Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advice about sex for a young couple?

I get too tired for sex, but my wife wants to do it and I have to turn her down. Then she starts making it personal and trying to make me feel guilty by claiming I don't love her and other typical woman crap.

Isn't she being selfish for not taking into account all the work I do ?Advice about sex for a young couple?
I am sorry that you are too tired....but as a husband who would like for his wife to remain need to give her what she needs unless you want some snake sneaking around your back door.....Your Choice.....Women need it just as much as men......Get over it.....and do your husband duty....Pleasing your wife......

I would tell her the same thing if she were asking this same question.....Advice about sex for a young couple?
Lay on your back and let her ride work at'll be begging for it soon enough my friend
Women need to feel attractive. If you are not ever in the mood to have sex with your wife, she will feel like you are not sexually attracted to her. This is not ';typical women crap';, this is called respect.

Plus, the more you have sex, the more you want it. You might need to try somthing different. Switch it up so you get excited too.
I find it that hard to believe you're that tired to give it up to your wife. when you come home after work, ask her to have the tub of hot water waiting for you. relax in the tube for 30 minute, eat a light dinner and spend 30 minutes with your wife and then you go to bed. In those 30 minutes you with your wife tell her not to awake you 30 minutes after midnight. after that she can climb aboard (on top of you) and she can ride all she want too. Then you should take a day off to take care of her needs.
You must work like 12 hour days, 6 days a week to not want sex. Either that or your woman doesn't do it for you. You need to figure that out, cause if the roles were reversed you know that would really suck. You'd feel the same way she does. My advise is figure out what's important to you.
Sounds like you both have issues. You think what she says is crap, and you claim she's not taking your feelings into consideration.

Get to talking and work this out. It's fine for either party to not want sex every time the other one does...however it may be that in her mind sex is an expression of your love for her and if you aren't having sex with her, that love is in question.

See if there are other ways you can reassure her of how you feel about her, other than with your penis.
Take a vacation together.Unwind..relax and sort things out.
It is your JOB to service your spouse when required.

It is what men do to keep the happy home.
Try morning cycles instead of late at night.

And YOU are being a little selfish, she deserves love as well. Stop thinking of yourself once in a while.
google: relationship skills
no she's not selfish...let your fingers do the walking... i'm going to be honest, sometimes i want to just have an orgasm, NOT sex...
Just sitb down and tell her how much you love her but you are working and you feel tired sometime...and just give her kisses and attention so she won't feel ignored...good luck...comunication it's the key to any problems in your marriage
If you are too tired to be with your wife,ask your self 'why'?Do you work to much or out to much.You should be glad she loves you enough to want to make love to you.If you are not going to give it to her,believe me someone else will. I'm sure she's tired too,but gives it to you. Even if you don't make love ,spend time holding her. If this bothers you,maybe you shouldn't have got married.If you think you're the only one in this marriage maybe you need to be by yourself.
well then you need to get some rest and make love to your wife.
A young guy too tired for sex? Hmm, are you gay? When I was in my 20s I was banging 2-3 times per day, regardless of my work schedule. I suggest you start taking care of your lady before she finds someone else who will!
No, but you need to take into consideration she has needs to so even though sometimes you dont feel like it, you need to commit to her. Also you might try offering an alternative such as going to a nice dinner or cuddling on the couch watching a movie.
buy her some toys and tell her to have fun
No its not her fault maybe she only feels like you show her how much you love her when you guys have sex and its become a way of you to show her. Women want to be loved and maybe to her you're not doing enough to make her satisfied relationship wise. So buy her roses or a teddy bear show her that its not only about sex to show her you love her.
It's not normal for a husband to deny his wife sex. It sounds like there's something else going on than just being ';too tired';.
well how often do you have sex???

If it is only the 1x a month...this is not enough

should be like 3-4x a week
Is this a serious question, or a ';shoe on the other foot'; post to see how women react?

If this is serious, you need to readjust your work. You don't say what you do that is so time consuming.

If you are the only one who works, she needs to get a job and carry her share of the load. Meet you half way.

Then maybe both of your energy levels will adjust towards each other.
Firstly, don't start with the ';typical woman crap'; BIG no, no in here.

If she has a high sex drive, be appreciative. Most men complain about not getting ANY!
Dawg, what is wrong with you? You guys are ayoung couple and you are to TIRED. Your wife is throwing it at you like a Superbowl HAIL MARY, and you are turning it down?

Keep doing that and you will lose her like a set of car keys. Instead, start working out a bit to boost your energy and sex drive. Take ginseng or horny goat weed. You will lose your wife to a man who will pick up on her frustration vibe, and WONT turn her down.

Get real and man up, or let the woman go since you don't even want to try. Sexual frustration is kryptonite to a marriage.

Food For Thought!
Ted's got the best answer! take it from a wife who wants it all the time! LOL
Oh, come on! If this were a woman complaining about her husband wanting sex, when she's tired, most women would probably be telling her that she married an insensitive jerk, and that he needs to respect that she's TIRED.

You may be a guy, but that's no excuse for a lack of respect, from your woman... She needs to quit pouting, and realize that you're human, too, and don't always have time (or energy) for sex! It's that simple... However, I wouldn't recommend *always* refusing her, cause then she may wonder if you're getting it, elsewhere. :)
The woman wants to get LAID!!!

How about giving it up once in awhile to make your wife happy!


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