Saturday, December 19, 2009

Need advice about something please help?

how long after you have a pelvic ultra sound done does it take for your doctor gets the results back to him (cysts)Need advice about something please help?
Usually, it takes about 2 weeks for the radiologist to examine the ultrasound then they write a report and send it to your Primary Care Physician. I don't think you should worry too much. I would wait one more week and then call and leave a message for your doctor to call you back. Otherwise you can talk to his/her nurse. I think your best bet is to talk to him though.

Did your doctor tell you what he is looking for?Need advice about something please help?
If the technician is there to do it, and the doctor is there to interpret it, then it can be done almost as as soon after the test is done.
That depends on where you get your u/s done at. If the Dr himself does it, he should be able to tell you something right then. If an outside facility does it, that depends on how fast they get results read by the radiologist, and then back to your Dr's office. I would say within a week your Dr's office will have the results, and then they should call you. I would also think you are going to have to make a follow up appt. to meet with your Dr and get the details of the report. Good luck hun!!
the doc was able to look at the screen and tell me about the cysts right then, but i did have to have a follow up in about a week or so where he went into a lil more detail. He was also able to point out more to me...

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