Friday, April 30, 2010

I need advice about something?

i babysit a two year old boy who screams and throws things when he doesnt get his way what should i do.I need advice about something?
Talking calmly and naughty step always worked for me.

Good luck!!I need advice about something?
I would talk to the parents. Also, try ignoring him and eventually he will get tired.
Stern warnings which, if not heeded, are followed by lesser corporeal punishment. A healthy fear of authority is good for kids.
i have a 2 year old that does that...and if he has a fave blanky or stuffed toy just give it to him...chances are he'll put it over his mouth and tantrum on it...instant muffler...just let him go at it...and if you dont mind it...just let him scream...he aint screamin blood
Ask his parents, it's their place to instruct you how to look after their son.
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