like, should Yahoo! answers provide contrapceptive advice?
    the vitriolic catholics from the religion section would go bananasWith all the questions about 'am I pregnant' and the like, should Yahoo! answers provide contrapceptive advice?
    I personally think that there should be a filter on questions with the words ';Am I Pregnant??'; or ';OMG Pregnant ???';which says

    ';Before asking this question please confirm you have taken the following steps'; 1. Taken a pregnancy test, 2. Consulted your doctor, 3. Checked you actually had sexual intercourse (thats the best when people ask can they be pregnant if he did it on their earlobe!!!!) If you have not completed these 3 steps please do not post your question or it will be removed. rant rant rant rant.
    It's not Yahoo!'s responsibility to do this. What is troubling though is the fact that there are all these young women having sex when they don't even seem to understand what they're doing and the risk they're taking. Plus there seems to be a lot of young women who know absolutely nothing about thier bodies. Not good.
    i think maybe it should have a check list people have to answer before coming on here and saying could i be pregnant?

    question1 - have you had sex?

    question 2 - did you have sex with a man?

    question 3 - was you naked?


    god am i prego questions are so annoying!
    Awwww, don't take my laughter medicine away! If there's one thing guaranteed to make me laugh it's the ';I pricked myself with a needle can I be pregnant'; questions.
    Most people are asking if they are pregnant because they want to be, not because they don't want to be.
    Yes, yes, yes or the UK could just stop paying out benefits so stupid people would stop breeding and living off the state.
    Yep great idea
    Someone should have done so to your mother !
    It would be nice!
    i think they should give out free condoms ;)

    Advice about a tattoo?

    i'm planning on getting ';Devious'; tattooed on the back of my neck next weekend. Ive never seen any1 with it. does any1 have any pics of this tattooed? or some lettering that might look nice? lol thnxAdvice about a tattoo?

    I have 9 tattoos, my first I got at 14,one I got at 17 is of a playboy bunny on my thigh which I regret now at 26 yrs old!

    Your neck is an area on show all the time, are u sure you want to get 'devious' tattooed there?

    I am not being judgmental but I saying this because think when you apply for jobs etc, do u really want people to instantly think things about you?

    If you really want 'Devious' on you, maybe you should put it in a place which isn't on show such as yr lower back etc..

    Just a suggestion hun xAdvice about a tattoo?
    I have never seen it no, perhaps for good reason, no one wants to be perceived as devious, sneaky or underhand, it is just one of those words that gives out a negative vibe. I have no issues with tattoos, I have several of my own, I am just not keen on negative messages.
    Dont do it!

    Serveral reasons:

    1.) You'll look common as muck

    2.) Imagine when you're like 60 and all wrinkly and you still have that aweful mess on your neck.

    Dont do it. Have some class.
    Ask your tattooist when you get there - he'll have loads of fonts for you to choose from.
    Old english lettering will look good :)

    Advice about fashionable women's boots?

    I have wide feet and wide calves. I would like a pair of black boots to wear with dresses. This is for work so no high heels please! Any suggestions? Advice about fashionable women's boots?
    I have been looking for the same thing today. Here are a few things that I found:…………

    in fact, just check out this website:

    it's a shoe comparison site that allows you to search through similar items.

    Advice about tonsillectomy?

    I am having my tonsils taken out in 3 days and at first i was not nervouse at all and i really thought it wouldn't matter just go in get it done with and everything would be the day gets closer i am getting more and more nervous i can't sleep and i am just getting scared! i don't know what to do please help!Advice about tonsillectomy?
    English singer Will Young is said to be struggling to sing after undergoing an operation to have his tonsils removed.Advice about tonsillectomy?
    I can understand your nervousness, but the procedure is so old and people have been getting them for years, and turn out just fine. You'll be fine. It's not something that Drs. just learned to do. They are experienced and trained. Below is a site that you can go on to help you get better educated on the procedure that you're going thru.
    ive never gotten mine taken out but my dad did and he said they used a litle laser to cut them off. then after that he had to get a special ice pack that wrapped aroung his neck. he was also constantly spitting out blood for the next month
    Well, its OK to be nervous! I mean its surgery...not a fun day at disney:) When i had mine out i remember having a really bad sore throat and my tongue was painful and swollen from the clamp they used to hold it out of the way during the procedure. But, i was kept pretty comfortable with medication and slept alot the first few days afterwards.

    But...3-4 days after surgery i was out of my house, doing ';normal'; things. I carried a little sports bottle of sweet tea with me (i am from the south)...the sweet tea was nice because it did not burn like juice or soda and had more taste then water. I found it to be very soothing:)

    For the first few days i slurped up warm broth and drank ensure, after that i moved on to things like mashed potatoes and mac and cheese...gradually working my way up to normal food again after about 5-7 days. Oh ya, first few daus...stay away from ice cream and things like that....just tust me on that.

    Its OK to be scared...but trust me when i say that my life has been sooooo much better since i had mine taken out. For me, strep and toncilitis are a thing of the past. If i do get sick my throat might get a bit scratchy...and i always think wow, if i still had my tonscils i would be soooooo misreable. SO ya, it has changed my life for the better.

