Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hey question about advice my gf got from doctor: said we should try having a baby now!! Please help!?

hey my gf went to the doctor's to have her regular papsmear and she asked a few questions... one in particular was she was concerned about how light her period was every month like only lasts a few days and is VERY light so the doctor sent her for a ton of tests and they came back saying that she isn't producing eggs every month and that is why her period is so light because she isn't dropping any eggs or only one every few months (she does have the occaisonal heavy one) he said that it will only get worse as she ages (we are only in our mid 20's) and that IF we want more kids (we have a 2year old) we better start trying because it could take a VERY long time he said he was actually surprised we got pregnant the first time around. does this make sense ?? should we see another doctor?? I'm not ready for another baby YET but I do want more kids should we start trying now?? what do you think?? HELP!!!Hey question about advice my gf got from doctor: said we should try having a baby now!! Please help!?
I think your girlfriend wants another baby. If I were you I'd make sure I heard the doctor's ';advice'; straight from the doctor himself.Hey question about advice my gf got from doctor: said we should try having a baby now!! Please help!?
if you are not ready then it is not a good time to have another baby. i have never heard anything like that before but coming from a doctors mouth i guess it is possible. is she ready to have one? has she been on your case about another one? not to say that she is lieing but what if she told you that so you will want to hurry and have another child! i don';t know i would taslk to her more about it ! good luck to u!!!
That is horrible advice she needs a new doctor. I was told that I dont ovulate and I have polycystic ovary syndrome it broke my heart. When I was told this I changed doctors and my new doctor told me that I would be able to get pregnant that I would just have to take medicine your gf will probably have to take medicine when the two of you decide its time for another baby there are tons of ways to become pregnant these days so dont rush what you aren't ready for.
always always get a second opinion!!!this dr sounds like a quack!!!
Either your girlfriend desperately wants another baby and she is using a medical ploy to deceive you into giving her another, or she has found the most incompetent and idiotic doctor on this planet. I belive that your girlfriend desires another child, but she is afraid to tell you the truth because she knows that you don't want another child right now. Since she does not know exactly when you will be ready for another, she is becoming impatient and doesn't want a huge age gap between the children. I feel that she should be honest with you or go out and get a new doctor. Maybe next time you should go on the next doctor's visit with her to get a better understanding of what the doctor allegedly said. Either way, you should not be forced into creating a child that you are not ready to have.
I would say to see another Dr. there are many reasons and solutions that could help her. I have very irregular periods and it has gotten worse since I had my son 6 years ago. I have not been able to get pregnant. Recently I went to a Dr. and he told me there are medications that I could take to help me become pregnant. Good luck!!

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