Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need advice about a close friend who is depressed, paranoid, and has sleep problems.?

My close friend was first diagnosed with depression when he was 10-11 years old. He recovered from that first episode with the help of doctors, family, medicine, and time (about one year).

Now, he is 20 years old. I am convinced that he is having a second episode. I think this one could be much worse than the previous one. He has a lot of trouble sleeping, being a decent person while talking to me, thinking rationally, and just functioning in general. He is currently on medication, but it does not seem to help him. He has been having this episode for almost a year now, and it's gotten to the point that he no longer feels human emotions. He mostly just sleeps all day. I know for a fact that he feels very suicical sometimes.

What can I possibly do to help him? I try to get his mind off things by talking to him about random things, but he's still very depressed. I want to be able to help him, and it's difficult because his behavior is frustrating. Will he ever get better?I need advice about a close friend who is depressed, paranoid, and has sleep problems.?
Sadly there is not a lot you can do. Therapy, and medication can help, but only if he wants the help. (Sleeping all day is classic depression.) One thing to be sure to do is not to enable in his disease. You should talk to his family, friends and urge him to see a therapist. Too often we'll put someone in therapy for a couple of months, and give them a prescription for some drugs. Then they're cured right?I need advice about a close friend who is depressed, paranoid, and has sleep problems.?
Be there for him. always. Dont forget that. always be there for him. Take him to counsling or to get better medicine and in the mean time make sure he doesnt try bone-head moves that could injure him or kill himself.

also try to help him solve his problems [if they're alright to help out with]

good luck..
Just stick in there with him. A good friend of mine had another friend who recently commited suicide. He called her right before he did it. He told her he was going to do it. She told him that she can't do anything to stop him. She had made it clear to him that she was against it, but she told him that she loved him before they hung up. She ended up being the one there for his family as they dealt with this. She knew exactly what he was going through and she answered many of the questions they had. They did not blaim her for any of it, but they were very thankful he had her in his life. Hopefully your story does not end that way, but if it does, his family will be very thankful that you cared so much for him, and you were there for him.
well friend my advice for you is just a simplke one.

all you need to do is introduced God unto him.

maybe he already forget God know.

and you must help him to forget his problem and be the one to make him remember it.
it sounds like to me that your friend may need help from not only a med. dr but some pyc as well he may be bipolar if he goes through spells where he does well then back down again it is a very serios condition and he should see another dr if the one he sees now has not ask him about bipolar check it out on the webb you can look up the symptoms and see what you think. then talk to him about it but most bipolars say they don't have that problem so it could be hard to get him diagnosed with it, good luck
Finding the right antidepressant is trial and error. Depression is a physical problem and not just a mood or emotional problem. He needs to see a doctor to either change or increase his meds. It takes time to find the right dose of the right meds and the right combinations but a doctor should be able to get him to a point of functioning with a change or increase, or additional med. If he is honest with his doctor, he WILL get better. There are additional things he can do along with meds and counseling, like support groups and EMDR. Depression is like diabetes though. It's something that is managed rather than cured. At least for now.
you need to let his family know, because he won't just ';get better.'; he might need different medications. he needs additional help. If you know who his doctor is you should call and let the doctor know what is going on.

if he's suicidal he can be committed for 3 days for observation. don't let him keep sliding downhill...he needs your help...
Hi, my boyfriend has been going through alot of the same things, and for many years the doctors thought he had depression and had him on depression pills, which I guess were not working, and they didn't figure it out till last month that he is biopolar, like sometimes he can be really nice and the next minute you go touch something of his and he can snap, a family member of his took him to the hospital because he said he was going to hurt hiself and they actually found out he was biopolar, and is on medicine now for it and it is actually helping him. Maybe your friend is biopolar, best thing to do is go get your friend help before they do anything serious to themself.

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