Saturday, December 19, 2009

Question about advice on a boyfriend and his ex???

Ive been w/ my man now 4 4 yrs. When we 1st got 2gether i was finishing up w/ some1 as was he. Since then my ex has made lil waves n our relationship but his good lord. 4 starters when we 1st got 2gether it was a suprise 2 her %26amp; she was really n luv w/ him. She would leave him messages, love songs %26amp; more. She then started threatenin me came 2 my job %26amp; she would stalk us as well %26amp; we fought. Then she said she was pregnant went thru that ordeal but she ended up havin a kid just not his. She then slowly disappeared til myspace %26amp; she roared up on that when she found me %26amp; tried 2 say she wanted 2 b my friend that she had dirt on my man. I said whatev %26amp; she ended up gettin mad started talkin ish but she went away again. Then bout 3 months ago she started again on myspace %26amp; had her man threatenin me. She now has 3 kids anotha on the way 3 baby daddys says she hates %26amp; dont want my man shes happy %26amp; got money so what gives y do u think she still needs to come at me 4 yrs later if this is the casQuestion about advice on a boyfriend and his ex???
i had an ex who was like that. i used to work at the mall, she used to come in w/ her new guy, and at the time i had met a chick i really really liked. i knew it bothered her and when we would talk she would just totally judge my gf and say mean things about her, and she didnt know her even. best way to get over this is ignore her existence. i told my ex off and let her know that her stalking me wont make things go back to the past and that i was focused on my new mate. eventually she grew up and dropped it. best of luck.Question about advice on a boyfriend and his ex???
does that say 44 years!

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