Sunday, December 27, 2009

I need advice about my decision to change careers.?

I recently went to school to get medical training and is in the process of making a complete career change. I decided to do that not only because I've always loved medicine, but also I don't want to be stuck working stressful, deadend jobs like I've been doing for the past several years. I'm determined to change my life for the better, but it's been really hard getting started. Jobs that I've seen and applied for want someone with a billion years experience, even entry level jobs. I'm working for a temp agency right now until something better comes along to help pay the bills. But the only thing I seem to be getting assigned to are jobs that not only don't pay very well, but that actually suck. This one that I'm assigned to now has me sitting behind a desk staring at the four walls answering the phone for eight hours and the phone didn't ring that much. I have clinical experience and I just want some one to give me a chance. I know I'm just starting out but I have to start somewhere.I need advice about my decision to change careers.?
If you found something that you really like then stick with might take some time before you get where you want to be but it will be worth it in the long run. Have you tried going back to the school and see if they have any referrals or leads that would put you into something more promising? Some temp agencies deal strictly with technical/medical fields. Try to find one of those. Some companies hire from the agencies and some will actually deal with the school when they are looking for new hires. Good luck...don't get discouraged.

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