Friday, April 30, 2010

Advice about the Yasmin Pill ?

I've started taking the Yasmin pill after being on Microgyn 30. Its already supressing my appetite and making me feel nausea. Hoping this will soon pass? Any of you girls been on this pill? Would be great to hear how you got on with it and if you had any side effects/benefits to it ?

Thanks xAdvice about the Yasmin Pill ?
Interesting. Yasmin is supposed to be the 'best' of the pills as it is low on the side effects. When I took it, the only side effect I suffered (which I didn't realise until I stopped taking it 4 years later) was a decreased libido.

Perhaps speak to your doctor if you're concerned about them, but they'll most likely dissipate if they're nothing to be worried about.

See link below for full instructions on using yasmin

I need advice about something?

i babysit a two year old boy who screams and throws things when he doesnt get his way what should i do.I need advice about something?
Talking calmly and naughty step always worked for me.

Good luck!!I need advice about something?
I would talk to the parents. Also, try ignoring him and eventually he will get tired.
Stern warnings which, if not heeded, are followed by lesser corporeal punishment. A healthy fear of authority is good for kids.
i have a 2 year old that does that...and if he has a fave blanky or stuffed toy just give it to him...chances are he'll put it over his mouth and tantrum on it...instant muffler...just let him go at it...and if you dont mind it...just let him scream...he aint screamin blood
Ask his parents, it's their place to instruct you how to look after their son.
  • engine oil
  • Anybody can advice about Medical Transcription course online.?

    I am working with a pharmaceutical org.and also have experience of working with BPO(though only for 2 months)so am quite acquainted with american accent and also basic of pharmaceutical products and ailments.Anybody can advice about Medical Transcription course online.?
    You can go to the AAMT the american associtation for medical transcription. They have alot of info on Medical transcription as a career. They also have links to there 3 approved schools. CareerStep, Andrew's, and M-Tec. I know for sure that CareerStep has great training, is respected and can be done all online. I'm not sure about the other 2. Check it out.Anybody can advice about Medical Transcription course online.?
    With a computer at home and internet connection, you can start earning from home, without any investment. You should choose your work at home job according to your skills and time available.

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    Please visit the above pages. I hope, It helps u.

    I need advice about kittens!?

    My cat is soon going to have her kittens. This is the first time we will have new-born kittens and we are not sure how to take care of them. When do we start feeding them? When she would train them to use a kitty litter box? Are we allowed to touch them when they are born? This is just the main stuff I need. If you could give me extra advice that would be great but you don't have to. Thanks! :-)I need advice about kittens!?
    Just provide her with a soft, padded bed that is somewhat secluded and safe, and nearby food and water.....she will take care of the rest. If she has difficulty giving birth, she may need veterinary does happen sometime. You may touch them, but handle them gently.....and she may be distressed when you do.

    After about 3 weeks, if you provide a low-sided litterbox for them, they will prolly start using it. You can feed them soft foods whenever they will start eating it.....prolly around 4 or 5 weeks.

    Have fun with them....I LOVE kittens.I need advice about kittens!?
    Kittens how cute. The mom should feed them until the are at least 5 or 6 weeks I think. THen you should feed them soft food. (I think)
    You've gotten some great advice here. You can also do more research on the Web. I would definitely check in with the vet and ask her/him when you should bring them in for their first check, and if there is anything in particular you should do. If you do more research, you'll have more questions for your vet. After all, the vet knows your cat's history and will have more specific answers for you.
    The mother will wean the kittens when she is ready, just have food available if they want it. They should follow the mothers example on using the litter box. You can touch them but it is not recommended. If you have a picky cat it is possible she could abandon them if you bother them (although I have never had this happen) The mother will basically do everything for you. Cats are pretty independent.
    is your cat indoors or outdoors? If she is indoors, just make sure to have like a box with old clothes in the closet, so she could have them there. She would do all the work! chewing the plasenta, cutting the cord, and cleaning them, let her do all the work, surpriseling she would know what to do! even if its her first time having a litter (nature). After she has all her kittens make sure to keep her food and water closed by, so she wont have to leave the kittens for too long. If she is an outdoors cat, you just have to keep an eye to where she would go and have the litter, if she feels that the kittens are not safe! she would move them! So, its best if you could keep her indoors. She is going to teach them everything! all you have to do is provide them food and water. Good luck! kittens are so cute! but remember eventually they become full grown cats!!!
    Congratulations! My baby kittens started using a tiny little litter box(that I made from a small cardboard box for their size) when they were 3 wks. old. The sooner the better, as long as they don't eat the litter. I put a little of urined litter from the mom's box into theirs so they know what it is for. Kittens don't start making poopies until they start on food, usually around 4-5 wks old. Don't handle the kittens for at least a week--the mom needs to tend to them %26amp; she may move them %26amp; hide them if you are too close to them too much. She needs to be calm %26amp; feel secure in order to nurse them well. Mom will spend most all of her time nursing in the beginning (as soon as the kitten is born), but will take breaks for food or even a short nap.
    you feed them when the mother stops nursing them. you should avoid handling too much until their eyes open, if the mother is litter trained she will teach them, just take care of mom and she should do the rest


