Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need some advice about this girl I know...?

Ok, so there's this girl who I've been friends with since last summer. I know her and she knows me fairly well, but not really close or anything. This is where it gets weird. We have two totally different views on some things, but agree entirely on somethings! I don't think she's attracted to me, but I'm sorta attracted to her. Should I go for it?I need some advice about this girl I know...?
鈾€Well i think you should tell her how you fell about doing this if you love her so much why not ask her out.What is gonna be the problem is like noting is gonna happen.

鈽?Remember we can't read a girls mine.Like other nobody knows.

You may never be 100% sure that you like someone even if you get to know them a lot. If you like them enough though, then ask them out. If they say yes, the answer to all of your questions will become clear when you start dating.

鈻篧hen you first get to know somebody, try not to make it clear that you are trying to see what you really think about them. If you find out you don't really like them after all, you could still end up leading them on through the process and then their feelings could get hurt if they really like you...

鈻篒f you've become more sure you like them, try flirting a little and dropping hints. They will let you know through body language etc. what they think of you, and you can both take it from there.

Having feelings for a guy or girl is perfectly fine, and is a very happy and beneficial part of life. But it is important not to become obsessed with the person. Try doing things by yourself or with friends. You must love yourself before loving anyone else.

Always try to communicate with the guy/girl that you like. Leave them little messages through text or e-mail, and see if they reply to you.

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