    Just follow your doctors orders, take the pain meds when you need them (that is what they are there for) and take it easy for a few days, before you know it you will be back up and at it. Like i said there is some pain, but it is barable, not much worse then really bad strep. Good luck sweetie and you will be fine:)

    PS is you are losing sleep over it can just make it all up with a few days full of naps following the surgery:)

    Oh and sorry about the spelling..spell check does not seem to be working for me.
    Becky, I am a nurse and I worked for 3 years on a medical / surgical floor of a local hospital. One of the surgical things I worked with a lot was pediatrics. Doing this we had a lot of tonsillectomy patients.

    Being nervous and scared is a very normal reaction. You are letting a stranger knock you out and cut on your body. Anyone would feel the same way. Usually the morning of the surgery (or whenever it is scheduled) your doctor will see you. Be sure to tell him / her how you are feeling about the entire situation. The doctor will be able to help answer any last minute questions you have.

    I'll be honest with you. Your throat will be very sore but your doctor will have pain medication ordered for you. After the surgery you will start off with a liquid diet and should start off with sucking on ice chips and advancing as you can tolerate. You may be nauseated (upset stomach). If this happens there should be med's ordered to make this stop. You may also start having a fever after the surgery. This is very normal and the nurses will be able to give you Tylenol or Ibuprofen to bring the fever back down just like when you are sick. After you are able to eat you will want to stay away from hard scratchy things like chips and popcorn because these can scratch open the surgical site as you swallow them.

    The patients I worked with usually stayed in the hospital over night and were released the next morning. This differs from hospital to hospital and weather you have any complications from the surgery. Not to scare you any more but any surgery has it's risk but in my experience this only happened 1 out of every 10 surgeries and this was usually post op bleeding that caused the doctor to take the patient back to surgery to cauterize the surgical site.

    Something you might try to help decrease your fear and anxiety would be things that can distract you. Read a book. Play video games. Listen to music or whatever else you normally do to relax yourself.

    Good Luck!!!

    Advice about Sallie Mae private student loans?

    I've been looking into the possibility of borrowing a private Tuition Answer loan from Sallie Mae. The interest is pretty high, but it is my only option to have living expenses so I can make it through nursing school (my federal loans just cover tuition/books). I need help understanding these little other fees they mention supplemental (i believe that's what it said) at 3% and origination. Does anyone have advice for me, about this type or similar type, of loan and little add ons I need to be aware of the could get costly?Advice about Sallie Mae private student loans?
    I know they have a lot of little fees, but they are a signature loan. What that means is that you may have to have a co-signer, and if you do, and you don't pay, they will be responsible for the money.

    My sister in law has a loan from them for school, and she seems to choose to spend her money on other things than paying her monthly loan payments ($54.39 per month). So when she doesn't pay, we get the phone call, and they go after my husband for the money because he co-signed for the loan. He has no way of getting off the loan, and they are threatening to sue him for the money because she is so far behind they are calling in the loan - they want over $2,000 paid in full or they will go to court.

    I know that they are very good at getting money to just about anyone, but they had better pay it back, for they have the law on their side (as well as the government). Read everything carefully, and make sure that you take it to someone at your bank to go over with you. They should be able to answer your questions.Advice about Sallie Mae private student loans?
    This is not a political question. If you want financial advice go to financial section.

    Also try source for contact info.
    It could be rather costly doing the loan with Sallie Mae. Not too long ago they were fined for their practices on their rates and fees. For more information I would try make sure you click the ';finance college'; tab for the information you are looking for.
    If you have more than one loan from them, consolidate to save on your monthly payments and decrease the amount you are charged for interest.
  • bronzing powder
  • I need girl advice, about periods?

    When do they normally come. I want stories. Also give me advice on when mine will come. I am 12 and 9 months. I have lots of discarge. 5 feet 5 inches. 107 pounds. i have hair down there and a very small amount under my arms. I need help. thanxI need girl advice, about periods?
    Mine came in sixth grade, and I think I was 12. It happened at home.

    Periods could come anywhere from 11-16, but it sounds like yours is coming soon!I need girl advice, about periods?
    Well first of all, different people get it at different ages. But if you say that you have a lot of vaginal discharge it might be coming. It is very natural, and when I first got mine I was so embarrassed about it, but later on you notice that it is normal and there is nothing to worry about. Normal honestly there is not adivce just know what you are doing, and start of with pads not tampons. Change every 2-3 hours, and be careful. You might get stomach aches at first but dont worry that is normal and there is nothng that you can do about that so dont worry.

    Good Luck.

    10 points?
    My first one was when i was 13 and a half, and i'm 22 now. You will probably be able to tell when it is soon because your back might hurt a little and you'll just feel weird. They should come about every month or so, at first it will be a little off, like maybe you might skip a month. Then it will get regular and you will know exactly when it will come. Just hang in there, and enjoy you're last moments before you become a woman.
    Sounds like from all your questions you're really anxious :)

    well, i started when i was 11. I had all the signs as you, except i got under arm hair, leg hair, and the 'down there' hair when i was only seven years old. it varies for everyone.

