Saturday, December 19, 2009

Can someobody give some advice about how to make good impression on boyfriend's parents at dinner??? Thanxxx ;

All i need is some tips about making good impression on my bot friend's family. :(Can someobody give some advice about how to make good impression on boyfriend's parents at dinner??? Thanxxx ;
Be polite, and address them as sir and ma'am, offer to help with making dinner and cleaning up afterwards. Don't forget to make good eye contact and don't worry too much about conversation starters they'll more than likely handle that. Be a good listener. Wear something nice and don't wear alot of perfume make sure it's very subtle if any. Good Luck!


Yea learning some small words would be great like ';hello'; and ';no thanks'; and ';thank you'; and ';They scare me'; lol and ';good food'; and ';good night'; or ';can I help?'; stay away from the pets lol. Have your boyfriend help with interpretation. You'll do great you'll see!Can someobody give some advice about how to make good impression on boyfriend's parents at dinner??? Thanxxx ;
Be calm. Be relaxed. If it taste good they her. Ask about the recipe if you are interested. Help out if you can with the set-up, cleaning afterwards. They will probably so no thanks, but insist at least once. Bring flowers if you want. Be yourself.
keep your t!ts covered at dinner and don't hit on dad. complimenting mom on dinner is a good start. get recipes. no cursing, politics or religion. good luck!
say its interesting that the iranians are different from egypt and saudia arabia because one group is shite and the other is sunni, and that the differences within islam are interesting cause lately america gets along with egypt and saudia arabia, but that ultimately we can't be depenedent on them for foriegn oil and saudia arabia needs to stop the schools that teach that america is the big satan

that would impress my dad
Good luck. They may not like you from the minute they meet you in which case there would be nothing you could do. I hope this is not the case for you. Just don't say anything that the mother will take offense of, like the dinner or the way the house is decorated. Good luck.
Be polite, and address them as sir and maam, volunteer to help with the food prep and clean up afterwards.
I think Basic manners always help... But don't forget to offer to help his mom out with cooking... When everyone is done... Automatically start helping clear the table... If you ask if they would like help they will say no... Seem interested in what they talk about... Mostly just trying to be yourself... Good luck!
jus act n say wat ur parents might like n jus how would want ur kids boyfriend or girlfriend to act wit u. even though u don have any kids

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