Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advice about enjoying senior year?

Hey you guys for some reason I'm gonna miss my junior year oh high school a lot should the senior year of high school be the best?Advice about enjoying senior year?
It could be you're a little sad knowing that some of your friends will be leaving the area for college---going in separate directions. But you should enjoy your senior year. You have came a long way since your pre-school year. Study hard and have fun with friends. Good luck as you move ahead .Advice about enjoying senior year?
I remember breezing through my senior year. I chose the subjects

and so I dealt with them if they were less than expected. But I learned

alot that year, and I also had more fun. I realized that this would be

the last year of my high school years. And yet I didn't think about

taking pix of classmates and how great they'ed be to look at today

almost 50 years later. I lost my yearbooks due to moving out of

state a few times. And I don't have them to look through anymore.

Even my class reunion book is gone. So I've forgotten so many I went

to school with. Save mementoes from dances. Little things that will

mean alot many years from now in a scrap book, where the pages

are more worn from page turning and time.

Keep menus if you can to remember how cheap prices were when

you went on a date. Press a flower and freeze it to save. Or dry it to

press into the scrap book too. If you have a class song or something

like it, write it nice and put it in the scrap book also. Maybe put some

notes on who was the class clown, or who was the choice to go on

and become someone famous, and maybe years from now, you'll

know who did become worth noting.

I had my first taste of something in the licquor line, at a small

party for those of us from a play we'd done, at a restaurant that

served liquor. I remember it was a Singapore Sling. And it tasted

good, but strong. One of the girls managed to order it, and passed

it around for us all to get a taste. What a mild thrill that was, for we

were so naeive back in that time.

Manage to have as much fun as you can, and enjoy, even your

teachers if you can. Remember their helpful comments that might

spur you on to follow their advice. Use it to make something good

happen in your life because of their support.

Try to arrange one final time to have lunch out with your most

favorite of school friends. As it may be the very last time, you'll

be able to coordinate a get together with them all. Once you're

out those graduation doors, you'll have to start looking for a part

or full time job to get you through the summer and have money

for a wardrobe or things for college you'll need. Or it will be time

to lay the ground work for a career you may need some special

schooling for. Jobs are tougher to find, that can support you. So

you may have to remain at home for a few years, until you can

find a higher paying job in the field you want to follow. And

when you are working, don't pass up any job related courses

that your job may refer you to, that they will pay for. My daughter

took everything offerred for free and has worked her way up the

employment ladder to a successful career without having to pay

out for college. She has taken a few extra courses for computer

programs that took her out of the regular computer jobs into

one of financial management for institutions. And she never cared

to apply herself in school back when. It's all up to you. Have fun,

but learn while there's still time, anything that will help you land the

best paying job you can have. Or a class that will provide a stepping

stone in the right direction. And good luck!
could be especially if you are bonded to your classmates, the best commencements I've attended were not the large school I graduated from but from the smaller one in the town south of here. Touching the way those kids had their commencement and the things they said about one another, made me wish I could have went to a school like that. Treat each other with as much kindness as possible, life is short, and this is your last year together as a group.
Let's see. My senior year in HS was in 1954, but I remember it quite well. It was the best because I was pretty good at violin, played solo at graduation. I got our of gym class by being the coaches assistant. My classes went extremely well, finished in top 15 of my class. But the best part was finishing school and getting on with my life. College was years away. So sit back, relax, do a good job with all your studies, and enjoy it while you can.
I enjoyed high school. While singing our class song someone yelled out ';';I don't wanna leave';. We all started crying and had a hard time finishing the song. Enjoy all the good times in high school, you will never relive them so remember them well. Learn all given to you, you will need it later in life.
I miss my junior years too, but the senior years are pretty decent, minus the back pain, poor eyesight and the arthritis that hits me when that darn weather changes.
Just remember it only happens once (unless you fail).

Good luck from the social security crowd that has been there before; both as seniors and as parents.
I never missed school but you should note that this section is for senior citizens not high school seniors.
Wrong section, kiddo. This is for Senior Citizens, not school children.
When you get our age you won't remember missing it so don't lose any sleep over it!!!
Try going to a site for seniors in high school.
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