    I would relax :)

    the earliest you could start is 8, and you could even start at 18. but by the sound of it, you'll begin soon

    good luck!
    1. have you developed up there? - Girls get their periods when they are in at least stage 2 of developing their breasts

    2. when did your mom have hers? - Most girls get their period around the same time as their mom

    3. discharge - you'll get your period within 1 year - 2 years

    4. When - Most girls get the periods around the ages 12 - 15

    Hope this Helped!
    My period showed up on the morning of my sixth-grade class field trip. Guess where we were going? That's right, a lake. To SWIM. Needless to say, I didn't go in the water, although I probably could have because my period was so light that first cycle.

    There's a very wide period range. I've known girls who started at 15 and other girls who started at 9. You do have a lot of the symptoms, though, and you'll probably get yours within the next year. It's impossible to predict, but based on how puberty is affecting you, I'd say you don't have a really long time to wait.
    Dont worry!

    You sound like you are nearly ready, so just give them time.

    They are nothing to worry about, and everyones come at different times.

    Hope this helps (:

    I got my first period when I was 14 and you might probably want to get prepared because it might come like really soon. Just enjoy while you still don't have it.
    your breast will start to develop too, and maybe a year after you might have your period

    I need some advice about on-line universities ????

    I am thinking about MBA in Accounting/Finance. I have two year experience in business + AS/Accounting and BA in legal studies.

    And my questions are:

    - does somebody have an on-line degree from University of Phoenix or any other on-line schools? Was/Is it helpful for you?

    - What do employers think about on-line master degrees?

    - What is the best on-line school?

    Thanks for your help ....I need some advice about on-line universities ????
    You best bet is an online degree program offered through a respected university. Many places are starting to offer these for the kinds of degrees you are looking for.

    Absolutely stay away from online-only places like University of Pheonix. These are for-profit businesses that make money by stringing students along for as long as possible, convincing them to take out enormous student loans, and accepting students that can't possibly graduate. Their standards are a joke and their teachers are community-college quality at best. I'm not sure how their degree's are regarded by employers but they can't be considered as good as a traditional university's own online degree.

    I need some advice about meeting a girl?

    There is this women that I work with. She knows this girl that is single. The women that I work with gave me her number this past friday. I would like to meet her in person. How should I approach this situation? I would like to meet her over a drink or something. I don't want to scare her off. Is it better to meet her for a drink or ask her to dinner?I need some advice about meeting a girl?
    u know nothing about her right? so ask her to dinner and get to kno her. if u dont want to scare her off then simple. be gentle, ask her, her opinions and where she wants to go. put her first. but i cant tell u what to do exactly cuz i dont kno her and her personality. but like most girls would say, she might tell u to take her someplace then u give her some opinions (^-^)

    I need some advice about the pill (Loestrin 20) please!?

    I have been taking Loestrin 20 since the beginning of the year (although I did take it for a year or so the year before). I went on holiday in mid august and was due to finish the course while I was away. As I didn't want my period while on hols I started the next packet without a break. I am now nearly at the end of the second week of this course and it looks as though I have just started a period! Why is this? Last week I was late taking a pill by about 12 hours but I have missed pills before and not come on.

    Is there something wrong?I need some advice about the pill (Loestrin 20) please!?
    no this is what you get for running through 2 packs also taking wrong time can cause a bleedI need some advice about the pill (Loestrin 20) please!?
    Its possible that you are just having some breakthrough bleeding b/c of the 12 hour missed pill. I know that you said normally it doesn't happen b/c of that. BUT since you skipped your period that last time, it may be the reason.

    If it continues for more than a day or so then i would call the dr.
    after 28 yrs knowledge in giveing treatment and advise i urge you to explain exactly what happened to your gp who will not only be able to test but phraps surgest a change to another product as it may not be suiting you all the best jon
    Don't panic. The thing about Loestrin 20 is that it's one of the weakest pills and doesn't give you a lot of leeway. I was on that particular pill for a few years and spoke to my doctor about the fact that I felt it was a bit risky. She changed me to Loestrin 30 and I had no worries after this as it is a slightly stronger dose of the same. I would certainly recommend this to you.
    Nothing is wrong. Your uterus can only hold so much blood. Just keep taking your pills. When it comes time for the next period have it. It may be lighter than normal. And never go without another break agian. (It makes for bad periods later on)

    I need some advice about two guys and what to do with them?

    the guy ive loved and loved me gave up and got a girlfriend. he still loves me though. and there's this other guy who had a girlfriend but he really wants to be with me instead. so basically they both want me, what do i do? choosing just seems a horrible thing to do. :/I need some advice about two guys and what to do with them?
    uh probably not the guy that gave up on you

    Do rubber bands hurt on braces? any advice about it?

    okay so on friday im going to get rubber bands on my braces and from what i hear, it hurts like crazy. im super scared and so i wanna be really prepared.

    1. does it really hurt? and how long does the pain exactly laset?

    2. how long do i have to wear them?

    3. any advice on what to do before the appointment or after?

    THANK YOU SO MUCH! =]Do rubber bands hurt on braces? any advice about it?
    The rubber bands don't hurt any more then a regular adjustment does. The biggest problem with them is they are tiny and a pain in the neck to hook on properly.

    Just make sure you know exactly how the dentist wants them before you leave the office.

    Even with the strongest adjustment, the pain from braces only lasts 2 days. By day are O.K.

    I used to take the bands off when I ate and then replace them.

