Friday, April 30, 2010

Need advice about sleeping?

My baby is 12 weeks old and only sleeps in 40 minute blocks during the day where apparently he is supposed to sleep 2 hour blocks. Will this sort itself out or do I need to do something to encourage him to put himself to sleep. I dont like to let him cry because he only works himself up and makes it worse.Need advice about sleeping?
If you run to him every time he cries then thats half your problem right there.

I understand he is only 12 weeks but thats what 3 months old...i think he is old enough to realize ';everytime i cry my mom will come'; Its okay to let him cry.

Try keeping him up longer if he is not sleeping by playing with him or lay him down on the floor and just let him play. It will sort itself later than sooner. Are you holding him all the time?? It also could be that your not holding him( which is not so good all the time) while he is sleeping and he wakes up cause your not there. Just relax.Need advice about sleeping?
How is your baby's eating habits? Maybe he is not getting full. Make sure you are burping him..could just be his sleep pattern..He will grow out of it..
It wont sort itself out, infants dont know HOW to sleep, they learn by our teaching them.

Keep him awake longer during the day, fifteen minutes at a time until his naps get longer.

Help him calm down until he's almost asleep and then put him down. Let him cry a little, eventually he will put himself to sleep. You can go in and calm him by patting his back or shushing him, but only if he's sooo upset that you KNOW he wont calm down on his own.

I know its hard, but if you actually wait a few extra minutes before going in, when theyre in the hight of their crying, they actually just STOP and fall asleep. lol. It sounds horrid, but they dont hold it against you, and ites best for them.

TRy not to go in and pick him up to calm him if you can help it at all. ALways put him back in his crib almost asleep, this way if he wakes on his own he'll know how to fall asleep again.
Does he sleep at night? How well is he eating? Does he sleep right after eating or does he stay awake for awhile? Is he gaining weight and growing properly? Where are you putting him down to sleep? Are noises or sound waking him up? How active are you keeping him when he is awake?

There's a lot of factors that can influence a baby's sleep pattern. At 12 weeks, this is probably just a phase. If he is sleeping through the night maybe he does not need as much sleep during the day. If he's a light sleeper and you have him in the living room the noises might be disturbing him. Maybe he needs to eat more if he is waking up hungry all the time. Maybe he needs more stimulus when he is awake so that the brain has more to process while sleeping.

You'll have to just keep trying different things until you figure out what is waking the baby or he grows out of this phase.
babies has different ways to sleep... I have 3 kids and when I had problem with their sleep habit.... the Dr . told me to keep them at least 45minutes to an hour in bath tub be 4 bed .... the water it self makes a baby tired ..... and then the baby wants to sleep no matter if it is day or night ... and it really worked on my kids.... hope it works for u as well ...

it'll be fine - he just doesn't want to miss anything...leave him in his crib and let him cry, if you know he needs sleep - go outside and garden or something.
If he is sleeping through the night or mostly through the night I would not worry about it. At 12 weeks they are still trying to get on a routine. If it worries you, you could try and keep him awake longer. It is so hard when they are this young because they are still growing so fast their sleep patterns can change a lot.
every childs sleep pattern differs. my son is seven months, but since the age of 12 weeks he was sleeping in forty minute blocks, as your child does also. i spoke to my doctor and he told me this: ';every childs sleep pattern is different, when he is tired he will sleep, when he isn't you will know.'; my child doesnt sleep throughout the night still, but he has a name once around nine (he usually wakes at 5-6am) and once at one and once at five and they are all usually 30-40 minutes. this doesn't affect him in any way, although it does dramatically decrease my free time. i can 100% understand why you don't like to let your son cry. i don't either, but on occassion when i have to do things like laundry, clean his bottles, or anything house related i do let him cry and it DOES elongate his nap period. even though they are getting all worked up, the doctor reccommends it! he says its a great way to increase lung capacity and blood flow.
He is probably going through a phase trying to figure out how long he should be sleeping.... Hopefully he will get it together soon!!!
Did he used to sleep longer but only recently cut the time he is napping? Maybe he has an ear infection that is waking him up.

Also, what are his surroundings? Is the house to noisy, not dark enough...

If he always has been sleeping this little at a time, then that is his nature and there isn't much you can do about it.
What body weight is he? Was he premeature? Some of the sleeping ability comes with weight - the heavier they get, the longer they can go without food. 40 minutes is a bit extreme to be waking up, so you'll need to adjust this for him and for you.

One way to go is to keep him up when he really just wants to sleep. You keep him awake and alert until you are ready for him to go down. You can do it in 15 minute spans until you have him at the hour you really do want him to sleep, then let him sleep a good long time. Keep him up 15 minutes late the first night; thirty minutes past when he normally sleeps the second night and so on. I have heard of Mom's thumping the feet lightly to keep the child awake; music, activity, whatever you can think of will work.

This kind of sleep issue is very common. If you don't love the idea above call your pediatrician's nurse and get her advice. Lots of baby books about this one too. I never let mine cry it out either and would not consider that.
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