Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ima a 14yr gay guy who needs advice about a situation!?

I told my mom i was a gay a while ago but since then she has been in denial and wants to send me to therapy or phsycologist but i told her i dont want her to cause they aint going to cahnge me! Wat do i do?Ima a 14yr gay guy who needs advice about a situation!?
Agree to go, only if the purpose is to help you clarify your sexuality, not change you.Ima a 14yr gay guy who needs advice about a situation!?
Know your own mind VERY well. Some shrinks are very good at making you doubt yourself. Its what keeps them employed. Just know that homosexuality was removed from the official list of mental pathologies way back in 1973. Any good psychotherapist will not ';treat'; you for being gay. But there are fundamentalist quacks out there.

Do your research. Do a lot of reading. Don't be bullied. But don't ';act out'; either. Thats a sure ticket to someplace bad. Take your time and be reasonable. Remember, this is difficult for your parents too.

Good luck.
well i would say you should love me for who i am, its a waste of your money mum but if u want me to go i will, providing you support me as a son not some complete stranger i am proud to be gay and you cannot and should not change who i am whether u think it is for the best or worst, it is my life and i shall handle it as i see fit but if i need help or guidance i shall ask you
I would say... go ahead and see the psychiatrist!

Any good psychiatriast isn't going to try and change you. They will see right away that you are gay, and that there's no doubt about it. Any good doctor knows that every kid knows who/what they are sexually by the time they're 14.

If you see a good shrink, you could make your Mom feel better, and maybe even work on other problems you have or are going through. Not only that, but you can probably turn it around and get the doctor's help in trying to convince your mother it's not a phase!

You're gonna need to see a shrink at some point in your life, most likely... might as well go and see one now while you don't have to pay for it!
Well let her take you to the therapists so then you could tell them that your Mom is in denial. I think your Mother is in need of the therapist, she is in denial because she doesn't want to accept the fact that you are gay.

I had a friend whose Mother couldn't accept it and she thought something was wrong with him mentally. It's just the way we are, we're not sick, or mentally damaged, we are born like this and there ain't nothing a person can do to change the way we are.
Hang in there as you get older things will be easier!
nothing wrong with you
Unless you have the resources to become finanically independent or to move to a supportive relative or friend's house, the best you can probably do is to be strong and not do anything that will cause your mother to send you to someone who is going to try to convert you. The tactics these ';ex gay'; people use are psychological torture and I wouldn't want you subjected to them, no matter how strong you are.

If you can find a local LGBT youth organization, PFLAG, or gay support center, you might try to contact them for help/support/advice.

Here are some hotlines to call for support and advice:

Gay %26amp; Lesbian National Hotline

1-888-THE-GLNH (1-888-843-4564)

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth Support Line


Best wishes!
She may just be freaking out at first.. give her a while and she will hopefully get used to it.. Don't bother with a phsycologist they are useless. Just tell her, If you love me, you will accept me.

good luck! hope this helped you =]
go to the psychologist. because they can talk to your mom, and tell her that this isnt a phase. thats what my friend did and when he therapist talked to her mom her mom backed wayyy off
Agree to go to therapy or psychologist if it is with a person with experience with sexual orientation issues, and explain it to the therapist/psychologist.

Perhaps the therapist/psychologist can explain to your mother that it is O.K. that you are gay, and then she will stop being in denial.
Tell her it's HER money down the toilet, and that every time she sends you there, you will masturbate to a picture of James Marsden another time. mmmm James Marsden.
You can't fix something that is not broken.
Just tell her that you are who you are, and she can accept it or not, but there is no changing you
talk to her face to face and tell her that therapy isn't going to change who i am or what i think or believe in. that's the way parents are when they don't belive in homosexuality
USE CAUTION when approaching this situation. Pick your battles. You'll go, willingly, to the therapist or psychologist of your choice if she'll agree to accept whatever the therapist/psychologist tells her should be done.

Call some of the hotlines that have been listed above my answer for gay teens and choose a psychologist or therapist in your area that they recommend for your situation.

Chance are, your mother already has someone in mind that she would like you to see. If you bring her a list from the sources that Michael D provided, and possibly even your school counselor, you'll be giving her the feeling that she has an option in your ';treatment,'; as well as having a good idea when you go in what the advice given to your mother is going to be. By agreeing to go willingly if she chooses one of the people on the list you gave her, you sort of know the outcome before you go.

Obviously, she, rather than you, is the person who needs a therapist.

As I said, use caution. I had a friend that wound up in one of the harshest rehabs in the country because he came out, his parents took him to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist happened to be on the staff of the rehab he wound up in.

I never could figure out how a drug rehab could change a person's sexual preferences. According to him there was another kid in there because he was 10 and caught smoking cigarettes.

Use a great deal of caution in this situation and be ready and willing to make some deals. In writing, if you don't trust her to keep her word. (I know many parents that have lied to their kids ';for their own good,'; to suit their agenda rather than the health of the kid.)

If and when you go, make sure you have enough cash, a few dollars will work, to take a bus. Know where the office you'd agreed to go to is and be ready to just get out of the car and walk away if she doesn't keep her end of the bargain and tries to take you someplace else. (She'll be too busy trying to figure out what to do with the car to follow you on foot.) And go to the office of the person you'd agreed with her that you'd see.

Explain your situation and that person should be able to get you assistance. By the time your mother is reached, she'll be frantic, (and pissed,) but you'll either have someone there to protect you or be on your way to a place that can help you better than she can.

I wish you the best of luck, I imagine you're facing a terribly uncomfortable situation.

My mom told me to see a psychologist, because she also didn't believe I was gay, just confused she said. I told her I didn't need one, but I mean it's never a bad thing to have one, it's good to talk about any problem you may face with them.

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