    2.) The mom will feed the kittens for a while, when she runs out of milk, then u start spoon-feeding it milk

    3.) When it is about 10 minutes old, u can touch it.

    4.) Do the litterbox thing when u think u should train them!
    You dont have to feed the kittens until after they can at least get up and walk around. For the time being the mother cat will take care of feeding the babies, just make sure you provide the mother with plenty of food so she can produce milk for the kittens. And I would advise that you do not touch them until after they get a little older, the mother cat will most likely be very protective of her babies and wont let you mess with them.
    Has your momma cat been checked by a vet? The main reason you should do this is to get an x-ray of her womb to get an estimate of how many kittens she's going to have. That way, when she's giving birth, you can keep track of the number that have come out. If she goes for more than twelve hours without producing the last one, she needs to see a vet quickly. Cats can rest for several hours inbetween each birth but if you know how many she's supposed to have and they haven't all come out within a day, take her to the vet. She and the kittens can die if she doesn't get help!

    When she starts nesting, suggest a quiet, dim, comfortable place for her. A large box padded with towels or a blanket in an out of the way room (or even large uncluttered closet) is ideal. Make sure she has food, water, and a liter box. Leave her alone. Cats feel very vulnerable when they give birth and don't like to have people hanging around.

    As the kittens are born, she should clean them herself and she will also probably eat the afterbirth. This is an instinct that goes back to her wild ancestors - if there is no trace of a newborn around, predators will be less likely to harm her youngsters. You will probably hear her purr. The vibrations of her purr and her scent are the only sense the kittens can pick up on. Her purrs will guide them to her nipples and, since each one has a different scent, each kitten will return to the same one as long as its nursing.

    Unless your momma cat rejects the kittens, she will do everything for them and teach them to be model citizens. Kittens are a lot like children, they mimick their mother. They'll learn liter box manners from her.

    If you have a well socialized cat, she may even start bringing the kittens to you for visits when they're eyes and ears open! To have friendly kittens, it is good to handle them from day one. But do so carefully and gently. You don't want to upset momma and you don't want to hurt them either. Just pick them up and stroke each one a few times and return it to momma. If momma growls, leave the kittens and her alone for a few days, until she's comfortable with her new family.

    They'll start trying out her food when they're about a month and half old. When they start doing this, offer the kittens softened versions of the same food momma is eating. BTW, if you haven't already, start stwitching her over to a kitten formula food. Kitten formulas have more calories and more protien than regular adult mixes and she needs all the calories she can get while she's nursing. Also, the kittens will be able to eat the same kibble with no problem.
    When my cat had kittens for the first time she didn鈥檛 know what to do. So it is smart to keep an eye on her while she is in labor. Don鈥檛 get too close. You don鈥檛 want her to feel threatened. But if she doesn鈥檛 start cleaning the kittens after they are born you will need to show her. Get a clean rag and carefully clean the eyes, ears and most importantly the nose. My cat didn鈥檛 know what to do the first time so by the time we started helping her three of them suffocated in the sack like substance they are born in.

    I would say also watch your cat if she is feeding them. New mother cats are sometimes reluctant to feed their young. And whether or not you can touch them when they are just born depends on the relationship you have with your cat and your cat鈥檚 personality. Some new mothers are really protective of their young so you have to watch how she reacts to you being close. But still I wouldn鈥檛 touch the kittens unless you absolutely have to. When you do have to keep taking to your cat in a soothing voice let her know you won鈥檛 hurt the kittens.

