Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I need advice about my gf might being pregnant?

im 13 nd my gf is 14 nd we had sex but dnt know if she pregnant or not and shes sayin that if she is shes goin to keep the baby nd i dnt wanna be a dad at this age and yer i need advice on wat to do but i aint leaviin her no matter wat if she is pregnantI need advice about my gf might being pregnant?
Firstly, you thought you were old enough to have sex, you are old enough to take on the responsibility, with the right guidance and support you and your partner can make this work.

You need to find out if she is pregnant, and if she is you need to talk to her parents and your parents collectively. If she is not pregnant you need to stop having sex! Your too young and its illegal!I need advice about my gf might being pregnant?
chances are there. Pl visit your doctor
TMBCE- its not illegal. Anyway- you shouldnt have done it and i pray to god that she is not pregnant. You and her were both stupid. and i hope this isnt some hoax to get attention. it mainly her choice what to do because shes the one who has to go through all that pain.
Well you have just said that you are not going to leave her so i would say that if she is pregnant you have already committed in your mind that you will be a father to the child.

You are however way too young to be having sex and although I have heard that your age is the average age these days it is still not acceptable as you are not fully grown and not fully mature yet. If it turns out that she isn't pregnant please, please abstain until you are older and if you can't please ask her to get on the pill and you should use condoms from now on 100% of the time.
did you wrap up?

your way too young to be having sex!!

that's mental. if ever my son came home saying he was 13 and having sex i'd go mental, same with my daughter!!

if she is pregnant and does keep it then stick around and be the best dad you can be and even if you do break up make sure your always there for your child!!

that's the best advice i got for you, oh and WRAP UP from now on.

Loopy :-)
Your girlfriend made the right choice by keeping the child. She chose not to let people kill your baby. I know that it will be difficult to be a dad at this age, but it's too late to go back on this now. You can totally do it! It will take some adjustment, but your girlfriend and your child need you. Best of luck! :)

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