Sunday, December 27, 2009

I need advice about a girl, is it bad to be nice?

I feel like such a loser asking for advice on the internet but it was perscribed by a friend of mine. To tell you the truth im not very tech savy. Anyways more to the point, this girl she broke up with me after two weeks. I know I should ';get over it, two weeks is nothing'; but I can't. I really really like her. She said she didnt want to go out with me anymore because she just broke up with her ex after 2 years a month or so ago and that she wasent ready for another ';long term relationship';. I told her I understood and she did the whole lets still hang out and be friends thing and she has called. But then ive been told that she dosn't like me because im to nice. I dont feel that way. All i know is the two weeks I went out with her were like rays of sun threw the clouds, fleeting but a light in the dark none the less. So basicly i've hit the bottom and im dead lonely. So im asking you all for help. Can you give this poor guy some needed advice?I need advice about a girl, is it bad to be nice?
no... don't think that asking for advice here makes you a loser... you're far from it... people here are real humans too just like you!! so about this girl... i think i can sympathize with her... girls who're fresh from break-ups most likely do not want to jump into another serious relationship right away... speaking for myself i wouldn't want to be solicited at too much... she might still be licking her wounds right now... and i take it that you're being too nice means being solicitous... making some fuss about her may have hit some sensitive nerves... i hope you are keen enough to really understand her side... she had said in her own kind way that what she wants is to be friends with (for the moment)... and yes she needs a little space from romance too... it's either you can wait... or there are always other more than nice girls out there... you don't need to narrow your world of heart affairs... don't wallow into weighing your feelings down... go out and have fun!! good luck...I need advice about a girl, is it bad to be nice?
okay, i hate girls who say that a guy is too nice! that is ridiculouse!

i would love to have a guy that is too nice for once!!

unfortunately i cant give you advise! but i can give you some guidance...

i suggest that you keep yourself busy, focus on what else is important in your life such as your job etc and move on from this girl! She has already hurt you and she is already showing you that she is going to take you for granted anyway!

This may be hard for you and lonely is a terrible thing to be, however i think its the best thing for you to forget about her!

you deserve someone who will love you back the same way and who will appreciate you! and your niceness!! :)

hope i kinda helped :)

hang in there!! and good luck!!
There's no such thing as being too nice (unless you're syrupy sweet and it seems fake or overbearing). Be her friend, help her get through it, make her laugh, and see what happens.
act like an adult and tell her how you feel. If she still doesn't want to be in a relationship with you, then get over it and find someone else
well it depends if ur being to nice becuase that kinda shows a girl that u arent tough not that u arent but alot of girls think that hope this helps
Ha, don't feel bad for asking relationship advice on the internet. Feel bad for asking for relationships on the internet.

Well, you've gone into the sky, but took a nose dive. The best thing to do us straighten out and begin to ascend slowly. Be her very best friend, and then maybe she'll see the light, and want to start again.

Also, I'm not sure if there is such a thing as 'too nice.' Maybe too weak, or not assertive enough, but too nice? No...
Being a nice guy can scare a woman away. A lot of women like a challenge, and therefore go for the bad boy. Don't let this discourage you. Just realize that she was not the one for you, and there is a woman out there that will accept you for who you are, and for all of your good qualities.
Nice is never a bad thing.. In time you will get over it..Keep busy be around your other friends
ok. if your nice with a girl shell step all over u. if your an *** or assertive or watever shell hate you. b in the middle. b a nice guy but uh dont in a way.
Leave her alone.. there are other women out there.. and it's not that you're too nice.. you're too emotional...
for me i like guys who are nice but don't be too nice or else she'll think your gay or she'll treat you like a brother
don't feel bad ..i'm single too. Not to burst your bubble but If she doesn't wanna be with you ...she doesn't wanna be with you hun. Girls can be straight to the point. When I'm done in a relationship i'm done. Don't chase after her, let her come back to you if she is gonna. Trying to push harder will only push her further away.
From my experience when I was courting my future wife, she did not like me on first impression. However, with some perseverance she was won over. She told me later that a lot of things I said made sense. She also noticed that I was a proper one man woman type of guy. Finally, be nice, proper, sober, clean, respectful. Be funny but no dirty jokes. Are you working and earning an honest living?
Well I havnt met a guy yet who was ';too nice'; so I dont think that would be your problem. First off I dont think it was a good idea for you guys to go out in the first place if she is trying to get over another relationship. But anyways that becides the point. I think she just really needs some time, so being a good friend would be wonderful because she will need somebody to helo keep her mind off her eX. Being their for her, listening to her, and having fun with her would probably mean alot to her. But if your not getting much of a chance to be with her get active and do something. I promis it will your mind off of her for atleast a little while. It will give you something to do and random memories of the girl wont keep popping up.
Sometimes a girl wants a guy to tell her what to do. If you are always a pushover and agree to everything she says, she may not want to date you. Girls like a little competition and if you are always into what SHE wants, she wont want anything to do with you. I suggest checking horoscopes, seriously, they tell everything about what type of person she is and what kind of people she likes. I know it sounds stupid, but its true and what harm can it do?
She sounds like she is not ready for a great guy like you. She wants to hurt some more, be played around with, etc...

