Sunday, December 27, 2009

What was the best marriage advice you ever received about achieving success in marriage?

Marriage is rarely 50/50. Rarely you give 100%, sometimes your spouse gives 100% but most the time you're each trying so things even out in the wash. Enjoy and respect one another and never, ever take for granted they'll be there when you wake up in the morning.

From my grandfather who remained married for 65 years before he passed away.What was the best marriage advice you ever received about achieving success in marriage?
Pay Attention!

Not only to what they say, but also to what they don't say. You would do this for your friends, make sure you do it for your spouse as well.

Understand that no matter how similar you are, each of you have different ways of processing information and dealing with problems. Respect them, even when you don't agree, and you'll be fine.What was the best marriage advice you ever received about achieving success in marriage?
When you both are angry there is no communication - you don't REALLY hear anything that is being screamed at you. Walk away from arguments and return to discussion when all is calm. Sometimes it helps just to write him a letter - never criticize him personally, it's the actions that caused the anger. When you start the ';you did'; everyone automatically goes on the defensive and hurtful things are said that can never be took back. Don't sweat the small stuff - think what difference will this make a year from now. And laughter is a must!!
talk talk and talk - about anything and everything.... having a good communication is priceless... it promotes closeness and trust between the parties... and more importantly, each one needs to not take each other for granted and to remember that a marriage is not a destination, it's a journey...
communicate and really listen to each other. and don't go to bed angry, it is best to fight it out and go to bed loving than to be mad the next day.
Be honest with your partner even if you did something bad.If you do something and tell them then you was honest and he is more able to forgive. If you lie to him and dont tell him you did him wrong twice. The lie and the act itself.
Start it like you want to finish it.

It sound stupid, and really hard to understand, but my ex-mother-in-law said those exact words to me when I got married to my ex-husband, and I thought she was crazy.

But now I understand. When you first get with someone you are all lovey and want to do everything for that person, you even put your feelings aside just so you can give them what they want. But then when years roll by you can't understand why they are running all over you and not considering your feelings, and they wont do nothing for themselves.

Don't be mean about it, but let the person know who you really are from the start.

I have learned that this statement is true. My first marriage lasted 5 years and after the first 2 years I just could not understand why he would not do nothing for himself, and didn't consider my feelings in anything, part of it was him and his personality, but the other part was how I started the relationship. I am now married to a great man, and I started the relationship letting him know that I love him and that I respect him but this is who and what I am from the start.

I hope this helps you and you can make sense of it.
Communication, cooperation, understanding, trust, and above all put GOD as a center of your marriage..
dont say things you cannot take back in anger,dont fight to the death.
Treat them the way you would want them to treat you. Be unselfish and giving. Work on changing yourself to be the best spouse you can be to your mate and don't worry about or try to change the other person. Make decisions together and spend time together going on dates and doing things that you like to do. If problems arise work together to try and get through them. Marriage can be heaven on earth if we do it God's way and keep Him in the center of it.

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