Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Can someone give me a advice about my relationship, cause i don't know what to do anymore..?

I';m Asian and dating a black guy. I really love him, but my parents don't approve of him because of his race. What should i do?? Leave him... but i can't..i love him to much...and He's a good guy.. going to college... Can someone give me advice??Can someone give me a advice about my relationship, cause i don't know what to do anymore..?
f' your parents !Can someone give me a advice about my relationship, cause i don't know what to do anymore..?
He is there for YOU to love

I have had a similar problem. They will eventually learn to accept it and you and your partner should work together maybe for acceptance. Although it's YOUR relationship. Not theirs.

Don't let them change anything. Eventually they will have to accept it.

your parents are just going to have to live With it..they should just appreciate the fact that you are in love with someone and that your happy.
oh god. your parents wont change. just stick with him theyll have to live with it. youve got him so... :]
**** them!!! dont listen em jus follow ur heart. hes smart, an apparently a good dude so just stay with him!
well 1st of all its like dont judge a book by a cover so he is black ur asian so u love him YES then stay with him he is worth it . alot of teens dont listen to thier parents so ...... if u like each other stay w/him
if you really love him, youll find a way to be with him. trust me :]

whats that saying?? ';true love holds no bounds'; or somthing like that lol
You just answered your question in your question you said i cant leave him I love him too much, and don't ever worry about what anyone else thinks you are the most important person in your life do what makes you happy.

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