    You can eat whatever you want as long as you brush your teeth after.Do rubber bands hurt on braces? any advice about it?
    It really depends on the person. I have braces and when I got elastic bands they hurt a little less than when I first got my braces on, but, like when I got them on, it wears away after a couple of days and now it doesn't hurt when I wear them. Advil helps. but just make sure you have a soft meal for the next couple of days. Good luck!!
    1. they do hurt, but the pain only lasts the first few days. They key is to keep them in, if you don't wear them for a couple of days, and them put them back it, it will hurt like the first day you got them in.

    2. You may have to wear them for a few months, but it all depends on how much your teeth need to move.

    3. Make sure you get a lot of packages of rubber bands, because they sometimes get lost, and it's very important to always wear them. And take advil as soon as you get home.

    You can eat whatever you want with rubber bands. You can take them out before you eat, and put in new ones after, or you can just leave them in while you eat... but you may swallow a few like I did. Also keep a package of bands in your backpack if one of them breaks. Good luck!!!!!!
    1) THEY KILL!!! sorry, but rubber bands really suck, i cried when I got mine on. The pain lasts about one week and then you just get used to it

    2) it depends. if you never cheat and wear them all the time, you will not have to wear them as long as you would if you took them off a lot. ( i took them out a lot, and i had to wear them for 2 extra months! so dont cheat like i did!)

    3) I would take a pain reliver after the appointment. and before the appointment, brush your teeth and floss really well

    good luck kiddo, it will be over before you know it and your teeth will be looking fabulous!!
    ok first things first eat before you go ur mouth will be soar after ward, and its not really a pain more just annoying at first untill u get use to them, and its a soar feeling is all not too bad. the soarness should only last a week at most as long as u wear them as instructed. and its very important to keep wearing them even if their uncomfortable because the longer u put it off the longer u will have to wear them so just get it over with cuz untill thats taken care of ur braces stay on and ur ortho will give u all the info you need good luck and just stick through it and it will be over before you know it!
    BEFORE the appointment, take motrin, and keep taking it in a regular dosage for about 2 days. Then the pain should stop. Your dentist should know when you should and shouldn't wear them.
    they dont hurt that much but take some asprin. it will hurt for the first 4-5 days. you can eat what you are allowed to when you have braces. dont forget to take your rubberbands out when you eat!!!! always wear your rubber bands but not when you eat anything.
    1. they hurt but not that bad and it lasts for a day or two

    2. if you don't have that bad of a over or underbite then probably untill your next appointment to get your braces changed, but your dentist will tell you for sure how long.

    3. make sure you wear the elastics when your supposed to or you'll have to get them longer. Change them once a day too.

    also you can eat anything with them.. good luck!
    they do but not for long
  • bronzing powder
  • I need some advice about down there vvvv?

    ok i am uncircumcised and i can retract my foreskin all the way back until i see my full head but there is this string that is connected from the top of my penis head to my foreskin and i was wondering if i had sex would that string break and bleed?? and also my head is still sensitive will it hurt when i have sex (this is embarrassing you know talking about my penis and all)I need some advice about down there vvvv?
    This question is best for a urologist. It is common problem and you are not alone the are minor surgeries that can help with your situation. Although you should try having intercourse first to see if it will be a problem for you. I f not I would do nothing. If it does get damaged you need not worry the penis is one of the fasting heeling parts of your body you would be surprised how fast it recovers.I need some advice about down there vvvv?
    You mean under the penis head there is a piece of skin. That's normal and it wont break during sex unless your really rough i guess lol. I've never had any problems with it.

    The head is meant to be sensitive, but yeah i remember mine being really sensitive like it would feel funny to even touch it, now i can do anything with it lol... You get use to it so dont worry about that mate.
    Ok I understand the string that you are talking about and all cut and un-cut men have that. No, althought it does look delicate, I assure you that it will not break.

    I can't really help on the sensitive thing but I'm thinking that you will be just fine =)
    You can get some tearing at that spot - it's really not painful, and it would only be a little at a time, here and there. But it's kind of a once-and-done thing. You'll be happier after that's happened too.
    Yes during vigorous sex, what some people call a g string can tear and bleed a little, just use a condom and lots of water based lube. It will not hurt to have sex, in fact feels very good.
    I dont really understand. I dont suppose youd be allowed to post a pic or a link to a picture?
    See a Urologist for evaluation.

    Can I have advice about this please?

    When i give oral to my boyfriend. he loves it. but i have asthma. and i cant breathe when i do it. i cant breathe to run, so i cant breathe through my nose or anything while im moving my head quickly.and its not like i can breathe through my mouth.

    what should i do? i have to stop and breathe. and he starts to lose the sensation because i have to stop for about a minute.Can I have advice about this please?
    hi ! well hun i think he should have more patients with you but if he loses sensation then try spitting on his dick and lightly stroke it with your hand while you catch your breath and that should keep him going if not try a visual sensation like banging yourself for him and feed him your wet fingers he'll love that. good luck babe, mikeCan I have advice about this please?
    DON'T MAKE YOURSELF SUFFER FOR YOUR BOYFRIEND'S HORMONES! Tell him you can't breath. And if he starts complaining, then it's time for you to find a new boyfriend. It's great of you to care about how your BF feels, but sometime you have to respect yourself a little bit too.
    Girl stop, U gonna risk a asthma attack just to give ur boyfriend oral? Is it worth it? I hope it's worth it.
    tell him that. Be honest with him. It's always the best idea to be honest w/ the person u love.

