Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I need some advice about my failing relationship with my current boy friend.?

We have been dating since October 23, 2006 and he is my ex boyfriends cousin. I met him out of town and i brought him back to my hometown with me. I rushed into this relationship and now we argue all the time and he threatens me that hes going to tell his cousin who doesn't know anything. I am tired of argueing every day and i thought that we would work throught this but it is greating worse. I am in mental shambles dealing with this man. It gets better though i want my ex boyfriend back but he has a girl friend already and he was the one that i loved, the reason we split is he wouldn't get a divorce and we were together 3 years so now i am stuck between a rock and a hard spot. Should i forget aboout the ex boy friend and apologize to the man i have now and try to salvage what is left??? HELP!!!I need some advice about my failing relationship with my current boy friend.?
Are you serious? You can't be.

I hope you are not serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!I need some advice about my failing relationship with my current boy friend.?
I think you need to sever all ties with your current boyfriend. There is no way that you guys are going to ';work'; through this. There is nothing to work through. You are unhappy, you don't want to be with this guy, and he doesn't seem like he respects you at all if he is threatening you. It is not fair to you or him if you continue to stay together unhappily. Move on from him. The sooner you get away from this guy the better you'll feel. As for the ex, it is one of those ';too little too late'; deals. Maybe if things don't work out with his current girlfriend you can try to do something about it, but if they are truly happy then you shouldn't intervene. Good luck.
If your ex-bf has a gf, then why would he want to get back together with you? I wouldn't waste time fatasizing about that, especially if he is happy with her. As for the guy you are with, it is clear that your heart just isn't in it, and again there is no reason to waste your time on something that is headed for a dead end anyway. Why not just take time out to be single for a bit? It may do you a world of good.
You sound as though you believe that your options consist of man #1 %26amp; man #2. First, men are like buses, another one will be along in 20 mins. Second, it's actually a GOOD THING to be single for a while. Gives you time to learn about yourself %26amp; get a clear picture of exactly what you want in a relationship. You can't get what you want until you KNOW what you want.
you shouldnt date relatives sry
It's 4:20. Have a coke and a smile and get the helpp out of the that relationship.
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