    I usually start feeding the kittens with soft foods when they start standing up and their eyes have opened. I usually start with sour cream and then slowly work up to giving they cat food or kitten food.

    Training should start as soon as they can walk around. I don't mean crawling I mean walking. When they can freely walk around and soil your house. Before that their mother will help them go and clean them.
    my cat just had kittens 4 weeks ago. it isent that hard. step 1

    get a box.

    place the kittens i it carefully.

    the mother will need to be lifted.

    KEEP THE MATE AWAY!!!!(if you want the cats)

    keep them nere the mom.

    in 6 weeks give them milk with a dab of vinniger.

    You usually start trying to teach the kittens to eat a soft food at about 4-5 weeks. The mother will train them to use the litter box as soon as they start climbing out of the box on their own. it also depends on the mother if she will let you touch and handle them. some mothers are very finicky and wont let you near their kittens, but if she is very loveable and sweet you shouldnt have a problem, i suggest you wait until they are at least four or five days old first though, that way the mother can bond with them properly.
    All of the above is good advice. However, I don't mean to spoil your joy of having new kittens, but please spay/neuter your pets.

    There are way too many pets that will never find a good home. There is a huge pet overpopulation especially with cats. Please view the video (click on the golden retriever) and gain some knowledge about the pet overpopulation.

    Everyday in this country there are 10,000 humans born. Everyday in this country there are 70,000 puppys and kittens born. There are not enough homes for them all.

    And tell your friends! There are way too many people who have no idea about these problems. Please don't breed your pets. Spay/neuter them.

    You have all the good answers and help given.

    Just enjoy your children.

    Good luck.
    The mother will wean eventually. if she doesn't begin by 4 weeks you will have 2 take the kittens inside or away frum the mother

    I need advice about my boyfriend (i am 14 so yea)?

    OK we spend no time together. Only on the school bus for 8 minutes to and from school, at school he doesnt talk nor hangout with me. He doesnt tell his other friends that he's taken EVEN IF ITS A GIRL!! He hugs other girls. He hangs out with other girls more then me. THESE GIRLS ARE CLOSER TO HIM THEN I AM!! and i dont want to leave him. HELP ME PLEASE!! :[I need advice about my boyfriend (i am 14 so yea)?
    You're clearly not his girlfriend.I need advice about my boyfriend (i am 14 so yea)?
    Hes to immature to be in a relationship. Either dump him if it bothers you that he does that, or sick it out with him because you have to realize that hes 14 and you can't expect much more out of a 14 year old with something like a real relationship. Not knocking your age, but at when i was 14, girls were nothing but a flirting game. Dont stress it, your so young and i can garinti you, you will not be with him forever n e ways. you personality is gonna change so much in the next 5 years, you will look back at this time in your life and wonder why you stressed over dumb stuff like boys instead of enjoying your youth. its ok tho because every 1 does it. you will have a lot of happy times with boys and you will get your heart torn out at least once. So dont stress him hugging other girls and not talking to you like you would like. like i said if it bothers your. dump him and move on. good luck, and dont grow up 2 fast.
    hes young and immature... you will experience ALOT of this... but however if hes not making effort to work the relationship it wont last. Also communication is super important work on it.. just be liek hey we need to talk and ask him why he behaves that way around girls and no time with you. Honestly i cant see this relatioship lasting unless you guys both work equally hard for it.
    Is he really worth it?

    At your age, it's hard to understand-- been there-- .. but think about this.

    - How many years/ months/ weeks have you been with him?

    - You've only lived 14 years of your life.

    - You have so much more life to live, and boys to meet.

    So again, is he really worth this?

    Sorry Emily, you're going to have to leave him. If you don't start standing up for yourself now you are going to let guys walk all over you for the rest of your life.
    yeah, he is not ready for a relationship. Your just his side dish when he wants a gf he will come to you. But he is so young and so are you so of course he is going to be the boy that you describe.
    Then hang out with him, you shouldn't wait for him to want to hang out with you.