    I need some advice about dating please like what to get a girl?

    there's this girl i'm seeing and well i don't know what to get herI need some advice about dating please like what to get a girl?
    Usually in almost all cases you cant go wrong with some red roses.I need some advice about dating please like what to get a girl?
    It would depend on your age and hers and the kind of job you have.....I will assume you are young ...under 20...So I'd say keep it simple....what does she like music...get her a CD....a to something...Jewerly...a bracelet..( not an expensive one..5 or $10 SHOULD DO IT ) ... keep your ears open...she'll let you know what she likes. good luck...and by the way it's not so much the gift...but how you present it.....
    You should get her something sentimental and no I am not saying expensive jewelry because that is just a bonus for some of us. The fact that you guys are just going out should signify that you should get her something meaningful. ask her what she likes. If you can't do that, watch what she buys and get her the same brand. If all else fails, flowers or candy always work.

    I need some advice about this girl I know...?

    Ok, so there's this girl who I've been friends with since last summer. I know her and she knows me fairly well, but not really close or anything. This is where it gets weird. We have two totally different views on some things, but agree entirely on somethings! I don't think she's attracted to me, but I'm sorta attracted to her. Should I go for it?I need some advice about this girl I know...?
    鈾€Well i think you should tell her how you fell about doing this if you love her so much why not ask her out.What is gonna be the problem is like noting is gonna happen.

    鈽?Remember we can't read a girls mine.Like other nobody knows.

    You may never be 100% sure that you like someone even if you get to know them a lot. If you like them enough though, then ask them out. If they say yes, the answer to all of your questions will become clear when you start dating.

    鈻篧hen you first get to know somebody, try not to make it clear that you are trying to see what you really think about them. If you find out you don't really like them after all, you could still end up leading them on through the process and then their feelings could get hurt if they really like you...

    鈻篒f you've become more sure you like them, try flirting a little and dropping hints. They will let you know through body language etc. what they think of you, and you can both take it from there.

    Having feelings for a guy or girl is perfectly fine, and is a very happy and beneficial part of life. But it is important not to become obsessed with the person. Try doing things by yourself or with friends. You must love yourself before loving anyone else.

    Always try to communicate with the guy/girl that you like. Leave them little messages through text or e-mail, and see if they reply to you.

    Give me some advice. Any advice about anything. Absolutely anything.?

    Please share your pearls of wisdom. Give me any advice that you wish you had known earlier, or that you have learned over the years.Give me some advice. Any advice about anything. Absolutely anything.?
    Never ever be too complacent. Things can and will change when you don't expect it.Give me some advice. Any advice about anything. Absolutely anything.?
    Hi! These are some of my favourite sayings :-

    Who cast the vote amount to nothing, who count the vote control everything - Stalin

    We humans have a good fortune to be able to choose our course of action, in this present existence, to determine in a big way the degree of happiness or suffering in our future existences - Buddhist Monk

    If your mind is evil, nasty or unwholesome and you are constantly following your mind鈥檚 will, then you are already living in the realm of hell. Furthermore, if you perform such unwholesome action again and again without fear and without being mindful of the results, you will be reborn in a place of suffering, a hell realm - Buddhist Monk

    Re-birth as a human being is extra ordinarily rare - Buddha

    Your property will remain when you die. Your friends and relatives will follow you up to your grave. But only good or bad actions you have done during your life time will follow you beyond your grave.

    Your misdeeds were not committed by your parents, nor by your brothers and sisters, nor by your friend, nor kinfolks, nor by recluses and priests, it is you who are responsible.
    Do not stick things up your nose. You will regret it.
    ';NOW'; is all that ever exists.......

    I found out today that my mare is pregnant. She's due in about 30-45 days. What's the best advice to know?

    I've never been around a foal, my parents haven't. How do we raise it? What are the best vitamins? What are the best signs to look for? The vet has explained a lot to us and is sending us a ton of articles to read but I would just like to know everything you guys know!

    PLEASE HELP!!!I found out today that my mare is pregnant. She's due in about 30-45 days. What's the best advice to know?
    Wow! This is very exciting, but also quite scary. My parents breed show horses and my dad is a vet, but I must say that all the experience has really just taught us how much there still is to learn!

    First, I'm sure the vet has gone over this, but you MUST look into nutrition, vaccinations, and parasite control! I know this sounds strange, but nutrition is really the MOST important for both mare and foal. Yet, we hear so much about iseases and parasites that it is often overlooked. Also, nutrition won't do your mare much good if she can't digest it, so make sure her teeth are in good shape! This is also often overlooked -- even by the most experienced of horse keepers!

    Have your vet and/or local experienced horse people help you set up a foaling stall (unless you have a really clean, safe pasture -- statistically speaking, this seems to be even better...) Then, prepare yourself for foaling by learning what a normal birth looks like. This is a really good site:鈥?/a> You need to know what a normal birth looks like so you can be aware of what to watch out for when the baby comes! Your vet should help you get ready when the time comes.

