Thursday, December 31, 2009

Help please!!!!! I need advice about a girl - please only girls?

Ok first I like this girl, that is in one of my classes. She's shy,nice and likes me at least a little. I can't tell her face to face, and note is hard. How do I open up with her, and how can I tell her that i like her with out feeling forward, or creepy. Please i need options..... quickly! (Ideas for a letter) note im only about 13 years old.Help please!!!!! I need advice about a girl - please only girls?
I'm thirteen too! Plus, I also like someone who is in only one of my classes.

You need to make sure she knows your serious, because if she's as shy as some of my friends, she might not believe you could like her.

If you don't know her too well, talk to her first, because she's more likely to like a guy she knows better. BUT, DO NOT SLIP INTO THE FRIENDS ZONE! Flirt, so she doesn't think of you as just a friend.

Make sure whenever she's around, you pay more attention to her than any other girl.

After you are friends, tell her when you're alone.

-LivvyHelp please!!!!! I need advice about a girl - please only girls?
ok from personal experience i know that a note/letter is a really really REALLY bad idea. one of my friends gave a love note 2 the guy she liked and he showed it 2 every1 and they all made fun of her...the bad part about a note is if she doesnt like you she can show it 2 all her friends and they will laugh at u. same goes w/ emails and IM conversations. if u like some1 tell them in person plz u will regret it if u dont

these are signs to show girls are annoyed, want you to talk to them, like you

when they are annoyed:

they keep looking down and trying to pretend to focus on something else

take lots of deep sighs

doesnt make eye contacts

keeps trying to walk away

rolls eyes

says w/e, cool, awesome, good for you

wants you to talk to them:

stares at you

says hi, or haha thats so funny, what are you doing. or nudges you

likes you:

smiles at you alot.

tries to touch your hand

always pays attention to you
call her or send a forwarded or regular text message that says something about being irreplaceable or etc...
write a note or call her up
a note will do:)

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