Sunday, December 27, 2009

Need serious advice about possible relationship?

I have known this boy for a year now. Only the last few months we have became good friends and close. I have never dated or had a crush in my life. I just turned 18. My family told me he had a crush. So i asked and we both admitted to having crushes. He was a sweet gentle nice quiet boy. He has never had a GF either. So we went to the movies and that night he said he just wanted to friends and thats okay with me. So i started talking this this other boy and going to see him and he ran him off. I asked him why and he said cause he can. Then it was getting to the point i could talk to friends. He would come to my house and unplug the phone line and follow me around when im on the phone. I kissed him on the lips just alittle peck because of a dare. that night he told me on the phone he was going to hold me down and kiss me and lick my face. He triped me and twisted my arm the other day. I dont think he ment it. but he is very childish like that. Ill add more details in a minNeed serious advice about possible relationship?
Forget him and move on.Need serious advice about possible relationship?
Needing to specifically ask questions like 'are we dating?' If so then 'do you treat all your girls like this?' Followed by 'what's your future gonna be like..?'; Find out what his motives are for being with you in the first place. If he's uncomfortable with a girl's presence then try to find out what it's like you as a girl alone with a boy at this time of a place like this..etc. You need to find out the difference between having a meaningful hands on relationship that may include some skinny dipping or interaction between you two - or simply remain friends and don't find out what the attraction is at all. Find the motives you'll find your answer. By asking what kind of future he looks into you'll know if it matches your 'I'd like a house in the country with sheep and dogs with five kiddies playing' Obviously his intentions are to find all in a person..are you that person? Again, the motives..and direction are important for him and of course yourself too. By playing with each other in this way you may find a good side and a bad side..its upto you both to be who you really are in all wants and needs - for good and bad. If you do get along with the playful moments then you would not be asking your initial question. Go with the flow and seek adventure..while you can. If bullying into submission is his fort茅 then sure enough end it..but find his motives for capturing your attention..just tell him that you have his what does he want..turn the book about face and plug those questions at him. Am sure he'll tell you if he's jealous and wants something more apparent than chats you have with anyone on the phone. Good luck.
sounds like he is very controlling don't get in voled best thing he said to you is he is not going to talk to you or see you or touch you any more. cause he sounds like it can escalate in to vilance later and may be rape later i know my friend did not take my advice and really got battered and raped. drop him as a friend.... he tells you he not going to talk to you and see you is just anther way of controling you trust me please be careful and take care ok
just be yourself and that's all about it.
After reading your details, I'm now wondering why you even bothered to post the original question. If you dislike this guy as much as you described here, where is the possibility of ';a relationship';? I'm totally confused with you now.
Stay away!!! He is controlling and jealous now, if you got involved with him, it would probably become an abusive relationship. Even as just a friend it is becoming that way. He has no business doing the things he is doing and you need to stay away from him. A friend doesn't control your life or hurt you physically on purpose. If you continue to be involved with this person, you will end up hurt.
First off all no man should ever put his hands on you. That upsets me because todays society lets things get way out of hand and some of todays young men have no respect for women. I think you should let your family know that he is borderline psychotic. What person do you know unplugs phone lines when they come over someone's house? And him telling you he's going to hold you down, thats him telling you he's going to do it with force and lick your face, thats harassement..sexual harassement if you don't want it to happen. You should not make excuse for someone elses actions especially if they have made remarks like he does it cuz he I think you need to leave him alone and stay far away from him. I would hate to see another young woman be a victim of a young boys temper and something worst happen to you then just a twisted arm because he feels like he can control you. Please do something and don't take this lightly. Not in today's society.
is this kid from and India family? the India people are crazy in first love relationships.

you could give him a HJ and that would cool his jets for a few hours.
ok um. if i were you i'd give up on this guy. he obviously is just using u and if ur going to have a relationship u need to learn to trust each other, and by the way hes acting there doesnt seem to be a whole lot of trust. and i dont think he is ready for a serious relationship. he needs to grow up first. not to be mean or anything but he seems to be immature.. at age 18. he should be turning into an adult and taking responsibility, instead of twisting ur arm. soo if i were you, i'd just give up on this guy. theres a whole lot of great guys out there and ur still young so u got ur whole life ahead of you. don't waste ur time on a silly boy like him. haha i sound old.. im actually only 13. but oh well. just saying what i think.

i hope you guys work things out. and you meet someone thats actually a nice guy.

RUN, don't walk in the other direction of this boy. He sounds like he has some very big issues and trust me, you don't need to be in the middle of it.

If he continues with his ';stalking'; behavior tell him you will seek legal advice on how to make him stop. You may even have to go as far as getting a restraining order against him.

He sounds like bad news with a capital BAD.

Good luck to you.

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