Saturday, December 19, 2009

I'm going to Warped Tour in Jacksonville this year. Any advice about the concert?

What its going to be like, what should I wear, what to bring? I've been to huge outdoor concerts before and I'm fully prepared to mosh and crowd-surf, but I know warped tour is an all day affair. So any advice will be appreciated.I'm going to Warped Tour in Jacksonville this year. Any advice about the concert?
Some tips for Warped Tour

-Know the venue. Know how spread out it is, and if possible, find a diagram of stage placement. This will greatly reduce time when you are going from stage to stage to see bands you want to see.

-Bring money for water. You can NEVER have too much money for the stuff. They charge up the *** for it, so bring a TON of money. Also, keep your bottle or cup! Free refills at ALL water fountains...

-Stay hydrated! You will be outside with tens of thousands of people, most likely on asphalt for about 10-12 hours. It gets warm, and dehydration sucks.

-If you are bringing friends with you, keep a cell phone in a well hidden, secure place. This may sound obvious, but last year when I went to Warped, I stomped on a TON of phones.

-Wear good shoes. Also, very obvious. Don't wear sandals or high heels. Wear a secure pair of shoes that won't fall off. There is nothing worse than having your feet stepped on by thousands of people.

-Know what bands you want to see, and write them down, and bring this list with you. When you walk in, find the ';big board.'; It's a giant inflatable schedule with every band that is performing that day, what time they will be performing, and what stage they will be on. Use your list of bands to formulate a schedule.

-Last, just have fun. It's Warped Tour. Just...have fun listening to music!

If you want more tips, just email me or something :)I'm going to Warped Tour in Jacksonville this year. Any advice about the concert?
Take Water!!! I went in Indy, and we had a 110 degree heat index. Take sunscreen, take deoderant. Beware of boys with mohawks in nothing but underwear. they like to hit on ppl, Take lots of pictures, and stalk your fave bands until they let you talk to them, persistance works. : )
Take money for water!! Drink lots of water one the day of warped tour.

As for what to wear idk... because I live in arizona and our warped tour is outside in 110 degree weather. So us arizona kids wear as little clothes as possible.
bring water or $$ for water
Take lots of water... and avoid fat men with no shirts.... Take lots of deoderant... Avoid the rolling clowds of sweet smelling smoke.
Make sure you eat. There is practically no food there so have a big breakfast, or you will pass out. Drink tons of water cus chances are it will be really hot. Wear comfortable shoes, there isnt anywhere to sit down and i dont suggest chuck taylors they hurt after a few hours because they are so flat. Clothing wise, be prepared to sweat, so wear something like a shorts and a tank top. Dont bring too much, just some money and your cell phone, i dont suggest bringing a bag cu sit can get annoying to keep track off.

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