Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advice about my veggie garden ?

I have quite a good little veggie garden my question is about zucchini and corn i have never grown either of them before they seem to be going really well the zucchini is starting to get tiny flowers any way back to my question how many can one plant produce (zucchini %26amp; corn) and do they keep producing veggies or will they produce one crop then die. thanks any advice would be great Advice about my veggie garden ?
sure glad your doing well with your garden its nice to hear people working hard to have good clean food they grow.I have been growing zucchini for years now and this year in the great lakes states have been a bad year.They are a short lived plant meaning sometimes you can get 2 plantings in one year.After your first and heavy harvest they will slow way down on what they produce and then die. They bear fruit anywere from 50 to 70 days depending on the type.Cut worms like them so be aware of this.The plant as with all melon type fruit tend to get white mildew so only mess with them during high sun.

Now corn being my speacialty works like this.As some have said some people and old timers will buy vine tipe beans rather than bush to grow up them.I can promise you its a bad idea.Growing bush beans near is fine.Vining beans using your corn as a pole will only strain your plants of nutriants and worse good air flow that is needed for pollination.remember the tassels need a clear view of the silk that is on the cop.Corn is self polinating the tassels drop on to the silk making each kernal form.At onset of the cobs give the plant a good dose of nitrogen such as 20-20-20 sread it right at the bottom of the plant to the amount of say four or 5 granulars in a area of a dime or like peppering your food spread this amount all the way down your row on both sides of the corn.Dont worry it will take alot of nitrogen to burn your corn.It wants it and lots of it.this will give your stalks the food it needs to produce 2 good size ears on each salk and maybe a small third one.

This year year i planted 10 pounds of northern extra sweet and it did pretty well.Large 9inch ears with super sweet kernals filled to the top of the cob.Good luck Advice about my veggie garden ?
Zucchini will produce multiple fruits. Make sure to pick them early so they don't ripen and produce seed. If you let them get too big, the plant will produce less fruit. You can cut out most of the male flowers to help the females come in. You can tell them apart because the females have what looks like a little tiny zucchini baby just below the flower while the males do not.

Corn will usually produce once but can have multiple cobs depending on the variety you're growing. Next time, try planting beans so that they climb up the corn. The nitrogen the beans fix into the soil will help the corn grow and the corn is a perfect support for beans. This way you'll get two types of plants out of the same space. All the best with your garden. Sounds like it's going great!
You should get multiple fruitings (it is classified as an immature fruit) off your Zucchini, I am sure it is related to the pumpkin and as such grows like it. Corn can produce two cobs from the one plant but the first cob is usually the best. The second is rather weak with few kernels produced...this is my experience though and am in no way an expert of corn.
I agree with Tim in some aspets..but actually pole beans(vining beans of any sort are great companon plants for corn... beans are a fixed nitrogen plant and actually pulls nitrogen out of the air and puts it into the soil in which corn likes lots of nitrogen..Beans do not like any added nitrogen for they extract thiers from the air as i sugested..them doing this then provides the corn with the necessary nitrogen it needs..we actually plant corn, let it grow to about 3 feet tall and then plant pole beans underneath to climb the stalks, then once the beans climb a couple of feet we plant squash under that to help cover the ground and prevent weeds from is some info backing this up..and pictures of my garden..I companion plant many items, such as basil by all my tomatoe plants ward off some insects that attract to tomatoes, and sweetens the tomatoes up, I plant dill under my cucmbers for it wards of cucmber beetles ..etcetera..

On this companion chart notice how beans are good companions with corn..鈥?/a>

read under ';symbiotic nitrogen fixation'; here confirms about beans pulling nitrogen from the air..鈥?/a>

I grow my veggies in raised beds and companion plant faithfully..see how lush my garden is from this, and I grow alot of veggies in small areas by companion planting..

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