Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What advice would you give to a Christian girl thinking about going into the ministry?

Any tips, or warnings or anything else?

I have been pondering this for a little while now, since someone told me I should consider this.What advice would you give to a Christian girl thinking about going into the ministry?
I've been working in ministry for 5 years now, and it is the best, hardest, most frustrating, rewarding job I've ever had.

It is HARD work with FEW earthly rewards. People will talk about you and work against you. Others will bless you with their help and encouragement.

I have cried myself to sleep and been so excited I couldn't sleep. It is a roller coaster ride, sister.

Blessings on you and yours.


FEZ - When reading the Bible, you must take things in context and have discernment from God. 1 Cor. 14:34-35 is speaking to a specific instance that was occurring in Corinth. In the Jewish synagogues, men and women would sit apart. But if a woman chattered or called out to her husband sitting far off, she would be dealt with severely. The Corinthian church may have adopted the same kind of seating arrangement, but with many women from Gentile backgrounds, they did not know how to conduct themselves at a church meeting. Paul is teaching them how.What advice would you give to a Christian girl thinking about going into the ministry?
go for it if it's your calling. good luck.
Since this will be your life's work - and you'll definitely have to ';practice what you preach'; - be SURE that you agree with the church's teachings.

Have you explored other churches and other religions? Very often in studying for a ministry - you are required to explore these things. Make sure that will be part of your studies (exploration) - or do it on your own.

Talk to others who have done it.

I know a female Methodist minister - and she's loved her work for 20 years now.

Make sure you count the cost. The ministry is a wonderful and fulfilling call. But you will not always be liked. If God is calling you then go for it.
I would recommend looking into YWAM (Youth With A Mission) or OM (Operation Mobilization) or WWEC (World Wide Evangelistic Crusade) or any of Bethany Missions. In fact, Bethany College of Missions (BCOM) in Minneapolis, MN is an excellent place to start to get the necessary training that will lead to just about ANY mission field you have your heart set on.
Try some lsd, then get back to us on your oppinions.

We will listen intently to your point of view.

If at that point you do not specifically follow the same point of view as the christian church, maybe dont go into the ministry.
grow where God plants you. seek His will and you will find the path intended.
If you're Catholic, you can only be a nun. Women are not allowed to be priests.
If it is your passion, go for it. If God calls you to do ministry, you do not get satisfaction if you involve in any other business. God will make a way for you as you step forward.
wouldnt know any tips or warnings

but good luck
Only a warning. Read throuth 1st and 2nd Timothy and then pray on it. I'm studing this topic but I'm starting to lean towards what scripture says about no women in ministry unless there are no spiritual men around.
remember things will be just the same as a minister as when your a discple...temptations and trials will be around you just

as much.

and also rememeber some fields may have a good harvest

and other fields will have little or none...

you choose a very good thing to preach the gospel though!!!

Christ returns soon.
If it's something you really want to do, then go for it. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't, especially because of your gender. But make sure you really want to do it, and be prepared to constantly defend your position to the outside world. Good luck =).
Trust in the Lord always.Go in the name of the Lord.Keep is laws decrees precepts.

:) he will make ur way sucessful.
It depends on what you think you are being call for. I have been in the Children and Youth Ministry for almost 30 years. Jesus said before He ascended, To go and Preach the Gospel. He was not just talking to men, but to all born again believers. But do keep in mine that you can not be the Pastor or Head of the Church as the Lord said: ';A woman is not to have authority over the men in Church';. This is not to say you can not voice your opinion. As for Paul telling the women to keep silent in Church we have to go and see who he was speaking to and why he said this. At this Church the women were gossiping more then they were spreading the Gospel, and Paul simple told them to, Be silent and listen to what they were being taught.
What kind of ministry? My best advice would be to investigate the types of ministry you feel you might be called toward, talk to people who are in that type of ministry, and pray to God for guidance. If you're Catholic, consult a nun or priest for spiritual guidance too.
If you are very sure of the call into ministry then go into it. God is always there and ready to equip those He calls.

No tips except be willing to yield totally to the Holy Spirit.
Paul said women shouldn't even speak in church. How can she become a minister?

I think it's sexist nonsense, but if you believe in the Bible, don't you have to follow what it says?

I'm sure I'll get thumbs-down, but I'm just reading what the Bible says. If the Bible condemns gays and you say it's the word of God and can't be changed, then why can the restriction on women be changed? Seems like trying to have it both ways.
If you fully believe this is God's call for you, realize that their will be many difficulties and problems. If God has called you into this, He will give strength for whatever you need. If you plan and doing this alone and giving your life completely to only Him, realize there will be men (some not true, if you catch my meaning) who will try to entice you away. If you plan on being part of a team, man and wife, that would be easier.

There are many different ministries and they ALL involve serving others.

Pray a lot before hand that God will reveal to you what He wants you to do, then do it with all your strength, praying always. He will help you if you serve Him.
Don't! Women are not allowed into the Priesthood. You need to investigate who the Lord refers to as Jezebel in revelations. This is the woman standig where she ought not; the Pulpit. If you don't believe the book then don't pick this answer. Give it a thumbs down and move to the next answer.

Ezekiel 13:17-19,22

17Likewise, thou son of man, set thy face against the daughters of thy people, which prophesy out of their own heart; and prophesy thou against them,

18And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you?

19And will ye pollute me among my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should not die, and to save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to my people that hear your lies?

22Because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life:
as a man of God i will warn you now that there are religions that preach against women preaching. Notice I said religions. In God's eyes, there is no difference between male, or female, for we are all one in Christ. Never back down from your calling because there will be many who try to discourage you. may God's peace and Love guide you in his precious Holy Spirit. my prayers are with you. If God be for you, then who can be against you?
Seek the voice of the Lord and let Him to lead you.
become muslim.

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