    As for how to raise your new horse, that's a bit too complicated for an internet answer. I would highly recommend enlisting the help of more experienced horse people. A local trainer or breeder would probably do consultations with you for a small fee (this is not a common practice, but it probably should be), or you might even find someone who wants to guide you along -- my mom is a total sucker for locals who want advice on ';bringing up baby.'; I'm also a big fan of imprint training (a misnomer, but oh well) -- check out this web site:鈥?/a>

    A few of the most important things to remember about training your new baby:

    1) Anytime you are around a horse you are training it, for better or worse -- this is ESPECIALLY true for a foal

    2) It's a horse, not a puppy! I know, they're cute, but they can also be really dangerous and need to know that you are the ';alpha horse';

    3) Take advantage of the first two weeks -- this is the ONLY time in the horse's life when you will be stronger than it! You can start teaching him to lead (and do lots of other stuff, read up on imprint training) during this time and you'll be ahead of the game!

    4) You WILL make mistakes. Lots of them. I still make lots of mistakes, but I constantly analyze my own behavior and seek out advice so that I don't keep repeating mistakes. Remember that there is ALWAYS more to learn -- horses are a great example of the ';the more you know, the more you know you need to learn'; principle.

    Good luck and have fun! I don't want to post my email on here, but I'm totally up for answering more specific questions (I'm new to this an have no idea how you can get in touch with me...maybe you know?)

    Please forgive any typos, I'm not in a proof-reading mood...I found out today that my mare is pregnant. She's due in about 30-45 days. What's the best advice to know?
    You need to spend time with her when it gets close to due date. She will lay down alot and when she just lays around then you need to stay with her until she has the colt so you can keep the mare calm if all possible to make sure the colt comes oout ok and to help if Mom needs your help. Mom will let you know if she needs help but please make sure Mom stays laying down when giving birth so colt doesn't fall to ground when comming out.
    Have a vet on call and have a nice birthing place. Clean, quiet, and away from other horses. She should be fine, but when they foal, you always want to be prepared in case something happens. Just watch if possible and try not to intervene unless necessary. Watch her closely around her due date and when you start to see signs of contractions, call your vet and let him know. Just so he is not out of town or something in case an emergency arises. She should be fine though. Make sure to feed her well and make sure she has PLENTY of clean water.
    Since this is your first time, I would reccommend this. Ask your vet if there is a broodmare farm nearby that foals out mares. Contact them and arrange to have your mare there when she foals. These people are experts in this field and you will have a better chance of getting a healthy foal on the ground with less trauma to your mare. They know what to look for and what to do in a difficult birth, that you may not even see and not know when or what to call the vet for. And some mares can get really flipped out if it is a first foal and not let them nurse, etc. Again, the broodmare farm will know how to handle this. There are a lot of things that can go wrong and if you have never been around this kind of thing, i would say get all of the expert help you can. Good Luck!
    It is best that when she gets closer to her due date, about a week away, that you get a camera and hook it up to a TV in your house that you can monitor for any signs that she is going into labor. Its very important that you are there and ready to help her with the baby and make sure it is not a breech baby, its feet and head must come out the the same time if they dont there could be some serious risks including loss of the foal. Make sure you dont interfere too much after the baby is born but you can wipe off the foals face with a towel and cut the umbilicol cord. Make sure it is breathing and everything is fine. If all is well still wait awhile until you leave, just for precautions and i would suggest keeping the camera up for at least another week.
    If she is a first time foaling mare, just be aware of her and her actions as much as possible, mammals are natural ';birthers'; so 90% of the time everything goes just as planned. Dont change your mares feeding routine to much, but give her a scoop of grain morning and night, you can add any supplements that you can afford, ask a local feed store, or your vet what they would recommend. When the baby is born, you can watch to see when he/she starts to bug momma to eat some of her grain, and you can put a seperate tub in and give the baby some too. The baby will get the best nutrition through momma's milk so make sure you keep her good and fat and healthy with plenty of clean water.
  • bronzing powder
  • What do u think about this girl relationship advice?

    This girl i really likd was talking 2 me on msn today and said she doesn't deserve to be ';played'; and she doesn't waste her time on dishonest guys. she broke up with me

    I wasn't lying to her!! her friend said some thing about me it wasn't true.

    is she worth it? she is good looking has nice clothes body that what do u think of her personality wise?What do u think about this girl relationship advice?
    I don't think that there is enough info, but if you really want a relationship with someone, I think that it is important to talk to them on the phone or in person instead of email where words can be misunderstood.

    Ask her what she means by being ';played'; and ask her if she thinks if you are a dishonest or honest guy , and if not, then what reasons. See what she has to say. Tell her your philosophy on relationships and also what you like about her. If you just mention her looks, then she will see you as shallow and just out for her looks. Say something nice about her personality and why you enjoy being with her and talking to her. Make her feel special and not just someone who is good looking.What do u think about this girl relationship advice?
    First off, you shouldn't date someone just because they dress nicely but by their personality and if you have a sure fire connection. Don't date just because its the popular thing to do. Don't date just because that person is popular or ';good looking'; . If there is no other connection than physical, let it go because physical attraction or lust and infatuation won't last long at all.
    If she wasn't even willing to talk about it before she jumped to conclusions and broke up with you she really isn't worth it.
    Well if she doesn't trust you then she really isn't worth it.
    u shuld still try to tell her that yu werent cheating, maybe she really likes you and thot she had no other choice than to break up with you

