Saturday, December 19, 2009

I need 2 write a paragraph about managing time in the business world. I need advice. Can u help me?

I just need some kind of suggestion. Thanx.I need 2 write a paragraph about managing time in the business world. I need advice. Can u help me?
In the business world, the expression ';Time is money.'; is true.

You only have so many hours in the day, so organize your time so as not to waste any. A few ways to utilize time well:

1) Be prepared for business meetings with an agenda. List your ideas, discuss the ideas, then write down the results and move on.

2) Lists to organize your time each day, as well as a weekly overview.

3) Make deadlines for projects and try to stick to them.

4) Have regular office hours when people can meet with you,

and hours when your doors are shut.

5) Short lunches and breaks

These are a few ideas on how to organize your time for maximum efficiency. Hope this helps you.I need 2 write a paragraph about managing time in the business world. I need advice. Can u help me?
Yes. I suggest you do a little reading on the subject. Then you should be qualified to write the paragraph.
You might write about being organized so important papers can be found quickly, which helps with time management.

Or, setting up a schedule of when best to do regular duties, shutting your door to get things done, only taking calls at certain times.
Most successful businesses manage time by applying processes to their work. A business process can be defined as requiring a set order of instructions to complete a task.

One model is called Project Management. In Project Management, a person is designated the project manager. The Project Manager defines a set of task that are associated with a common goal. He or She then assigns the people who do the work to the set of tasks that they will be responsible for.. The Project Manager will estimate the amount of hours for each task and each person assigned.

The people who are working on the task will then track their time and report the number of hours they were able to work on the tasks assigned.

At designated intervals, the Project Manager will review the amount of time being spent on the tasks compared to the progress being made on the tasks, any new tasks or new people that are required and make adjustments.

At the end of the project, the Project Manager will be able to report on what work was done, how long it took and therefore how much it cost.
Use a day planner to schedule out your day and stick to it.

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