Sunday, December 27, 2009

Can I get advice about maybe being in love with a friend?

I have this male friend that I care about very much. We consider each other only friends. I want to be much more than friends only he lives in another country. I was there with him but I had to leave before we got to know each other better. We talk all the time and I think he feels the same but I am not sure. He has a lot of female friends which bothers me but we are only friends and I don't violate that. What should I do?Can I get advice about maybe being in love with a friend?
The hardest thing about your situation is the not knowing.If you don't express to him that you have feelings more than friendship, how is he gonna know? Men never get the hint, they can't read into discussion, and most don't know what love is till it's gone.Speak up before someone else does.Can I get advice about maybe being in love with a friend?
i think if you're serious about this guy, you'll have to visit him and find out. this can't be done over the phone. Don't get all jealous over his female friends. that will just push him away.
You need to tell him how you feel. It worked for me, and now we are married! Best of luck to you.
go to him

live with him'love him

Good Luck

God Bless the two of you
if the other gfs. are only friends then you are probably just another friend. who knows, maybe, just keep going, you may be the one don't give up, but go out and have fun, you may find other friends like he did, GOOD LUCK AND BE HAPPY WITH WHOEVER YOU ARE WITH!
what u feel could be right or wrong but the best way to get to know his feelings is to tell him, if u love someone then dont hold fears of losing him. Tell him what u feel!!!

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