Thursday, December 31, 2009

What did you think of Brooke Whites performance (April 22) and what about Paula and Simons advice?

So if you didn't see it, Brooke stopped the song after the first couple of lines and started over. Paula said that you should not stop the song in a live performance, but Simon disagreed and said that he would have done the same thing. What do you think?

I am a performer and have always been taught that you NEVER stop in the middle. I thought it was a poor choice and that she should have faked it.What did you think of Brooke Whites performance (April 22) and what about Paula and Simons advice?
Brooke's days are numbered. The start/stop/restart was very unprofessional. She could have faked it. The song is not one that's familiar to most people. On this, I have to agree with Paula. I was very surprised Simon didn't make more of it. Maybe he knows her time is up %26amp; he didn't want to make it worse for her.What did you think of Brooke Whites performance (April 22) and what about Paula and Simons advice?
By saying that he would've done the same thing, I think what Simon was trying to get across was that he would HAVE to have done the same thing. In a situation like that, you have no choice. Once you think about it, there's no way that anyone in the world could've faked their way through forgetting the lyrics in front of 29 million people, professional or not.

I do think that it is her time to go, though.
Yeah i agree with you. And she's done that before where she's started over. She just needs to keep going. I mean, you didn't see David A. stop the song just because he didn't remember the words during one of his performances. And, other well-known performers don't do that either. They learn to cover up that stuff and ';the show must go on.'; I definitely didn't think that wasn't cool what she did. She needs to stop with all the excuses.
i dont think that it is a good idea to fake it when the songwriter is sitting right in front of you. he would have noticed. in that particular situation starting over was the right call but in general you should fake it. overall, i thought her performance was weak.
I think it was unfair of them to make the contestants sing such horrible songs in the first place. This was the most boring night of Idol that I have ever seen.

I think it was better for Brooke to start over than it would have been to make up the words.
she was brave to sing it would have been better if she didnt mess up paula was wrong to say that simon and randy were right , faked what/ i dont get what your saying i sing as wel so i thought she did right
She should have just kept going, its not like anyone would notice, and she still didn't give a great performance, she does the same thing every week!
She was just terrible and she needs to go. It looked very unprofessional when she stopped and restarted.
Yeah Paula said that this week...but the last time she did that Paula said she ';admired'; her for stopping and re starting!! I think Paula doesn't know what she thinks!!

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