If she tells you that you are ';too nice';, then that is your cue to get out of the relationship. You are a nice guy, a gentleman, a hero, but some girls are not ready for that.

They prefer the bad guy that dumps them, the drunk guy that abuses them, etc, They are not ready for being treated nice until that is what they want. It is so much a psychological thing with them. Your ex needs help but until she gets that help, or wants that help, leave her alone......

There are tons of women who need a nice guy like you to stabilize them selves, and have a sense of security that a man gives them in a relationship. Keep looking for women, not just to say that you have a date, but look for the ones that are ready for committment, like you are.....
I always hear the ';too nice'; excuse. Did you call her a lot and feed her too many compliments? Some girls do not like that and feel like the guys are smothering them. If she isn't the romantic type it isn't a good idea to be needy with them. I think she may like the type of guys that are a bit of a challenge to get, some girls are just competitive in that way. She may also need some time to get over her ex... just act like a friend to her and see what happens...Show her that you may still be interested but don't act obsessive with her ( not that i am saying you are, but if that is the case.) If it doesn't work... there are plenty other girls that are looking for a nice guy! don't settle for less.. get a girl that will appreciate your kindness and love you for who you are.
Well I know some too nice guys and what I mean by that is that they let every girl walk all over them and they give them everything they want. Your not like this are you? If not my advice to you is to move on and enjoy being single and just be with your me....if there is a right one they will come. ...don't rush it
I'm only 13 ,but no you can NEVER be too nice or sensitive!! Dude that's mostly how i get the the ladies!!!

Be how you want to be!!
well it really depends on what type of girl she is.

i meen some girls and most girls go for the bad boys. and then some go for the sweet sensitive guys.

its kinda like the say nice guys finish last lol.

i dont know if that helped any. but i hope it did
get over it.
its not bad to be nice. just keep being nice and if she doesnt want you back, someone else will come.

why wud any1 not like a person because they are nice?
Forget about her. Two weeks is nothing. Don't force someone to be with you it'll turn out bad. Just forget her go on with life there are many more fish in the sea.
First of all don't feel like a loser. We're all losers just asking for simple answers :) Ok, I know EXACTLY where you're coming from, I give all my friends advice and I answered a problem just like this for my cousin. Listen, girls are more complex than guys. They are much more emotional and get attached easily, so you can't blame the girl for missing her ex. She went out with him for 2 years!! She simply thought that she needed change so she went out, but all those memories of her ex probably made her miss him more. It's not that your not a good guy, it's just she wasnt ready for a relationship. A girl has to be mentally ready for change, so she can move on to the next level. You cannot pressure her, that will just make her move away from you more. Instead, def. keep in touch with her as a friend, don't be way too pushy either. The girl just needs to get all her memories and feelings out. Even though you have feelings for the girl, a relationship is never one-way it has to be two-ways. Look for another girl, take time to heal yourself. You never know you may find someone else, if not, just stay friends with her if you really love her. No offense but you only went out for 2-weeks, give it some time, maybe you just were in cupids lovey craze. Best of luck!
If the person that told u that she doesnt like u because your too nice is not telling the truth then about what she said in that shes not ready fr a long relationship thing is probable true.But if the guy who told u she doesnt like u cause your too nice I dont know what kind of way it means maybe its a way that your too cool for her or she wants you to be bad like a thug?
i dont think being nice is bad. i lovee guys who are nice, sweet and caring
Well some girls like the bad rocking guys but girls like me lie cute nice sensitive guys. If you like her so much ask if its true wat you heard and if it is get over her and youll eventally find anouther girl you care about so much.

good luck
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