Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Need advice about FWB situation

This guy and I have had a friends with benefits relationship for the past 6 months, and he said that he didn't really want to hookup anymore, and that he still loved his ex (He has had feelings for his ex the entire time we've been together. He's called things off between us twice and we always come back to each other). If he really didn't want to be doing this with me then he would completely stop and wouldn't keep starting things up again. Guys have self control and if they really don't want to do something then they won't.

I asked him what his feelings for his ex has to do with me and our situation (meaning our FWB relationship). He said, I don't want to talk about it! I asked, You don't have feelings for me, right? He said, No.

I don't understand why can't he tell me what his feelings for his ex has to do with me? Does he have feelings for me but doesn't want to tell me because it's supposed to be purely sexual? Is he confused about whether he wants me or his ex? (His ex told him that she doesn't want to be with him but he still has feelings for her)

The guy and I are both in our twenties. So confused and need help understanding this situation!!! Thank you for your help.

Need advice about FWB situation
Sadly, your FWB is very immature! To be blunt, he needs to just grow up and make a decision! Based on the info you provided, my assessment is that he's not interested in you romantically - only sexually! The problem for him is that he still has an emotional attachment to his ex - who, wisely, doesn't want to have anything to do with him! Because of the emotional baggage he's still carrying around, he thinks that if he ends his relationship with you that will somehow alter how his ex feels about him! It won't! He's deluded and you're caught in the middle - being miserable! I recommend that you kick him to the curb and find either a new FWB or a BF! Just start dating every guy you meet! In no time, you'll have a guy who will be making you happy instead of miserable! Good luck, baby!

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