    Take the lead.
    He's a young boy. This is normal for young boys. That's why getting serious at your age is not smart.
    show him that u wanna be seen with him.or mention to other that u are togther. maybe u need 2 ask him y he acts that wyay?
    tell him how u feel man u can probably find a better man but if u dont want 2 leev him den tell him how u feel dats wat i wud do

    It seems like he doesn't want anyone to know ur his gf. Don't waste ur time with him.
    you should tell him that u want to hang out more.

    I need advice about daughthers anxiety!?

    My 5 year old has an abcess in her mouth and the dentist said she has to get her tooth pulled on Tuesday and she gets very nervous just going to the dentist her nose starts to bleed and her blood presure is through the roof. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem or and ideas! ThanksI need advice about daughthers anxiety!?
    The dentist needs to be aware of this. Perhaps he can suggest something to calm her. Ask him if it would be safe to give her a little benedryl or something that would make her a little sleepy. Or, perhaps he can give her laughing gas, or maybe even something to make her sleep during the procedure. Normally you would want to avoid doing this in a child her age, but it is not safe for her blood pressure to go up so high that her nose starts bleeding. Also, I suggest that you not tell her where you are going. No sense in making her blood pressure sky rocket way before you get there. If you feel that she needs to be warned, then tell her when you are half way there, but help her to understand that the dentist realizes how scared she is and will try to make it better for her. Also, let her take along her favorite stuffed animal and even a little blanket if she has one. Call the office and let them know how severe her fear is and that you are allowing her to bring these in with her. Anything that will help to comfort her and make her feel secure. Good luck with this.I need advice about daughthers anxiety!?
    Yes my son went through the same thing!! try to make it a fun day, tell her as soon as we finish at the denist we can go to the park with the dog, or we can go get a puppy. Something that she'll want to get the dentist over with so she can get to the activity afterwards GOOD LUCK
    I had this problem years ago with my little girl. The dentist would never allow me to go back with my daughter. It was a hard and fast rule in his office. This is an unhappy story, because it turned out the dentist was putting his hand over her mouth and holding it there so she could not breathe if she put up a fuss or complained of pain. This did not come out until some years later when he did that to one little girl and she died because she got so upset she vomited and aspirated the vomit (because he had his hand over her mouth). I am not saying this is the case with your daughter, but please question her to make sure the dentist is not treating her badly. In the case of my daughter, not only did he put his hand over her mouth, but he would pinch her gums with his pliers and threaten that she would never get to see her family again if she didn't stop crying. He was really a sadist. When the case came to trial about the little girl he killed, about 20 former patients showed up to testify about how he had done the same things to them when they were little. The judge would not allow the testimony in, and that little girl's death was ruled an accident!

    Anyway, that's what happened. I felt horrible that I had not questioned my daughter's fear of the dentist more closely at the time.
    I dont know what to do about this specific pulling-teeth thing, but i have a fear of dentists and my mom took me to a pediatric dentist and it helped because they got that i was scared and had alternatives to some stuff. Just something to consider. Try and figure out what she dislikes so much about the dentist.
    Take her to a doctor and have her put on some medication for anixiety.
    Cammomile tea twice or three times a day. This will ease the anxiety. Alos what works great for anxiety is getting her active. Out for walks with you and sports.

    About the phsycological aspect of the dentist. Maybe you could expalin to her that the dentist will make sure that you won't feel a thing plus that you will be there with her standing by her side holding her hand. Plus she gets to miss school. You can tell her that you'll make her favorite meal when she gets home.

    I'm 31 and have an abcess in my mouth and I am even procrastinating getting it done. Dentists now, the good ones, really make sure people are super comfortable when they do the work. I have so many male friends that are totally scared of the dentist...big huge men...and they always seem to find dentists that treat them like babies cause they are so scared. Dentisits have changed there ways especially with kids.

    I hope that helps a little. I can imagine what she is feeling but it won't be that bad at all. My Mom used to just hold my hand and crack jokes with me while it was being done to help ease the stress.
    Next time there is a dentist appointment I would tell her the day you have to take her and stay in the room with her when she gets anything done!
    when my daughter was in first grade she had a tooth pulled %26amp; the dentist gave me a prescription for 1 pill to give her 30 minutes before her appointment. it was some type of muscle relaxer (or something like that) to relax her.
    Are you going to a pediatric dentist? They specialize in working with children daily and may be your best bet. Has she any bad experiences at the dentist/doctors office before, or does she just tend to be nervous about these appointments in general? I am concerned because if she is 5, she is old enough to remember how scared she becomes around the dentist. This can affect her reaction to taking care of her teeth (i.e. getting them cleaned every 6 months) for the rest of her life.

