Thursday, December 31, 2009

Please give me advice about my niece?

She is 19 yrs old and is engaded to this washout guy. They're only together for 4 months. She ran away from home with this guy, they live in a small room and sleep on a single bed in his motner's backyard. Both of them don't work and now she is planning to get pregnant. Should I ignore her and go on with my life or talk to her. She usually tells me I don't understand or that I am jealous. Can someone please give me advice. Before this guy appeared we were best friends. And now she pushes all her friends away. Help!Please give me advice about my niece?
My feeling about this is that as a caring Aunt, you have to try your best to get through to her about why she is making a big mistake, but it won't work. She probably believes that they are madly in love and she is unable to see the situation the way others do. Some people just have to make mistakes in life in order to learn from them in the long run. When she gets some perspective, at least she will know you were there for her and tried to help.Please give me advice about my niece?
Has his Mom lost her mind? People who plan to marry, but don't work shouldn't be allowed to crash in anyone's house. Let them live on the street, under a bridge, or in a cardboard box. The more people help those who do self destructive things, the longer they can continue to behave foolishly. When the niece has to get food out of dumpsters, perhaps the guy's appeal will fade.
Sometimes life teaches hard lessons. I have a sister who did the same thing. We all tried to help her, but she just kept pushing us all away. Finally, we washed our hands of her and moved on with our lives. It took nearly 20 years for her to finally decide the guy was a lazy worthless bum... after supporting him all that time. She tried to make amends, and she's welcome in our homes... but we don't go out of our way to invite her.
Love really does conquer all, ya know. Apparently, she is happy with this guy, no matter what kind of loser he may seem to be to you.
Why should YOU be jealous of HER?SHE'S the one who is an adult living off her parents sleeping in a backyard!And if she got pregnant she would be an unfit mother and her baby would get snatched up so fast you wouldn't even blink in time.Talk to her,try to get through to her and show her what she's doing is wrong,and this is the wrong guy for her.Encourage her to get a job and a better life.
Unfortunately, she is a grown-up and is entitled to make her own mistakes. All you can do is ask her to be careful and if something bad happens, let her know that you will be there for her.

However, you should talk to her about having a baby this soon into the relationship. Ask her to wait a while. Especially if they're living in someone's backyard. Explain to her how much work a baby is, and wouldn't she want to give the child the best of everything?

She's still young. She can change her mind about being married to this guy, but she can't change her mind about being a mother to some child.

Good luck!
talk to her or see if you can find someone she don't no and try and see if he will cheat then she will leave him
I agree that you should definitely talk to her. Invite her to lunch or a park or another neutral location without her boyfriend. Instead of starting right off with how you think her boyfriend is worthless maybe try asking her questions about her plans. Where does she think they'll be living in six months? Is she looking for a job? Is he looking for a job? Ask her where a baby would sleep, how they would feed the baby, etc. Before she gets pregnant would she be willing to do a trial run with one of those dolls that is programmed to act like a real baby so she can see what it will be like? (You can contact a local social services office or school district to find out how to obtain a doll like that.) If she starts accusing you of things like jealousy, do your best not to get angry or upset and defensive. Instead, say something like you aren't there to talk about you or that whether you are jealous or not isn't the issue. Try to remain calm and keep the conversation on an adult level. You may have to just talk to her a little bit at a time. If the conversation starts to take a turn for the worse, just say that you think you're ready to talk about something else and maybe you can come back to that conversation another time. The more you criticize the boyfriend, the more she'll want to be with him and defend him. Instead, focus on helping her see that her future with him may be limited for a variety of reasons. If she does express interested in getting a job, tell her you will help her. Probably getting a job will help her understand not only the value of a dollar but also get her away from her boyfriend and socializing with other people who will likely also see some of the problems with her relationship and point them out. Do your best to stay involved. If you do feel that you need to part ways with her at some point, you can always say that if she's interested in making a change she can come to you for help. Best of luck!

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