Thursday, December 31, 2009

Advice about asking a guy to prom?

So I'm planning on asking this guy to prom. What would be the best way to do this.

A) Act like I need a date and date and that he seems like a cool person to go.

B) Make it seem like I want to go with someone special and picked him.

C) Other =]

Details: We talk to each other and seem to get along OK, but we're not really close friends, I just talk to him here or there.Advice about asking a guy to prom?
I did Option C and it turned out to be a really cool night. I walked up to my sort of friend and said, ';hey are you going to go to the prom? You know we have a lot of friends in common. You want to go with me? Let me know next period if its a yes or no.'; I used a casual tone of voice which let him know that if he chose no then it wouldn't really be a big deal which took the pressure off of both of us. We ended up going with a group of us in a limo and had a blast. Our friendship stayed in tact and we got to know each other a little better over dinner.Advice about asking a guy to prom?
I would say B, cuz if you act like u need and date and he needs a date it might not be as special as if you made him feel special. Also, the more a guy feels like he is wanted the more special your night will be-he will put more thought into flowers and dinner than not.
well you guys arent that close so just ask him like you find that hes a cool guy and it would be sick if he went to prom with you,, i mean what is there to lose,
I ain't sure what letter choice this answer is ask the guy if he's going to the prom. If yes, ask him if he's going with anyone one, no ask out. If he'd said no, ask him why, if he say's ';because I ain't got anyone';, nail him (ask him then) if for other reason, than don't. Get to know the guy first so y'all can something at the prom.
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