    I need advice about if boys like short girls?

    im pretty short like 4'5 at age 15 , would boys still like me and like go out with me? plz give me advice [=I need advice about if boys like short girls?
    i'm 14, and i''m 4'9. everyone calls me shortie. guys might tease you, but also might like you. plus, dunt worry you'll grow. =)I need advice about if boys like short girls?
    im sorry i cant help with this questions but i know a girl whos amazing heres her website sorry ic ant help againn.

    if that deosnt work then its
    When you're walking, you move

    With such style and grace

    And I could study all day

    Every line of your face

    I'll search high and low

    Until each other we find

    But now for today

    You exist in my mind

    When we are apart

    It's you I will miss

    And long once again

    To taste your sweet kiss

    I'll embrace you so close

    Each night and each day

    But for now I will search

    Till I find you Someday

    Do you need a friend to chat with?

    To fill you with cheer?

    If you don't mind my poetry

    I'll Volunteer :) xoxoxoxo
    you are still young and haven't finished growing yet. your height should have nothing to do with someone going on a date with you or liking you. its not about what you are, how you look etc. (although to some people thats what they look for)its mostly about your personality. i think someone should like you because of who you are and not how tall you are
    I'm only a few inches taller than you and I never had problems getting a date, and now I'm married! My husband likes that I'm short because he says I'm ';tiny and cute!';

    I need advice about my good friend and his son.?

    My good friend is 25 and a single dad of a sweet 4 yr old boy. He is like most single dads just trying to make it and dealing with the mother coming in and out of the childs life since birth. My friend and I are VERY close, talk about everything and have been friends since his son was born. Today he approached me with something I never knew was an issue. The family of my friend and his child constantly harass and say things about the childs clothing. For Christmas they bought him clothes but bought them in a size 5 for boys not a size 4T like he wears. My friend continued to tell me that his son only owns 2 pairs of pants and he needs to get him more but hasnt ever had the extra money. I told him right away I would love to buy clothes for the boy and would do it on so he could pick them up at the store. My friend got real upset and said for me to not buy any and leave it alone. I wanted to help, I offered %26amp; he took offense. What do I do, buy nothing and leave it alone?I need advice about my good friend and his son.?
    What is wrong with the child wearing the size 5 clothing? They're not that much bigger than the 4 Ts...I need advice about my good friend and his son.?
    I agree with you there is definately a difference between 4T and 5T. My daughter wears a 4T and if you put her in a 5T she swims in the shirts and the pants just fall off.

    As a guy I can tell you a lot of guys would be very upset about the fact that they can not buy their family everything they want much less if they couldn't always get them what they need. Your friend probably isn't angry at you for offering to help. He's more upset about the fact that he may need your help. What some people said about buying him something extra for his birthday and holidays is a good idea. Don't buy a lot more than what you've bought in the past or he may see through it. But an extra outfit always helps. If he hasn't already he can try to take the clothes back to the store.
    he feels offended somehow. not being able to do something as small as buying proper clothes for his boy must be bothering him. just continue to be his friend. and try explaining to him you weren't trying to hurt him only help. and a size 5 is not a bad thing it allows the child growth. just continue to support you friend. that is the best you can do right now. but there are always birthday and holiday when you can sneak a gift in.Easter is April the 8. buy him a couple of outfits for Easter. (smile)
    Time. Give him some time and space as he just was startled.

    Being that he is your good friend he was probably just venting to you about the problem and didn't realize that it would affect you like that. You are awesome to want to help so just give him the time and space and wait for him to bring the subject up again before you do anything.

    If he comes to you for help then give him a gift card so he can still feel like he is making the purchases. ;)

    If he doesn't then give extra when its the boy's birthday. :)
    pacify ur friend ny telling him that he could repay u when he could and that he should accept the clothes now because his son needs them now! tell him u have all the right to buy him clothes are his friend....isn't his son anything to you??
    I'm sorry you and your friend took offense. I'm sure he's feeling like a charity case and can't stand it! Sounds to me like he has a lot of pride. He may have just been confiding in you and not looking for you to solve the problem. Can he exchange the clothes he got for Xmas? Maybe you could help him with exchanging them instead. I would apologize but let him know that you are there for him. Maybe when the dust settles help him figure out alternatives for this situation. Check out yard sales even thrift shops, you could throw out a few suggestions or just listen to him until he finds a solution that he is comfortable with.
    i know this may sound hard but you should respect your friends wishes... i understand how you care for them both and want to help...but a true friend would help but would care what the friend there helping has to say...
    I'm not sure any man will EVER be willing to accept help from a woman. You may make some progress in this department though, because I imagine it took a lot of courage for him to come to you and tell you all of this. He knows you are willing to help, so hopefully he will think it over, take his pride down a notch, and do what is in the child's best interest, which is to let you help.

    What did you think of Brooke Whites performance (April 22) and what about Paula and Simons advice?

    So if you didn't see it, Brooke stopped the song after the first couple of lines and started over. Paula said that you should not stop the song in a live performance, but Simon disagreed and said that he would have done the same thing. What do you think?

