Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need girl advice, about periods?

When do they normally come. I want stories. Also give me advice on when mine will come. I am 12 and 9 months. I have lots of discarge. 5 feet 5 inches. 107 pounds. i have hair down there and a very small amount under my arms. I need help. thanxI need girl advice, about periods?
Mine came in sixth grade, and I think I was 12. It happened at home.

Periods could come anywhere from 11-16, but it sounds like yours is coming soon!I need girl advice, about periods?
Well first of all, different people get it at different ages. But if you say that you have a lot of vaginal discharge it might be coming. It is very natural, and when I first got mine I was so embarrassed about it, but later on you notice that it is normal and there is nothing to worry about. Normal honestly there is not adivce just know what you are doing, and start of with pads not tampons. Change every 2-3 hours, and be careful. You might get stomach aches at first but dont worry that is normal and there is nothng that you can do about that so dont worry.

Good Luck.

10 points?
My first one was when i was 13 and a half, and i'm 22 now. You will probably be able to tell when it is soon because your back might hurt a little and you'll just feel weird. They should come about every month or so, at first it will be a little off, like maybe you might skip a month. Then it will get regular and you will know exactly when it will come. Just hang in there, and enjoy you're last moments before you become a woman.
Sounds like from all your questions you're really anxious :)

well, i started when i was 11. I had all the signs as you, except i got under arm hair, leg hair, and the 'down there' hair when i was only seven years old. it varies for everyone.

I would relax :)

the earliest you could start is 8, and you could even start at 18. but by the sound of it, you'll begin soon

good luck!
1. have you developed up there? - Girls get their periods when they are in at least stage 2 of developing their breasts

2. when did your mom have hers? - Most girls get their period around the same time as their mom

3. discharge - you'll get your period within 1 year - 2 years

4. When - Most girls get the periods around the ages 12 - 15

Hope this Helped!
My period showed up on the morning of my sixth-grade class field trip. Guess where we were going? That's right, a lake. To SWIM. Needless to say, I didn't go in the water, although I probably could have because my period was so light that first cycle.

There's a very wide period range. I've known girls who started at 15 and other girls who started at 9. You do have a lot of the symptoms, though, and you'll probably get yours within the next year. It's impossible to predict, but based on how puberty is affecting you, I'd say you don't have a really long time to wait.
Dont worry!

You sound like you are nearly ready, so just give them time.

They are nothing to worry about, and everyones come at different times.

Hope this helps (:

I got my first period when I was 14 and you might probably want to get prepared because it might come like really soon. Just enjoy while you still don't have it.
your breast will start to develop too, and maybe a year after you might have your period

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