    Talk to your dentist about the procedure. He/she should be able to provide a medication to relax her, which sounds like it will be necessary to remove the tooth. Also, he could use nitrous oxide (a.k.a. laughing gas) to help calm your daughter. Some dentists will physically strap children down - as your daughter will remember this I highly suggest against it!

    Be sure to stay in the room with your daughter reassuring her that everything will be okay. I'd even think about wrapping up a special gift for her so she will have something to open for doing such a great job. She'll need lots of emotional support. This can be a difficult time for kids, as they tend to be scared of the unknown. Talk to her about having teeth pulled and perhaps have an older child talk to her about the ';positives'; (such as the tooth fairy) of having a tooth pulled... this doesn't have to be detailed or directed about her upcoming appointment.

    Hope this information helps!
    Ask the dentist if they can give you something to give to her an hour or so before the visit that will calm her down.
    Who wouldn't? It's terrifying!

    Be there for her emotionally and have some sort of fun event planned for later so she can remember your presence and love that day, which will take away the emotional pain.
    u need to do anxiety relief therapy before going to the dentist. ask u r dentist and there are many drugs who can relief anxiety, so give any one of it half an hour before visiting to the dentist, and also its doctor's responsibility as well to calm down the patient before going to the surgery process, no matters it is major or minor like tooth extraction. ask u r daughter what she likes as a gift if she agrees for the extraction.

    but keep in mind the atmosphere of the dentist's clinic is friendly n calm.

    good luck
    If you live in the UK, you dentist could refer your daughter to a clinic that specialise in phobic children, they can also give her some diazipam to help her keep calm.

    I work in a community clinic and we deal with children with similar problems every day and manage to get them over it, with time.

    Hope all goes well

    Qualified Dental Nurse

    I need advice about my ideas for my wedding!!?

    does anyone think it would be inapproriate if i had a black dress and we had black and white balloons and black table cloths, and red rose petals everywhere with big white candles on the tables along with rose petals and such??(this may be in a church, my youth pastor has no idea of my intentions yet)

    please help~! mom is driving me crazy to get my plans straight since im getting married june 9!!I need advice about my ideas for my wedding!!?
    Though technically you as the bride can pick any color you want. but you have to think about the perceptions of your family. if you go the black route i believe the family will think a few options 1) that you are goth 2)that you view your marriage as a death or 3) you are very weird.

    As much as i would like to wear a dress other than white since white would make me look like a giant whale its the perceptions of the people around us that make us do the things we do. The real people to ask would be your family, and explain to them why you want this so.I need advice about my ideas for my wedding!!?
    You can do whatever you want, but I think it's kind of dark. I am having a black/silver/red wedding, but my dress is pure white.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.
    In my opinion, the black and white theme looks very classy and modern. The only thing I would change is that instead of wearing a black wedding dress, consider a white wedding dress with black accents such as a wide black ribbon at the waist. This looks much more wedding-like, still fits within the black and white color theme, and I'm SURE your youth pastor will approve.

    Another thing that you might want to consider is instead of purely red roses, adding in white roses in the bouquets. It would tie the red into the black and white theme.

    Try the following sites and dress designs for inspiration. Good luck!鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
    I would talk with your church that you're planning on being married in. Many churches and people will see all those decorations as being very GOTH, and while I've seen goth weddings, they have NOT been in a standard church. Many churches also have guidelines about dress for the bridal party. You can do whatever you want to, as long as you're paying for it though. If your mom's kicking in money (and I suspect she is) you better listen to her. Maybe have black trim on a white dress, I've seen some lovely gowns with black embroidery all over, they look really very striking. You could even do a gold or champagne colored dress, but again, you're working up against a deadline here.

    Also, many places have regulations about open the candle idea may have to be in votives, or in hurricane lamps.

    Also, if your wedding is June 9 of THIS year, your mom's've got to get some of these details nailed down. It's all but too late to special order a dress and have it arrive in time, many locations will already have been booked. Many people book wedding locations (especially in JUNE) a year or more in advance. You need to do the following...very quickly.

