Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Please give me advice about my husband.....?

I'm just wanting some advice. I am 25 years old and i have been with my husband for 5 years married for 1 year. Well he has changed he put his hands on me last night and tried to hang himself over a fight we had about him looking at other girls it wouldn't of been a fight but if i look at a guy i'm called all kinds of names. We have 3 kids together and i really do love him i want to make this work but i dont know what to do. Can anybody give me some advice????Please give me advice about my husband.....?
get a restriaing order against him

call 800-799-7233 (SAFE) for immeidate shelter and assistance.

this man is dangerousPlease give me advice about my husband.....?
Get help. If it has happened once it will happen again. Trust me!!
Yikes. Counseling...orrrr some professional help of some kind for him.

Yahoo answers cannot fix this for safe.


So he is abusive and suicidal, that does not sound like a healthy marriage that you need to be in. Not only for yourself but you have to think about what he could or will do to the children, he is not a safe sane person, so do not think that he would never do anything to you or the kids. Pack yours and kids bags and get far away from his man. Good luck.
I would say that if you really do love him and if this was the first time that he had ever put his hands on you then there may be a chance to work it out. However, if he has a record of putting his hands on you you need to decide if you believe if he can change. Talk with him and suggest counseling. If he is willing to work at it it might be worth it. However, you need to be concerned about the safety of you and your children. Do you want them to grow up in an abusive environment?
Abusers usually never stop. Get out now! It will only get worse. I know from experience. LEAVE! look up info on domestic violence and the statistics, there is women that don't make it out of a relationship like that alive. If he hits you call the police. and then get far away!!!!
He needs to see a therapist to help him work out some issues, one of them being jealousy. Maybe both of you should see a marriage counselor. Suggest it to him for the sake of your marriage.
Yes, he's cheating and is also being manipulative, controling and abusive.

I suggest birth control and therapy for both

Good luck
Your the only one that knows what you should do. All I know is that everyone deserves to be happy no matter what!
my husband used to put his hands on me. i left him for three months no contact what so ever i would not talk to him on the phone or see him. it was extremely hard. we got back together and he has not hit me sense.
go to counceling fast! i had to eventually divorce my husband because he tried the suicide thing. if your husband tried to hurt you then you cant ignore this and you should leave and make it clear you will not return until he gets help. once a man abuses it only gets worse. if you allow it he will keep doing it. this behaviour will have terrible consequences on the they know about the attemped suicide?my kids still have scars over what happened in the house when their dad was there. i will also say it is a terrible example as how a father should treat the women in their lives. in fact my boys think its fine to disrespect me. i had to set them straight. it was years of watching their dad treat me that way. good luck!
Sounds like dishonesty on both sides.Of course your going to look at other people but it doesn't mean your going to have sex with them.If your flirtatious like that ok then i would be upset , but not over a glance.

Forgive and forget move on and discuss these meaningless issues with him.Let him know how you feel for him.

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