Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need some advice about on-line universities ????

I am thinking about MBA in Accounting/Finance. I have two year experience in business + AS/Accounting and BA in legal studies.

And my questions are:

- does somebody have an on-line degree from University of Phoenix or any other on-line schools? Was/Is it helpful for you?

- What do employers think about on-line master degrees?

- What is the best on-line school?

Thanks for your help ....I need some advice about on-line universities ????
You best bet is an online degree program offered through a respected university. Many places are starting to offer these for the kinds of degrees you are looking for.

Absolutely stay away from online-only places like University of Pheonix. These are for-profit businesses that make money by stringing students along for as long as possible, convincing them to take out enormous student loans, and accepting students that can't possibly graduate. Their standards are a joke and their teachers are community-college quality at best. I'm not sure how their degree's are regarded by employers but they can't be considered as good as a traditional university's own online degree.

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