Saturday, December 19, 2009

Please answer I need advice about a guy!!?

I want to talk to an extremely cute guy in my gym class, but i cant build up enough courage to talk to him. I think he was in my elementary school from another school district (we're in high school now)

He's just soooo cute and I want to go out with him. I heard him talking to his friends and he seems soooo nice and sweet and im dying to talk to him. What should i say to him if i can manage to talk to him?

And is there any way to make him want to talk to me??

ThanksPlease answer I need advice about a guy!!?
just like ';accidently'; bumb into him in the hall or something and start talking to him then

then become friends and stuff then see if he asks you out Please answer I need advice about a guy!!?
There is no way to make anybody want to talk to you if they do not wish or want to. The best thing for you to do is just strike up a friendly conversation. If he keeps the conversation going then start flirting with him. But don't mistake friendliness for actual feelings of interest on his part.

Do it and get it over with so you can stop wondering, what ifs.
A great conversation starter in this situation, ask him if he went to the same elementary and bring up some memories you might have had. To get a shy guy ( like me ) to talk to you, you have to talk about things he may be interested in to get him comfortable around you. Then he will take it from there. Good luck
ok- you just need to stay cool. next, start a conversation, start with asking him if he went to the same school as you in elementary because you recognize him. hopefully that will break the ice, either way he answers. do not let the conversation get awkward! then you'll hate yourself later! once you become friends, if he hasn't already asked you out, casually suggest that you go grab some drinks or something together.
I agree with asking if you guys went to elementary school. Don't listen to the asshole that commented you first. If he says no to your elementary plan then try doing activities he's done during gym or get on his team. :)
When you can catch him by his self...hand him a piece of paper with your name and phone number then proceed to just walk away....If he never calls then you know he's not interested...the paper allows you not to fumble any words and embarrass yourself :)
Give him a compliment, something random that will spark a conversation. or just ask him, did we go to the same elementary school, then let nature take it's course.
go up, compliment him (say he seems really nice or something)

then walk away.

he'll know you like him, and he'll want more if you play your cards right.
walk up to him and say, ';hey didn't we go to elementary school together?'; and try to get a covo going about something funny that happened back then
Just talk to him, dumb blonde. I mean cmon **** sake it's easy to do , grow some err.....balls?
say hi and try to be friends. =]
Ah this is pretty much how all relationships start, so don't freak out you'll get used to it!

Firstly, do you guys have any common interests? Any classes in common, musical tastes yadda yadda? That's a good start, just do a little undercover research. If he seems sweet, yup sweet is good but how about all those other boxes on your ';list of things a guy has to have for him to be attractive to me'; checklist?

Making him want to talk to you....well that's a sticky one, how about asking yourself instead ';why the heck wouldn't he want to talk to me? I'm awesome!';

Approach the situation as if he already wants to talk to you and you're just helping him out by giving him an excuse to do it. Sure, maybe it's a bit bold - but we're 21st cent women right? If I'd waited for my man to pick up the courage to ask me out I'd still be single, bless his shy little socks!

So once you've done your little bit of background research, choose your topic and find a situation where you can just I don't know...sit down beside him and - being all cool and casual ya know - INTRODUCE YOURSELF! Stick your hand out CONFIDENTLY, SMILE CHARMINGLY, MAKE EYE CONTACT and say 'Hey I'm (......)' then shake his hand firmly! The trick here is it doesn't matter whether he already knows your name, who you are, or's a cute, eccentric ice breaker! It's like starting from the beginning again. Plus it gives him a chance to NOTICE YOU as a person who has crossed the line from 'chick I kinda know, who I see in the hallway sometimes' to 'chick called (...) who might turn out to be interesting and fun and sweet' . Oh, and it might lead to an actual first conversation!!! Even if it doesn't right away, it means that you're on his 'radar' so to speak, and he'll certainly feel more comfortable about talking to you in future. Guys sometimes need the little bit of security that comes from knowing that you're not a complete stranger .

Hope that helped....hey If you want you can let me know if it does me :)


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