Sunday, December 27, 2009

Iwas recently givin a puppy about 2weeks. I need some advice on potty traing him we live in an apt.?

he's about 1-2 mos. I also haven't named him yet and would like some suggestions. He's black with a white tummy. Ireally don't know what breed he is either. Thanks!!Iwas recently givin a puppy about 2weeks. I need some advice on potty traing him we live in an apt.?
You have to keep the dog on a schedule. The best way to to keep in in a crate at night and first thing in the morning take it out. Then every 2-3 hours after that take it out. That way it knows it has enough opportunities and realizes why it is going out. (but if it is only 1 month it is too young to be away from its mom).Iwas recently givin a puppy about 2weeks. I need some advice on potty traing him we live in an apt.?
He is far, far too young to have left his mother. Send him back. He is almost certainly going to be very hard to train properly as he lacks socialisation with his litter. If you wish to try, get a behaviourist to help. This situation really needs some expert advice and supervision. H may also be too young to housetrain properly,and even if he's old enouhg you will have a long struggle. Puppies are first housetrained by their mothers.
i would call him soul, due to him being black and white.

potty training takes time, some dogs get it quicker than others my girl dog took 18 months before she was dry.

try leaving paper and training pads by the door you want him to ask at to go out. if you see him sniffing the floor like they do when they go outside to toilet pick him up and take him to the pad and when he goes give him praise and treats and slowly start reducing the amount of paper etc and take him outside more and more to toilet as you reduce the paper and he will get the idea and go outside eventually.
I think that you could by some puppy-pads from your local pet store. they have a scent in them that attracts your dog into going to the washroom on. Here's a couple of some name suggestions for your puppy:








I think Russo is a cute name for a male pup!!
welll use a word when ever ur dog goes to the bathroom like pottyutside is wut i use . for a name u can use bailey its boy and a girl name hope i helped!!!!

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