Saturday, December 19, 2009

Need Advice About Belly Fat?

I had a baby 5 years ago by c-section and I have been trying to loose the stomach fat but I can't. I don't need to loose weight because I weigh 105. I just want to get rid of this pooch and stretch marks! Any advice?Need Advice About Belly Fat?

The popular belief that exercising the stomach muscles alone will result in an attractive, toned tummy is very very false. You could have well developed lovely toned abdominal muscles but these muscles would still hide under the layer of fat covering them. Without exercise and the right types of food, you simply won't lose the fat that overlies your tummy. Like I said in the metabolism section, you have to burn as many calories as you are taking in, else you will not change the appearance of the fat tissue surrounding your abdominal muscles,

Now if you are thinking of spot reduction, forget it, those are myths. We cannot reduce fat from only one part of the body. When you lose body fat, you lose it from everywhere, and there is no way to target one particular area. Funny enough, the first place where we gain weight is the last place where we lose it. Once we lose fat from our body, we lose inches everywhere even where we do not want to lose such as in the breasts.--

The most important aspects to a flat tummy include

1. Diet first

2. Exercises

Unlike popular beliefs, exercises work as well, but diet modification is the most important step to losing belly fat. Just because strong abdominal muscles do not directly translate into a toned, abdomen does not mean that you should avoid exercising them.

Your diet should include the following:

1. dark green vegetables,

2. fresh fruits,

3. fish,

4. lean red meat,

5. Egg white.

6. Beans

7. Moi-Moi (Nigerian)

8. Lots and lots of water. If you can, drink a glass of water each hour.

Foods to avoid:

1. Rice

2. Pastries

3. Sugar

4. Saturated fats

5. Pizza

6. Bread

7. Chocolates

8. Pounded yam(Nigerian)

9. Eba (Nigerian)

10. Semovita (Nigerian)

Start exercising

Note please: these exercises help you to make your abs stronger, but does not reduce the layer of fat. So if u like do them 24 hours a day, they鈥檒l only make you have strong abs, but the layer of fat still hides the abs

Aerobic and weight training will raise your metabolic rate thus making your body burn more calories. Note that overuse of crunches will only shorten your abs, pull your head forward and gives you a bad posture. Here are some exercises:

A. Sucking the gut in: This is the easiest exercise. It works very well and is very easy to do; you could do it anywhere anyplace and anytime.

1. Exhale. Suck your gut in.

2. Maintain the contraction for 10 to 20 seconds.

3. Repeat 10 to 15 times, as often as you like throughout the day (for example while in the shower, sitting at your desk, while driving or in the bus).

B. The bicycle crunch exercise:

1. Lie on the floor with your lower back pressed into the floor.

2. Bring the hands behind the head.

3. starting with the legs bent at a 45-degree angle bring the right knee towards the chest and touch your left elbow to your right knee

4. Then switch so that the left elbow goes towards the right knee.

C. Reverse Crunch:

1. Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground.

2. Put your hands beside your head or extend them out flat to your sides -- whatever feels most comfortable.

3. crossing your feet at the ankles, lift your feet off the ground to the point where your knees create a 90-degree angle.

4. Once in this position, press your lower back on the floor as you contract your abdominal muscles. Your hips will slightly rotate and your legs will reach toward the ceiling with each contraction. Exhale as you contract; inhale as you return to the starting position.

Like i said in the beginning, dieting is the most important step, try to loose the abdominal fat, then u can do the crunches, to make those abs look strong and sexy.

for more, contact me at :

http://trimandtrendy.blogetery.comNeed Advice About Belly Fat?
can't help you with the stretch marks! but...........

if you have been trying to lose your tummy and can't, i think you need to take the next step. which is getting serious about your working out and diet.

you should be eating approximately 1250 calories based on your 105lbs.

100 grams of carbs

100 grams of protein

50 grams of fat.

divide that into 4 meals evenly.

good carbs are sweet potatoes, fruits, veggies, beans

good proteins are chicken breast, turkey, tuna, white fish, steak

good fats are extra virgin olive oil, almonds, cashews, all nutural peanut butter

start doing ab workout 3x per week.

maybe start doing some cardio 3x per week.

doing all of this will make your body more firm and tight while helping you lose extra body fat you have.

Good Luck!!
Unfortunately with a c-section you will always have that little flap of skin or what some refer to it as a ';muffin top'; No matter how much you tone your tummy. It's just the way the procedure was performed. By keeping your tummy muscles toned you can make it less noticeable. Keep up with a cardio routine and sit up's to build muscle. As for the stretch marks, you can try different creams and lotions like bio-oil and hope they fade over time. Other wise the option would be laser surgery. Also make sure you keep hydrated lot's of water in the diet helps with the elasticity of the skin.
Try sit ups and crunches.

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