    I am a performer and have always been taught that you NEVER stop in the middle. I thought it was a poor choice and that she should have faked it.What did you think of Brooke Whites performance (April 22) and what about Paula and Simons advice?
    Brooke's days are numbered. The start/stop/restart was very unprofessional. She could have faked it. The song is not one that's familiar to most people. On this, I have to agree with Paula. I was very surprised Simon didn't make more of it. Maybe he knows her time is up %26amp; he didn't want to make it worse for her.What did you think of Brooke Whites performance (April 22) and what about Paula and Simons advice?
    By saying that he would've done the same thing, I think what Simon was trying to get across was that he would HAVE to have done the same thing. In a situation like that, you have no choice. Once you think about it, there's no way that anyone in the world could've faked their way through forgetting the lyrics in front of 29 million people, professional or not.

    I do think that it is her time to go, though.
    Yeah i agree with you. And she's done that before where she's started over. She just needs to keep going. I mean, you didn't see David A. stop the song just because he didn't remember the words during one of his performances. And, other well-known performers don't do that either. They learn to cover up that stuff and ';the show must go on.'; I definitely didn't think that wasn't cool what she did. She needs to stop with all the excuses.
    i dont think that it is a good idea to fake it when the songwriter is sitting right in front of you. he would have noticed. in that particular situation starting over was the right call but in general you should fake it. overall, i thought her performance was weak.
    I think it was unfair of them to make the contestants sing such horrible songs in the first place. This was the most boring night of Idol that I have ever seen.

    I think it was better for Brooke to start over than it would have been to make up the words.
    she was brave to sing it would have been better if she didnt mess up paula was wrong to say that simon and randy were right , faked what/ i dont get what your saying i sing as wel so i thought she did right
    She should have just kept going, its not like anyone would notice, and she still didn't give a great performance, she does the same thing every week!
    She was just terrible and she needs to go. It looked very unprofessional when she stopped and restarted.
    Yeah Paula said that this week...but the last time she did that Paula said she ';admired'; her for stopping and re starting!! I think Paula doesn't know what she thinks!!

    Looking for advice... about University of Phoenix?

    I plan on attending their school of education, just wondering if others attending the school, or others that know about the school, can give me some feedback on pros and cons. The other school I'm looking into is WGU, Western Governors University. Any input will be great thanks.Looking for advice... about University of Phoenix?
    I went to UoP online to earn my master's in education. I really liked it. The program was very rigorous but ';real world.'; I didn't care for the learning team approach, but I chose the school partly for that, since all this PLC nonsense pushes us into more collaboration in the schools. The learning teams helped me prepare for having to work more closely with my colleagues. The price tag was high, but if you're only looking at private schools, that's a moot point. Some people have negative feelings toward UoP, but they are uninformed about how challenging it is and how accredited it is.

    I have no idea why the sky is blue. :-)

    What is the best advice given to parents about life? (in general)?

    If you have an answer please quote the source, and the reason they said it.What is the best advice given to parents about life? (in general)?
    join YOGA and be healthy

    have fresh thoughts and enjoy bcoz they have done enough labour to make u grown up man


    guide them to do this coarse - www.artofliving.orgWhat is the best advice given to parents about life? (in general)?
    That you need to change as technology and world changes and adapt to them. Change is the only thing constant in life !!
    This might sound a bit crude, but it is good advice. So bear with me here.

    A mate at Uni told me of some sage advice his father gave him one time; I’m paraphrasing but it went like this.

    “Son, you’re growin’ up an’ getting older and there’s somethin’ I gotta to talk to you about.

    Now, don’t worry, I’m not gonna give you “the Birds and the Bees” talk – I’m not stupid, I know you know all about that stuff. Heck, for all I know you’ve already had more sex than I did at your age. But there’s somethin’ ya probably don’t know, and I need to tell you.

    You can’t talk to boobs.

    Now, hang on. I know it sounds stupid, but just shut up and listen. And if you’re gay, well… just pretend for a moment, okay?

    Now, I know you can have fun with boobs – you can have a lot of fun. I know I did at your age, and I reckon you probably have too. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying “Don’t have fun with boobs.” Anyway, I doubt I could stop you.

    But one day, the fun will stop. You might not think it will, you might not want it to, but it stops. Trust me. And that’s when you’ll want to talk to ‘em, spend more time with ‘em, maybe take your relationship to another level. And if she hasn’t got half a decent brain, just boobs, well… you can’t talk to boobs. And you’ll get tired of ‘em, but you’ll probably be stuck with ‘em.

    So have all the fun you want with boobs – like I said, I can’t stop you – but remember; you can’t talk to boobs.

    Crude as it was (and yes, I admit it was) his dad was right – you need a partner with more than just boobs (pecs, butt, legs – what ever tickles your fancy), they need to have a mind you can appreciate as well.
    I always tell my parents, ';You are never too old to learn, love or live.';
    life sucks and then you die
    If you mean the best advice given to parents about raising kids, the best was probably from my great-great grandfather. He had 17 kids, and he told my father that children are like horses--give them just enough rein to let them think they're in charge, but hold back just enough that you know they aren't.
    just say no !!
    Live each day like theres no tomorrow, but live it well.
    Respect others. Things do get rough but in the end u get over things
    The only things for certain are death %26amp; taxes.
    what goes around must come around.. Believe in karma. It might bite u back in the ***
  • bronzing powder