Thursday, December 31, 2009

Does anybody have any advice about this?

I'm having an infestation problem in my neighborhood. Christians are swarming everywhere. Is it okay to call Terminex on these pests?Does anybody have any advice about this?
haha!! good one!! why do you hate christians so much?? im a christian. im not trying to get rid of you. RELAX!! not all christians are out to get you.Does anybody have any advice about this?
thanks!god bless u...oh,1 more thing...REAL christians will never judge u or criticize what u believe in. they WILL try 2 save u, but kindly tell them 2 back off.dont sweat it...some of us r just trying. some r just annoying...good luck!

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I've read many of your's not that I'm trying to convert you, but Christians are taught that they won't be doing their duty until they try to help others accept God. I'm not telling you what to believe, I'm just praying to my God that you will be saved one day. Please don't be offended.

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It's OK to be afraid of what you don't know. I will pray for clarity of mind for you.
Terminex refuses to handle this type for legal reasons sometimes it is possible to bring in a natural predator like the ancient roman or satanists, but the best tactic is usually to flee in search of tolerance.
orkin might be cheaper :)
You like to post in the religion category. Why not talk about your own instead of attacking others'. Then maybe they wouldn't be so hostile towards you.
Actually, by looking back on history it seems like there'd be more Christians in hell than non-Christians.
Only if they exterminate your house by mistake!! LOL
Just go back to hell and the Christians wouldn't be a problem.
Someone had a good line on what to do. Tell them you only discuss god when naked and that should scatter them like flies.
What’s “Terminex”? We have “Rent-a-Kill” over here, and it’s definitely illegal to use on Xians. But they don’t bother me actually, many are quite allright.
Notice when you post something intolerant, you get intolerant answers? It doesn't matter that others practice intolerance. If you practice tolerance, others may show more tolerance towards your beliefs. I am not favoring Christianity over your beliefs. And my own beliefs are even different than yours. That is why we need to be more tolerant towards each other's beliefs.
I do have some advice for u ......Y don't u pack ur lugguage and move out and settle in a place like Mecca Medina or Saudi Arab country or Somalia or Nigeria u'll b much happier there.Maybe u should go to AFGANISTAN 2 for settling down permanently in life.Like they say.....the grass is always greener on the other side.
sorry.....this type of infestation will never go away! Wait till on night....when your awaken from a deep sleep......and you find thousands of them crawling on your wall, and one drops from the ceiling and lands in your gaping mouth!
Your best bet is to move, preferably somewhere Communist where they don't stand for such things.
You just said in your other question you posted that you were against the extermination of your 'people' in the salem witch trails and you wanted the Christians to appolgise. Its hypocritical to now want to do the same thing to them. ( even though true Christians did not kill witches in Salem, they were not following the message of Christ.(Were there even any real Witches in Salem anyway? Or was it just mass hysteria?)

Now you want to exterminate the Christians, is that the answer to you problem? If people don't agree with you should you just do away with them? I dont agree. I dont think death, war, fighting or negitivity is ever the answer.

Even as a Pagan ( before I became a Christian), I was taught to love all people and cultures and not to exclude people and exterminate people that were different than me.

Does the Wiccan Rede not say ';Do what you will, so long as it harms none ?';

The Bible says : ';Do on to others as you would have them do to you.'; Luke 6:31
You could try, but the Terminex guy is probably Christian too. They seem to be everywhere. Maybe you should move, China is an atheist country. But if you must deal with them, just write the number 666 on your front door and walk around saying ';Satan Bless You.'; They'll get scared of you and leave you alone.
just ignore them theyll go away and burn the church down just for fun, watch how crazy the go
Haha, yeah. It's okay.
you must be a muslim , allah and GOD are not one and the same
Ih can see the lowered has for saken ewe. Verily, now be nice, quit picking on the Christians or burn in hell.
Yeah, the world would be a better place if we could just get rid of everybody who's not like us...
You are wack.
and what the hell r u?
Go ahead, you're headed to hell any way!
Father for give him for he knows not what he does. you know there was a time i was into witchcraft and demonology. i thought i was cool. by the grace of God i am still alive and my name is written in the Book of Life.

just as the scales fell from sauls eyes(he became paul) i pray the scales that blind you will be removed
How are they dangerous??Is your soul afraid of the Light??It is written that the darkness will try to hide from the Light....+

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