Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advice about summer school?

I am going to be a Sophmore in high school next year, and I want to take summer school. However, I'm torn between which class I should take.

- PE, because if I take that then I'll be done with my two years of PE, so then I'll be able take Art (which I've always wanted as an elective, but have never got around to it). And I don't mind the heat.

- Chemistry. Last summer I took Physical science so I was able to be in Bio. this year. If I were take chemistry in the summer I could be in Bio AP next year. I really want to be ahead, and I have a couple friends who are taking it as well. One in particular I'm sort of in competition with (haha) and I don't want to be behind her.

Please suggest one, and briefly explain why. It'd be a great help, I'm really torn here! I need to come to a decision ASAP.Advice about summer school?
Dear Jenny, I suggest taking the science course. We need more women in that area and as a sophomore, you'll really have a jump start in that discipline. Your natural enthusiasm for science seems evident. BTW, nothing wrong with a little friendly competition. Interesting question.Advice about summer school?
Chem will get you farther. Do art in your spare time.
HAHAHAHAHA You're going to summer school!!!!

I would take chemistry. It would be great for you to get ahead and then next year you could challenge yourself even more by taking AP bio. Also if you take Chemistry, you would be done with that class. Hopefully it helps and works out. Have Fun!
well, really, you should look at the pros and cons of each:

pros: (P.E.)- art, no more PE

(Chemistry):Bio AP, in step with friends

cons: (PE)- you wont get to take art, you wont be able to be in Bio AP

(Chemistry)-you'll need to take another PE class, you wont get art

so really, you have to decide if Bio AP is more important than art, or vice versa. good luck!
Why the hell do you WANT to take summer school?

Enjoy life as a teen.

Trust me, it goes by really fast.

while all your friends are out having a great time this summer, you'll be stuck in school.

There is PLENTY of time to get ahead in studies, summer is not one of thoes times.

you should only go if you are behind in school.

not because you want to get ahead.

don't be a geek!

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