Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Any advice about pregnancy problems?

ok, well... i have this friend who has a girlfriend who is 5 months pregnant and she went to the doctor's yesterday and she found out that her baby is laying on her lung and there could be fatal complications during the delivery. her boyfriend knows that he can't talk her into having an abortion before it's too late to, and his girlfriend is only thinking about having her baby. he came to me for advice and i didn't know what to tell him... does anyone have any advice on what i could tell him?Any advice about pregnancy problems?
Are the fatal complications for the mother AND baby? There isn't anything you can help with, other than telling your friend that he and his girlfriend need to be ready for a premature labor and a c-section. Make sure they are asking a million questions when they go to the doctors to be as well informed as possible.Any advice about pregnancy problems?
What you need to do is have your friend talk to her mother...then the three of them go into the doctors office together to get the facts. It's hard to hear something like that...and your friend is a man and could never understand. At least with having her mother's opinion on it, she'll feel better and have a source of support that she can rely on. Her mother should also have the experience behind her to know what kinds of questions to ask the doctor and what options are open for her daughter. If she's on rocky ground with her own need to find another OLDER woman that she can trust to help her make what could be a tough decision. Good luck and I hope everything turns out OK.
the best thing for you to do is be there ...just to talk. listen and offer to help do everyday stuff. let them know you are therte for whatever they need. and tell them to talk to the doctor. i mean really talk, ask questions, tell the dr their fears and ask about a possible early delivery by c-section say around 32-35 weeks instead of risking labor starting on its own. tell your friend and his girlfriend that babies born after 28 weeks have a 98% chance of doing fine with no permanent problems with growth or development. remind her that she is not that far from 28 weeks and if something should cause labor before then, babies born as early as 26 weeks now have a good chance of living and devleloping thanks to technology. finally, Pray for them all...that is the best medicine. God bless you and them.
having an abortion at 5months i think is illegal!

have the doctors suggested other options for the delivery, like a c-section? they might have to deliver the baby a lot earlier but abortion is certainly not the answer!

this is a tricky one as if i have never heard of this sort of problem before.

i would get your friend to ask for options there are to sort this out.xxxx
Baby is laying on her lung??? Don't think so! They are so far apart at 5 months pregnant, it is barely lying on her bladder let alone her lung. I suspect that either there was a misunderstanding in the doctor's office or there was a little embellishment with regards to the story. My advice: go to the next OB visit with her and hear the story firsthand, ask questions if he doesn't understand.

1 comment:

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