    1. Location

    2. budget

    3. guest list

    4. wedding dress

    5. bridesmaids dresses

    6. florist

    7. photographer

    8. dj

    9. caterer

    These are all the things that need significant lead time up to the event. These are also people that are going to be booked earliest as well, since you're also dealing with a high school/college graduation overlap being so early in June. I wish you the best of luck.
    It's wholly inappropriate and gross to even think about. If you don't want to or can't wear white, then wear blush, or not a traditional dress at all.
    I think you need to do what makes you happiest. Although your plans are not traditional, they are what you want.
    i don't know about a black dress.

    Married in White, you have chosen right.

    Married in Grey, you will go far away,

    Married in Black, you will wish yourself back,

    Married in Red, you will wish yourself dead,

    Married in Green, ashamed to be seen,

    Married in Blue, you will always be true,

    Married in Pearl, you will live in a whirl,

    Married in Yellow, ashamed of your fellow,

    Married in Brown, you will live in the town,

    Married in Pink, of you he'll think.

    usually black is represented as a depressing color. but if you don't really care then go for it! just have a lil tidbit in your wedding program explaining why you have a black dress- it might be interesting.

    what about a white/cream dress with black accents? a sash, flowers, lacing, etc

    i think the decor sounds fine.
    You might want to go with a white dress with black accents. I've seen this a couple of times %26amp; it's rather pretty. All black for a wedding dress tends to lend itself more towards Goth or Wiccan thinking.
    YOUR WEDDING IS YOUR TIME.....You want a goth theme then hun go 4 it who cares what others think this is your one and hopefully only wedding so plan what you want.

    Your memories of the day are what is most important. I think it sounds elegant and its 2007 hun what is so over done.

    Congrats and good luck
    My mother was married in black and her and my dad are still married... 40 years lady....

    I would talk the pastor to make sure it's ok but it sounds fine to me.
    not at all. They call weddings like that ';gothic style'; even though that may not be your theme. I went to a real gothic wedding last year and it was gorgeous. cheap too
    If you are having the wedding in a church, you may want to discuss this with your pastor. It isn't your mother's wedding, so I suggest you get busy and get your plans in order. This is yours and your future husband's special day. Make it right for both of you. If anyone objects, they don't need to come to the wedding.
    nontraditional(black dress) is unique and that is what makes this your wedding. i would go with what makes you happy. you are the one paying for it and you are the one who has that memory for the rest of your life!
    ~Well after all it is ';your day';...

    But if you are going to have it in a Church... I would go with the traditional ';white'; wedding dress....

    Because not to be mean or anything... But a black wedding dress screams ';GOTH';... and the last time I checked...

    Goth and Church dont mix well!
    The black dress is a no-go. It's your day but you want your guests to be positive. You could have the bridesmaid wear black dresses as well as the groomsmen. You dress could be any color really but white is a symbol of purity and happiness for the future. Maybe a white dress that has black accents on it. Black and white balloons and black table cloths will be ok as long as you add more color to it.. such as the rose petals you talk about. It'll look classy. When I hear your idea, I think 50th wedding anniversary but it'll work as a wedding also. Try adding silver accents to places throughout the wedding. It'll be nice. Good luck!
    I am planning a friend's wedding right now and I must say that is kind of tacky I think you should wear a white dress and do everything else please think about it
    all black, maybe. but it's your wedding. i'm getting married in december and my wedding dress is white with black details. i think as long as it doesnt look too gothic then no one should have a problem with it.

    hope all goes well
    My friend had a black and white winter wedding. She didn't wear an all black dress, but her white wedding dress had lots of black accents in it. It was very elegant.

    I love the idea of black table cloths with maybe red fabric runners and rose petals.

    My invitations were black, red, and white.
    like others have said... it's your wedding, your special day, not anyone elses... I am planning mine for aug 4th, and got engaged just 2 weeks ago, and have almost everything already done, so don't worry about running out of time... it will fall into place. As for the black... wear what you want, but if you dress like your bridesmaids, you won't stand out like you are suppose to. If you do black table clothes, maybe have shorter white or red ones that drap a bit over them. My cousin had a red, black %26amp; white wedding and it was very tasteful. CONGRATS %26amp; GOOD LUCK... It's stressful, but oh so fun!!! I'm thrilled for you!